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Small Simple Addition for CQ

Grey Azorria
Federation Industries
#21 - 2012-03-10 15:51:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Grey Azorria
ITTigerClawIK wrote:
well considering there was a working demo of WIS a few fanfests ago with an establishment and multiple folks in it i dont see why we went down to a single room with no function a few YEARS later.

IIRC CCP has already admitted that demo was mostly witchcraft and not really usable.

I also love the idea of the FC command centre thing.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Sometimes when I post, I look at my sig and wish that I'd follow my own god damned advice.

Shalia Ripper
#22 - 2012-03-10 15:53:27 UTC
ITTigerClawIK wrote:
well considering there was a working demo of WIS a few fanfests ago with an establishment and multiple folks in it i dont see why we went down to a single room with no function a few YEARS later.

Because all of that was tossed for Carbon.

P.S. Stripper poles and the ability to put the exotic dancers i have been stockpiling to good use. That is all I ask.

Poker would be nice though.

Sig blah blah blah blah

Selene D'Celeste
The D'Celeste Trading Company
#23 - 2012-03-10 21:54:04 UTC
While CCP has expressed interest before, I doubt they're in much of a rush since there are several player-run gaming establishments with different types of games offered. For hold'em, EOH is the only major service, and we've been doing this for over four years. It's not integrated into CQ, but it does let people mix their spaceships and spacebux with their poker.

Visit and enjoy EVE's oldest ISK gaming service!

Galactic Rangers
#24 - 2012-03-11 01:24:43 UTC
Selene D'Celeste wrote:
While CCP has expressed interest before, I doubt they're in much of a rush since there are several player-run gaming establishments with different types of games offered. For hold'em, EOH is the only major service, and we've been doing this for over four years. It's not integrated into CQ, but it does let people mix their spaceships and spacebux with their poker.

was woundering how long untill one of you showed up :-P

no intention of taking your buisness or anything but it would be alot more convenient to have it as a little feature in CQ
Ardvaark Ratnik
Voice of the Blood Raiders
#25 - 2012-03-11 03:20:44 UTC
what I would like to see in CQ is a button that when pushed will launch the CQ and NEX store into the local sun,never to be seen again
Alexa Coates
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-03-11 03:49:46 UTC
Only problem is, our characters don't know what a texas or a hold'em is.

That's a Templar, an Amarr fighter used by carriers.

Hiram Alexander
State Reprisal
#27 - 2012-03-11 04:03:02 UTC
Shalia Ripper wrote:
P.S. Stripper poles and the ability to put the exotic dancers i have been stockpiling to good use. That is all I ask.

As much as I would like to see an engaging and purposeful avatar-based side to EVE, I'm going to vote heavily against your idea until the various Dev's responsible have demonstrated the above mentioned talent - in a lead-lined basement...

I think you might break the very Internet, and possibly most of the western world, if Team Awesome were allowed to strut their leather-thonged stuff in public, for the mo-cap dances required...
Chatha Gathii
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2012-03-11 06:53:14 UTC
Alexa Coates wrote:
Only problem is, our characters don't know what a texas or a hold'em is.

It's similar to Sobaseki Hold'em, but you deal five cards face up.
Daneirkus Auralex
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#29 - 2012-03-12 05:17:01 UTC
Nothing to see here... Everything in this thread, including the gross assumptions, has already been seen in one of the many WiS threadnoughts.

Also, I would definitely support more command and control tools. I doubt, however, that they'd get much use at the operational level, as that type of control would only be very useful during long campaigns spanning many hours at minimum, and that sort of engagement would likely involve many hundreds of pilots. Battles like this are few and far between, and in the end, you'd still need an FC on the line actually commanding the fleet.

That said, it would be cool to have some sort of persistent strategic planning tool which military directorates could use to visualize the battlespace and plan deployments.

Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2012-03-12 06:34:26 UTC
ITTigerClawIK wrote:
well considering there was a working demo of WIS a few fanfests ago with an establishment and multiple folks in it i dont see why we went down to a single room with no function a few YEARS later.

there is a recent WiS devblog with a lot of good dev replies in the comments, read it.
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