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Rebalancing Ship Skills (reference from recent DevBlog)

Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#1 - 2012-03-09 16:34:27 UTC
Ship skills are the basis of everything about EVE. Right now a new player works their way (as quickly as possible) into a Battlecruiser to grind ISK in one form or another. This proposal is an option to what CCP is proposing as far as rebalancing ship skills.

Use Spaceship Command (and Advanced Spaceship Command) as the prerequisite skills for the various hull sizes in Tech 1 and Tech 2 ships. Use Capital Ships as the prerequisite for the various hull sizes in Capital class vessels. Do not require the previous smaller hull as a prerequisite for the next size up. This proposal actually allows newer players to specialize or cross-train fairly easily, and allows them to utilize more powerful ships quicker. One of the best things about this change is that it could be announced in advance (far enough in advance) so that players could train any skill adjustments to the appropriate levels long before the launch of Inferno. Capitals are treated as a separate category, having prerequisites above and beyond the sub capital skills.


Tech 1 Ship Skills
Tech 1 ships (and Pirate/Navy ships) require the appropriate Tier 1 skill (frigate/destroyer/cruiser/battlecruiser/battleship) and a matching skill in Spaceship Command, but not the class below it. A new player in EVE always gets basic Spaceship Command and racial Frigate skills. Currently that player has to grind up through both to get to the next tier, and so forth. My suggestion is to streamline this path and allow a player to drop in at whatever size ship they want. If a player wants to leap straight into battlecruisers, why force them to train ship skills that are not relevant to the battlecruiser class at all? Spaceship Command 4 then any racial Battlecruiser is open to you to train.

To train for a frigate, you much have Spaceship Command 1
To train for a destroyer, you must have Spaceship Command 2 (not Frigate 4)
To train for a cruiser, you must have Spaceship Command 3 (not Destroyer 4 or Frigate 4)
To train for a battlecruiser, you must have Spaceship Command 4
To train for a battleship, you must have Spaceship Command 5

Tech 2 Ship Skills
For Tech 2 ships, change the skill tree to require Advanced Spaceship Command (the cost of this skill should come down to around 10 million +/-) with a corresponding change to the pre-requisite of Spaceship Command 4 (instead of 5). The Advanced Spaceship Command skill level would have to increase with the ship size, just like the Tech 1 version:

Tech 2 Frigates require Advanced Spaceship Command 1
Tech 2 Destroyers require Advanced Spaceship Command 2
Tech 2 Cruisers require Advanced Spaceship Command 3
Tech 2 Battlecruisers require Advanced Spaceship Command 4
Tech 2 Battleships require Advanced Spaceship Command 5

In addition you would only need the minimum skills to fly the Tech 1 version of the ship. Using a frigate as the example, Tech 2 Frigates require Advanced Spaceship Command 1and the racial Frigate skill to fly the Tech 1 variant of that frigate. Then for the ship bonuses, map the bonuses based on the source ship type. So (for example) the Enyo is based on the Incursus, which requires Gallente Frigate 3. So to sit in an Enyo, you would train the following skills:

Primary Skills
Advanced Spaceship Command 1
Assault Ships 1
Secondary Skills
Spaceship Command 4
Gallente Frigate 3

A skill tree that makes sense, and can be applied across the board at all levels, and makes it more interesting, since under-training (for newer players) would get them into shiny ships faster, but still leave lots of room to improve how those ships behave. In addition, the ships themselves have the bonuses built to support this model. Keeping with our example of the Enyo, the ship has the following bonuses:

Gallente Frigate Skill Bonus:
5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret Damage per level

Assault Ships Skill Bonus:
10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret Optimal Range per level
7.5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret Tracking Speed per level

These bonuses would unlock improvements in the ship as the pilot continued to train the related skills, but you wouldn't need Gallente Frigate 5 to get into the Enyo.

Capital Ships
Capital ships are more than just the next class of vessel. Capital Ships are already a whole other category. The Capital Ships Skill would work in the same way as the Spaceship Command or Advanced Spaceship Command skill, with Spaceship Command IV as a prerequisite for the Capital Ships skill, and then the appropriate level of Capital Ships for the class of capital you want to fly. Alongside the Capital Ships skill all capitals would require the appropriate Racial or Specialized ship skill. This is a bit more complex than the sub capital groups.

The baseline for just the Capital Ships skill would be:
To fly a Carrier requires Capital Ships I and Racial Carrier I
To fly a Rorqual requires Capital Ships I and Industrial Capital Ships I
To fly a Dreadnaught requires Capital Ships III Racial Dreadnaught I
To fly a SuperCarrier requires Capital Ships IIVRacial Carrier III
To fly a Titan requires Capital Ships V and Racial Carrier IV and Racial Dreadnaught IV

Capital Ships (like Tech 2 sub capitals) have secondary skill requirements:

Secondary Skills
Jump Drive Operation I
Tertiary Skills
Racial Battleship IV
Spaceship Command V
Warp Drive Operation V

In addition, the individual ship classes would have other pre-requisites. For example a Dreadnaught may require Heavy Assault Ships V, a Carrier might require Logistics V, and a Rorqual might require Ore Industrial V.

There is (currently) only one Tech 2 Capital Ship Class (the jump freighter). As with Tech 2 sub capitals, this ship adds the prerequisite of Advanced Spaceship Command V.

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#2 - 2012-03-09 16:34:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Swearte Widfarend

  • Industrial Vessels are already covered by the Spaceship Command III
  • Transports would require Advanced Spaceship Command III
  • Mining Barges are a unique class of vessel, as there is no racial variant. They would not change in their skill requirements
  • Orcas would line up in between Battleships and Capitals, so fit in the sub capital tree (barely)
  • Rorquals have a prerequisite of Capital Industrial Ships, parallel to Capital Ships in pre-requisites.

Weapons as well?

Perhaps it makes sense.

Gunnery I to train small turreted weapons
Gunnery II to train medium turreted weapons
Gunnery III to train large turreted weapons
Gunnery IV to train XL turreted weapons
Gunnery V for the bonuses and Tech 2 Turrets

Missile Launcher Operation I to train Rocket Launchers/Light Missile Launchers
Missile Launcher Operation II to train Heavy Missile, Assault Missile, Heavy Assault Missile Launchers
Missile Launcher Operation III to train Siege and Cruise Missile Launchers
Missile Launcher Operation IV to train Citadel Launchers
Missile Launcher Operation V for the bonuses and Tech 2 Launchers

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

Galen Gallente
The Oasis Group
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#3 - 2012-03-09 18:34:40 UTC
Well it looks like I don't need to make a blog post because I was thinking about nearly the same thing.

Now it also needs to be added to the Guns, Missiles, Drones and all other systems.

XS Tech
#4 - 2012-03-09 19:00:07 UTC
I'm not entirely sure this is a good idea. Most of the "look son, this is the progression" while being a pain does actually keep people "safe" from getting brutally murdered ... not that it always works though.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#5 - 2012-03-09 20:17:13 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
I'm not entirely sure this is a good idea. Most of the "look son, this is the progression" while being a pain does actually keep people "safe" from getting brutally murdered ... not that it always works though.

I disagree. The breaking point is the cost. A T2 frig hull is less than a Battlecruiser and more than a Cruiser. There are some decent fits for them that are Meta 3/4 instead of T2, and frankly it makes for a more interesting game for the player when you can do unexpected (to the new player) damage for such a small ship. It also allows experienced players to train a really focused alt quicker, which can be good or bad. You can (I'm afraid to admit) run L3 missions in a T2 frigate as well.

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

XS Tech
#6 - 2012-03-09 20:21:24 UTC
T2 is a whole different beast than T1.

Anyone flying a T1 BS with **** skills will DIAF extremely fast...

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#7 - 2012-03-09 20:42:59 UTC
Galen Gallente wrote:
Well it looks like I don't need to make a blog post because I was thinking about nearly the same thing.

Now it also needs to be added to the Guns, Missiles, Drones and all other systems.

First reaction was a simple no. I'm going to guess what you are suggesting though is to use Gunnery (or Missile Launcher Operation) as the baseline like Spaceship Command for ships. I'm not sure. I have to think on it...

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#8 - 2012-03-09 20:51:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Swearte Widfarend
Velicitia wrote:
T2 is a whole different beast than T1.

Anyone flying a T1 BS with **** skills will DIAF extremely fast...

Ok. T2 is not a whole different beast than T1. T2 ships are specialized versions of T1 ships. Hulls cost significantly more than T1 versions, but not significantly more than T1 ships two classes above. The model I'm proposing allows a player to focus on any individual class of ship within the sub capital range without training a bunch of skills they won't ever use.

Explain this to me. Other than for someone who is a bit obsessive/compulsive, why do I need to train a generic spaceship command skill and a ship class skill to fly a different ship class? How is Gallente Frigate IV at all related to flying a Thanatos?

As for your second part...huh? People in nullsec alliances (I'll pick on Goonswarm and TEST as noob-friendly) are often told to fit "best-meta" when they can't fit T2. It's not often in fights I see someone with a ship scanner saying "oh, shoot jsmith3245, he's got a T1/meta fit not a T2 tank". That's BS. It's luck of the draw, and would you rather have someone show up in a slightly less effective version of the fleet comp, or sit back at home ratting?

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

XS Tech
#9 - 2012-03-09 21:09:31 UTC
T2 and T1 are different in the scope of what you're doing with them. We can't use T2 costs or anything as a comparison for why a specific T1 class should (or shouldn't) do something... Hell, to even think about getting into a T2 ship you're pretty specialised in the T1 counterpart to begin with...

In general, the skill system forces you to SLOWLY progress in ship sizes... yeah, it's probably not the most elegant solution, but your solution effectively allows people to skip over classes and get right into a battleship (and seriously, there's already enough "i just got this ship, and someone killed me" QQ on the forums).

Flying a T1 BS with Meta guns DOES NOT mean they have **** skills.
Flying a T1 BS with the wrong sized guns (because of lack of PG or CPU or cap) and all kinds of fitting mods is "flying a BS with **** skills".

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#10 - 2012-03-09 21:18:32 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
T2 and T1 are different in the scope of what you're doing with them. We can't use T2 costs or anything as a comparison for why a specific T1 class should (or shouldn't) do something... Hell, to even think about getting into a T2 ship you're pretty specialised in the T1 counterpart to begin with...

In general, the skill system forces you to SLOWLY progress in ship sizes... yeah, it's probably not the most elegant solution, but your solution effectively allows people to skip over classes and get right into a battleship (and seriously, there's already enough "i just got this ship, and someone killed me" QQ on the forums).

Flying a T1 BS with Meta guns DOES NOT mean they have **** skills.
Flying a T1 BS with the wrong sized guns (because of lack of PG or CPU or cap) and all kinds of fitting mods is "flying a BS with **** skills".

So we are worried about people who are stupid complaining in the forums?

I'm looking at EVE from a playability perspective, whether a new player or a new alt of an experienced player (because these changes don't do anything to existing players for better or worse). I think it's stupid to require every single person in EVE to follow the Frigate 3 -> Cruiser 3 -> Battlecruiser 3 -> Battleship skill path. There's nothing in Cruiser IV that makes a Battleship fit Large Turrets better. It's not related at all. And don't get me started on Frigate IV as a prerequisite for flying a battleship. It has no bearing whatsoever.

To your point, gunnery/missile should have the same idea? The core skill (Gunnery/Missile Launcher Operation) at a particular level unlocks the equivalent weapon size. If my proposal were implemented on the ships (and now I have to write up weapons, thanks a lot) then any player could target any sized ship and weapons platform and focus just on that.

The skill system doesn't force you to slowly progress in ship sizes. People train up gank battlecruiser alts in a matter of days. My proposal would actually make the specialization in any particular ship size quicker and easier.

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2012-03-09 21:28:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Nariya Kentaya
Swearte Widfarend wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
T2 and T1 are different in the scope of what you're doing with them. We can't use T2 costs or anything as a comparison for why a specific T1 class should (or shouldn't) do something... Hell, to even think about getting into a T2 ship you're pretty specialised in the T1 counterpart to begin with...

In general, the skill system forces you to SLOWLY progress in ship sizes... yeah, it's probably not the most elegant solution, but your solution effectively allows people to skip over classes and get right into a battleship (and seriously, there's already enough "i just got this ship, and someone killed me" QQ on the forums).

Flying a T1 BS with Meta guns DOES NOT mean they have **** skills.
Flying a T1 BS with the wrong sized guns (because of lack of PG or CPU or cap) and all kinds of fitting mods is "flying a BS with **** skills".

So we are worried about people who are stupid complaining in the forums?

I'm looking at EVE from a playability perspective, whether a new player or a new alt of an experienced player (because these changes don't do anything to existing players for better or worse). I think it's stupid to require every single person in EVE to follow the Frigate 3 -> Cruiser 3 -> Battlecruiser 3 -> Battleship skill path. There's nothing in Cruiser IV that makes a Battleship fit Large Turrets better. It's not related at all. And don't get me started on Frigate IV as a prerequisite for flying a battleship. It has no bearing whatsoever.

To your point, gunnery/missile should have the same idea? The core skill (Gunnery/Missile Launcher Operation) at a particular level unlocks the equivalent weapon size. If my proposal were implemented on the ships (and now I have to write up weapons, thanks a lot) then any player could target any sized ship and weapons platform and focus just on that.

The skill system doesn't force you to slowly progress in ship sizes. People train up gank battlecruiser alts in a matter of days. My proposal would actually make the specialization in any particular ship size quicker and easier.

And heres the thing, THEY DO.

why do you think in the navy a brand new officer gets shoved in a patrol craft or other small vessel? he doesnt have the EXPERIENCE to pilot or cammand a vessel of more strategic value and ability. The small, cheap ships are there so new players can LEARN to fly before egtting into larger, ahrder to fly ships.
If you giev them the option to skip over these ships (because what newb wouldnt go "hurr durr i dont have to fly frigates, i can go straight for the battleshipz") and then they WILL DIAF REPEATEDLY, and quit the game because its "too hard" because they NEVER LEARNED HOW. fact is, the skill tree right now IS setup for playability, to allow a new player to gradually progress into ever-tougher to fly ships.

and if i missed anythingt in my arguement im sure someone will eb along shortly to continue the opposition here shortly.

and as to your arguement about BC gank alts, those are ALTS, thsoe players can AFORD to skip classes because they already know how to fly, so they dotn bother focusing on the lower-ships. and by your own arguement they can train up those alts in days, so WHY SHOULD WE MAKE IT QUICKER?
Danny Husk
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-03-09 21:35:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Danny Husk
It makes a lot more sense than wedging oddball variants of small and medium ship classes (dessies and BCs) into the overall hull class progression, I'll give it that. It's linear and comprehensible, and it relates to Tech 1 and Tech 2 ship lines in a way that seems to line up with how CCP wants to think about them.

Spaceship Command gates the size class of Tech 1 hulls you can train for.

Advanced Spaceship Command gates the size class of Tech 2 hulls you can train for.

Racial X Level 1 lets you sit in one race's ships in class X, assuming you meet the SC requirement. It also scales the hull bonuses as it is trained up.

Tech 2 Category X Level 1 lets you sit in one category of Tech 2 variants of all races' ships in category X, assuming you also meet the ASC requirement. It also scales the Tech 2 category bonus as it is trained up. But you still need Racial Y Level 1 as well in order to sit in Tech 2 category X ships of Race Y. Racial Y also adds a hull bonus as it is trained up.

Capital Ships I smells a bit like something that should depend on Spaceship Command V and Advanced Spaceship Command V, just because capitals are capitals, and they're supposed to be at the top of ALL food chains.

Jump Freighters are an anomaly, and unless there are some plans for Tech 1 / Tech 2 capitals down the line, it seems like those distinctions kind of merge when you get to the cap world, where there is just one of everything, and it's the biggest and baddest of all. It also "should" be the longest train you will ever face when you decide you want to sit in any capital ship, just because . . . well, because (except for Freighters, which are "capital" ships in name only and don't really count).

Overall, I like it, and I don't see an obvious way in which it won't work, or in which it would not solve the main problems CCP seems to be trying to solve right now.

One nice thing is that CCP can manage the overall "Time to X" pace that they want to allow primarily by scaling the training multiple for SC and ASC. That leaves them free to set much lighter multiples on the Racial skills, meaning it still takes time to move up, but cross-training can be relatively quicker. And they can scale how quick it is to move up or move sideways independently, depending on what they think is "right" for those timelines.

It also lets players decide whether they want to move up (blitz SC/ASC) or move out (blitz Racials), without requiring them to train a bunch of unrelated crap in order to do either of those things. They can also decide to move up to a certain point and then move out, rather than cross training an entire universe of things, most of which they will never ever use (it seems like Racial Cruiser, for example, no longer depends on Racial Frigate in this scheme, since it doesn't need to; SC/ASC take care of gating the hull class progression).
Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#13 - 2012-03-09 21:43:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Swearte Widfarend
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Swearte Widfarend wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
T2 and T1 are different in the scope of what you're doing with them. We can't use T2 costs or anything as a comparison for why a specific T1 class should (or shouldn't) do something... Hell, to even think about getting into a T2 ship you're pretty specialised in the T1 counterpart to begin with...

In general, the skill system forces you to SLOWLY progress in ship sizes... yeah, it's probably not the most elegant solution, but your solution effectively allows people to skip over classes and get right into a battleship (and seriously, there's already enough "i just got this ship, and someone killed me" QQ on the forums).

Flying a T1 BS with Meta guns DOES NOT mean they have **** skills.
Flying a T1 BS with the wrong sized guns (because of lack of PG or CPU or cap) and all kinds of fitting mods is "flying a BS with **** skills".

So we are worried about people who are stupid complaining in the forums?

I'm looking at EVE from a playability perspective, whether a new player or a new alt of an experienced player (because these changes don't do anything to existing players for better or worse). I think it's stupid to require every single person in EVE to follow the Frigate 3 -> Cruiser 3 -> Battlecruiser 3 -> Battleship skill path. There's nothing in Cruiser IV that makes a Battleship fit Large Turrets better. It's not related at all. And don't get me started on Frigate IV as a prerequisite for flying a battleship. It has no bearing whatsoever.

To your point, gunnery/missile should have the same idea? The core skill (Gunnery/Missile Launcher Operation) at a particular level unlocks the equivalent weapon size. If my proposal were implemented on the ships (and now I have to write up weapons, thanks a lot) then any player could target any sized ship and weapons platform and focus just on that.

The skill system doesn't force you to slowly progress in ship sizes. People train up gank battlecruiser alts in a matter of days. My proposal would actually make the specialization in any particular ship size quicker and easier.

And heres the thing, THEY DO.

why do you think in the navy a brand new officer gets shoved in a patrol craft or other small vessel? he doesnt have the EXPERIENCE to pilot or cammand a vessel of more strategic value and ability. The small, cheap ships are there so new players can LEARN to fly before egtting into larger, ahrder to fly ships.
If you giev them the option to skip over these ships (because what newb wouldnt go "hurr durr i dont have to fly frigates, i can go straight for the battleshipz") and then they WILL DIAF REPEATEDLY, and quit the game because its "too hard" because they NEVER LEARNED HOW. fact is, the skill tree right now IS setup for playability, to allow a new player to gradually progress into ever-tougher to fly ships.

and if i missed anythingt in my arguement im sure someone will eb along shortly to continue the opposition here shortly.

and as to your arguement about BC gank alts, those are ALTS, thsoe players can AFORD to skip classes because they already know how to fly, so they dotn bother focusing on the lower-ships. and by your own arguement they can train up those alts in days, so WHY SHOULD WE MAKE IT QUICKER?

I hate real life comparisons. But here's the thing. In the real world, it takes tens of millions of dollars and real people to man ships, and the larger the ship, the more real people and dollars you are putting on the line. But EVE isn't the real world. EVE is a game about flying around in a far corner of the universe as an immortal spaceship captain who plugs into their ship. And in the real world, private (read not owned by a national government) ships, a captain gets a license for a specific gross tonnage. There's no rule that you have to get the license for a small ship before a large one. In fact, captains of the huge cargo freighters probably can't sail a J-24 at all.

EVE is a game, and in the game EVE, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to choose. Did you know you can fly a battlecruiser in gated Level 1 missions? I heard that this week (I have to test it, but ~effort~). So why not be able to skip straight to training one?

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-03-09 21:47:52 UTC
Okay, now explain how the changes affect mining vessels. And haulers.

Unless you increase the level off all those skills (SC from a 1x to say 10x and ASC from 5x to 20x) you're going to have characters trained into Titans in 2-3 months. All 4 racial titans in less than a year. After that, what is there to look forward to?

A solid no to this.
Swearte Widfarend
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#15 - 2012-03-09 22:07:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Swearte Widfarend
Feligast wrote:
Okay, now explain how the changes affect mining vessels. And haulers.

Unless you increase the level off all those skills (SC from a 1x to say 10x and ASC from 5x to 20x) you're going to have characters trained into Titans in 2-3 months. All 4 racial titans in less than a year. After that, what is there to look forward to?

A solid no to this.

So a parking alt, that can't use guns, can't DD, can't bridge or jump more than 3 systems (yes, three jumps woohoo). Other than a quick way to get actual skilled characters out of Titans, what's wrong with this? FWIW, from ZERO a new alt can sit in a Titan in about 220 days (right now). So this change reduces that to about 95 days, assuming you have the tens of billions ISK to buy the skillbooks and Titan.

As a goon you of all people should realize that sitting in a ship isn't the ability to use it. And besides, with the current Capswam drive, why wouldn't you want a host of Titan Parking Alts available?

EDIT - Missed Mining Vessels (see the second post)

Democracy is only as good as the despot managing the voting booth.

Simi Kusoni
#16 - 2012-03-10 00:58:29 UTC
Hijacking a terrible thread.

Does anyone else hate how they're reducing the racial prerequisite for carriers? There's already an issue with carrier proliferation in this game, and not just in terms of combat. No one moves anything expensive by flying it anymore, everything is done by carrier. Hell, I even go around plexing and move my ships along with me in a carrier.

Its killing a very important source of non-consensual pvp, and they are going to lower the bar for flying a carrier by 30 days, just for the sake of consistency?!

Not to mention the fact that it will now allow my wyvern toon to cross train into an Aeon in a few weeks flat. That's just outright dumb.

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Grey Azorria
Federation Industries
#17 - 2012-03-10 01:17:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Grey Azorria
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Hijacking a terrible thread.

Does anyone else hate how they're reducing the racial prerequisite for carriers? There's already an issue with carrier proliferation in this game, and not just in terms of combat. No one moves anything expensive by flying it anymore, everything is done by carrier. Hell, I even go around plexing and move my ships along with me in a carrier.

Its killing a very important source of non-consensual pvp, and they are going to lower the bar for flying a carrier by 30 days, just for the sake of consistency?!

Not to mention the fact that it will now allow my wyvern toon to cross train into an Aeon in a few weeks flat. That's just outright dumb.

Yawn, CCP Ytterbium has already said that they'll probably increase the training time for one of the other skills needed, resulting in an identical training time (unless the noob fancies a carrier they can't move or something similarly LOL).

And wouldn't a bunch of noobs in fail carriers be a better source of non consenual PvP?

Also @OP, maybe add the scaling spaceship command thing on top of the proposed required skills, but not instead of. Else you break the whole progression thing that is actually pretty damm important.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Sometimes when I post, I look at my sig and wish that I'd follow my own god damned advice.

Simi Kusoni
#18 - 2012-03-10 01:27:11 UTC
Grey Azorria wrote:
Simi Kusoni wrote:
Hijacking a terrible thread.

Does anyone else hate how they're reducing the racial prerequisite for carriers? There's already an issue with carrier proliferation in this game, and not just in terms of combat. No one moves anything expensive by flying it anymore, everything is done by carrier. Hell, I even go around plexing and move my ships along with me in a carrier.

Its killing a very important source of non-consensual pvp, and they are going to lower the bar for flying a carrier by 30 days, just for the sake of consistency?!

Not to mention the fact that it will now allow my wyvern toon to cross train into an Aeon in a few weeks flat. That's just outright dumb.

Yawn, CCP Ytterbium has already said that they'll probably increase the training time for one of the other skills needed, resulting in an identical training time (unless the noob fancies a carrier they can't move or something similarly LOL).

And wouldn't a bunch of noobs in fail carriers be a better source of non consenual PvP?

Not really, I find the majority of people with carriers never even risk them :P they're literally just oversized ratting/transport ships. Only time I ever see them engage is on station in low sec, or occassionally en masse like in c-j a few days back. PL Prometheus carrier fleet, was pretty awesome :D

Also, thanks for the heads up on them keeping the training time the same xD that has made me feel a little better about it. I think its time for me to train all the prerequisites on my alts before they extend the training times though xD

[center]"I don't troll, I just give overly blunt responses that annoy people who are wrong but don't want to admit it. It's not my fault that people have sensitive feelings"  -MXZF[/center]

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#19 - 2012-03-10 11:07:15 UTC
Danny Husk wrote:
It makes a lot more sense than wedging oddball variants of small and medium ship classes (dessies and BCs) into the overall hull class progression, I'll give it that. It's linear and comprehensible, and it relates to Tech 1 and Tech 2 ship lines in a way that seems to line up with how CCP wants to think about them.

Spaceship Command gates the size class of Tech 1 hulls you can train for.

Advanced Spaceship Command gates the size class of Tech 2 hulls you can train for.

Racial X Level 1 lets you sit in one race's ships in class X, assuming you meet the SC requirement. It also scales the hull bonuses as it is trained up.

Tech 2 Category X Level 1 lets you sit in one category of Tech 2 variants of all races' ships in category X, assuming you also meet the ASC requirement. It also scales the Tech 2 category bonus as it is trained up. But you still need Racial Y Level 1 as well in order to sit in Tech 2 category X ships of Race Y. Racial Y also adds a hull bonus as it is trained up.

Capital Ships I smells a bit like something that should depend on Spaceship Command V and Advanced Spaceship Command V, just because capitals are capitals, and they're supposed to be at the top of ALL food chains.

Jump Freighters are an anomaly, and unless there are some plans for Tech 1 / Tech 2 capitals down the line, it seems like those distinctions kind of merge when you get to the cap world, where there is just one of everything, and it's the biggest and baddest of all. It also "should" be the longest train you will ever face when you decide you want to sit in any capital ship, just because . . . well, because (except Freighters, which are just freaks).

Overall, I like it, and I don't see an obvious way in which it won't work, or in which it would not solve the main problems CCP seems to be trying to solve right now.

One nice thing is that CCP can manage the overall "Time to X" pace that they want to allow primarily by scaling the training multiple for SC and ASC. That leaves them free to set much lighter multiples on the Racial skills, meaning it still takes time to move up, but cross-training can be relatively quicker. And they can scale how quick it is to move up or move sideways independently, depending on what they think is "right" for those timelines.

It also lets players decide whether they want to move up (blitz SC/ASC) or move out (blitz Racials), without requiring them to train a bunch of unrelated crap in order to do either of those things. They can also decide to move up to a certain point and then move out, rather than cross training an entire universe of things, most of which they will never ever use (it seems like Racial Cruiser, for example, no longer depends on Racial Frigate in this scheme, since it doesn't need to; SC/ASC take care of gating the hull class progression).

Wait wait wait. You think it should take longer to fly a JF than any other ship?

Why, exactly, should it take longer to train for a cargo hauler than for a titan?
Grey Azorria
Federation Industries
#20 - 2012-03-10 11:19:07 UTC
Simi Kusoni wrote:

Not really, I find the majority of people with carriers never even risk them :P they're literally just oversized ratting/transport ships.

Ratting carriers make for good KMs Blink

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Sometimes when I post, I look at my sig and wish that I'd follow my own god damned advice.

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