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Whats Your Computer for EVE?

First post
leviticus ander
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#121 - 2012-03-09 03:17:42 UTC
Fidelium Mortis wrote:
All these CPUs running at stock speeds makes me a sad capsuleer, particularly the ones running under 3.4 GHz. In EVE (and many other games) getting the CPU speeds over 3.2-3.4 GHz actually yields pretty nice gains in minimum FPS and smooths out gameplay considerably. Of course this won't be the case for every system, but often the CPU is a fairly big bottleneck.

same here. especially the first page. one mildly OCed CPU.
as for mine,
CPU 2500K @ 4.9 (I can keep it safe at 5.3, but it gets quite toasty since I run a cloud processing program 24/7)
corsair H70
8GB @ 1600
560TI @ 1090MHz
intel 120GB SSD (this is a big part, you want to be loading eve off of the SSD)
dual 1080P monitors (size doesn't matter as the computer pretty much doesn't care about that, just the resolution)
I have yet to see eve trip this setup. and the only thing I've seen make it even twitch is running maxed dual boxed eve while running cloud processing on both my CPU and GPU. that was a little finicky when I was undocking and looking at the other client.
with my overclock, I would not suggest trying to push it that far, I've got a fair amount of experience with it. but hitting 4.5 is pretty much nothing with the 2500K and 2600K. and if you are going to try that, make sure you get something like the H70 cooler, or if the case you want is capable of it, the H100 as that has pretty much double the cooling surface of the H70.
for RAM, I wouldn't suggest going over 8GB as that's basically just extending your epeen unless you have a reason (I run virtual machines so going to 16 GB would be nice, but 8GB works)
the 2500K would probably do just fine for the CPU, it's fairly cheap. easily overclockable. and does an excellent job. I can actually run eve off the built in graphics on the 2500.
video card, the 560TI or 6870/6950 would do quite well and keep costs down. also, by going for any of these you will be able to keep up for a while yet rather than buying budget and having to replace it in half the time.
a major point that a few people have missed is the PSU, you want a nice solid PSU (check the reviews of it) that runs at about 750 watts just to cever everything and cope easily with any spikes it gets hit with.
case is another point that a few people have missed, make sure it has good ventilation, and if possible, check for filtering. it's better to have to clean your air filters than having yo clean your heat sinks.
again with the SSD, optimally having 2 SSDs and putting your OS on one and your games on another would be nice. but if budget is an issue, put your OS and eve on the SSD and try to put everything else onto spinning rust. also, you will probably want 80GB minimum, 120 is nice. even with my 120 I find it filling up quite a bit.
Naela Ambramotte
#122 - 2012-03-09 03:47:41 UTC
Amiga 500 with only 849 discs. Gets a bit choppy on max settings thoUgh
Eden Dominion Coalition
Scary Wormhole People
#123 - 2012-03-09 05:19:01 UTC  |  Edited by: LuckyQuarter
Pentium D 950
Nvidia 560ti 448 core (evga classified)
8 x 2gb sata drives in raid 10
Running Gentoo Linux
Dell 30inch monitor (2560x1600)

Eve is played in a 1600x1200 window under vmware workstation 8 that emulates win7 pro w/ 4gb ram. VM is limited to single core.

Perfectly fast enough for freighter piloting :)
#124 - 2012-03-09 05:37:01 UTC
Naela Ambramotte wrote:
Amiga 500 with only 849 discs. Gets a bit choppy on max settings thoUgh

Ah, I remember disk swapping playing Eye of the Beholder 3 and other games. Nobody could swap a disk faster than I or throw them at a wall when I raged against a game. Damn lemmings.....

Bo Bojangles
Interstellar Renegades
#125 - 2012-03-09 06:07:27 UTC
Ahh this thread came just in time for my upgrade! I just retired my 5yr old Opteron 170 - NForce4 chipset for this:

    Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3
    16GB GSkill Ripjaws ($10 more than the 8GB set, what the hey)
    EVGA GTX465 (cannabalized)
    Soundblaster X-Fi (cannabalized)
    Crucial 64GB SSD (shoulda went ahead and got a bigger one)
    Hitachchi 750GB storage
    Antec TP-750 Blue PSU

Diggin the SSD world,.. Win7 is ready at the desktop a couple seconds before the NIC finishes getting it's IP. Jumping gates is seamless now. All kinds of goodness associated with them. I hear about people wanting to RAID them and I can't imagine why unless they're video rendering monkeys or something I guess =)