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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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70m SP PVP pilot and toons looking for a home

Court Gentry
#1 - 2012-03-06 18:05:48 UTC
Well first off this is an alt. I'm still unsure if I'll be leaving my current corp, as they were once quite a lot of fun but the player base that PvPs has begun to dwindle away to the point where we don't roam anymore. All in all, this is just meant to get a feel of what else is out there. I'd prefer not to have to change corps again, so I'll be giving my current corp another couple of weeks, but in the meantime would like to avoid awkward chats of why I posted this- hence the alt.

But in any case here are some highlights of where my SP has been spent:

* I'm a capital pilot (caldari dread 5 and caldari carrier 4) and willing to work on triage- though I'm not sure how many people actually use shield triage outside a WH

* I've 3 races of bombers, recon 5 and Gallente/Caldari cruiser 5

* I can fly HICs and DICs, 3 races of interceptors,3 races of assault frigates, armor and shield logi, and HACs both armor and shield as well.

* In PvP I mostly fly the Arazu, 100mn Tengu, Drake (ew), Naga, bombers or various interceptors depending on what is needed. Not huge on flying BSs, but I can fly a decent Gallente BS when needed

I really enjoy small gang warfare. Anyone can sit in a blob and be successful, whereas small gang warfare requires skill of the individual pilots instead of just the FC.

The 70m SP character depicted above was bought, my main is at around 15m SP(have been playing for a year) and I use him for incursions only until he is skilled higher. Haven't been pvping for long, but I'd like to think I'm fairly good at it. In the last 2 months (as long as I've owned my pvp character) I've 209 kills and 20 losses; nearly all small to medium sized gangs.

I've also a booster toon with near perfect leadership skills (only info spec 3 and FC 3, rest are 5). He flies a Loki with max subs right now, but is working on the Legion and the Tengu following that.

I'm looking for a corporation that is good at PvP and has FCs that can continue to teach me the arts. I really enjoy flying ewar and cov-ops ships as its just a bit different from flying dps boats 23/7, so a corp that uses them would be a bonus. Currently I pay for all my accounts with ISK and wish to continue doing so. Right now incursions more than cover my PLEX and pvp habits, but if they nerf them (as I think they probably will) it be nice to be in a corp that has another revenue stream.

If I join I'd be joining with my 70m SP PvP char, the booster toon and a cyno toon. I'd keep my 15m legion pilot outside the corp to avoid wars.

Feel free to reply directly to this thread, or to mail this toon. Thanks for reading.
Tempest Flux
Intaki Armaments
#2 - 2012-03-06 18:17:58 UTC
Hi Court, I am glad you have loyalty to your current corp. It's always hard to move on but when you can't get what you need from your current corp, it's time to look around. Many times, once you join a new corp, your previos corp mates end up following you anyway and you get the best of both worlds!

Look me up in game or join our recruitment chat room AMRD PUB. We are a PVP corp based in Delve. We have a mature play style, are very laid back and aim for low drama and no smack talk. If that appeals to you, please look me up!

Here is our recruitment post.

Vette Kor'Vath
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-03-06 19:18:43 UTC
Taishi Combine [TAI.C] is currently recruiting experienced pilots interested in 0.0 PVP . We work in small to medium roams, as well as large fleets with allies.

Here is a few things about us!

-We are based out of 0.0 (delve)
-Currently part of the Pirate Nation alliance
-Heavily into PVP
-Friendly group, very laid back and always willing to help.
-Experienced players
-Active in all time zones
-Use TS3
-Have logistical train into staging system
-Corp ships for use during OPs

And, here is what we ask of pilots interested in joining.

-5mil SP limit
-Be active member in the corp and alliance.
-Get on comms as often as possible.
-Be able to at least fly a battlecruiser.

If interested and would like further details, please send Vette Kor'vath, Fawlty7, or Dracvlad an EVEmail and we will get to you as soon as possible! Also, try the TAI.C Party! channel. You can talk to a few of the members, and get a feel for the guys there.

Here's our spiffy little Killboard!
Safety Set To Red
Train Wreck.
#4 - 2012-03-06 19:45:32 UTC
What a well written post, quite a refreshing change.

I believe in actually reading posts and responding accordingly unlike the copy/paste article above.

We're a low-sec based corp specialising in small gang warfare and have a range of capitals as back-up if needed. We pro-actively seek targets and use a whole range of ships to eliminate them.

We also have access to lvl 5 agents which supplies our shineys and accounts.

If this is of some interest to you, join Nocturnal Romance channel for a chat
Rico Minali
Sons Of 0din
Commonwealth Vanguard
#5 - 2012-03-06 20:05:39 UTC
I like to link my original thread, unlike the post above (see what I did there?) becasue quite simply there is too much info for me to type out.

PVP corp, active good amount of cvert stuff for you as well as every other type of pvp you can imagine. SRF, easy isk in upgraded systems, blah blah blah. WHat attracted me to your post is loyalty, we value that above most things. All you need to be successful in 0din is loyalty and the desire to fight in many many battles.

Take a look at this: Sons Of 0din

Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.

Malaiit PerVida
Cosmos Collective
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2012-03-06 22:50:54 UTC
Check us out and convo me ingame so we can chat if interested or evemail me if I am not online and I will look for you.

[u]Malaiit PerVida[/u] Director of Corp Ops Pax Emunio / Intrepid Crossing "Peace Through Fear"

Lex Fasces
New Eden Renegades
#7 - 2012-03-07 00:04:46 UTC
check us out here!

we are a small gang pvp corp that base in lowsec and pew pew in 0.0

make sure to read the whole thread as i constantly update it with battle reports of our roams.
Nikole Hel
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-03-07 04:23:24 UTC
Check out the black devils
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-03-07 04:49:27 UTC
Hey man,

What TZ are you from? Invictus Australis is a premium PVP AusTZ corp in NCDOT Alliance.

Check us out here to find out more about us.

Also here is a link to our impressive killboard stats.

Wanna know more? Join our ingame Recruitment Channel "FKRUN".
Miarss Onaplate
AR55 Holdings
#10 - 2012-03-07 08:58:38 UTC
Hey Bud

We can probably offer all you seek, small/medium sized roams, with the odd large fleet battle too. There is at least something being blown up round the clock alliance wide, so all TZ should be covered. Corpwise, we prefer Recon/Hac roams where EWAR is always needed (my first choice profession)

Our recruitment thread, all the useful info is in there.

Pop into 'SNAKE LAIR' in game for a chat, and see if we fit your needs.


A dog in a kennel barks at his fleas; a dog hunting does not notice them.

Court Gentry
#11 - 2012-03-07 18:24:27 UTC

Thanks for all the great replies, its nice to see the interest.

Just wanted to take a moment to answer some of the general questions that I've been mailed, and wanted to specify a bit more on what I'm looking for.

*First off I live in the US TZ (EST) and mostly play from 18:00 to 0500 eve time. So I usually catch the end of the EU TZ rush, and the start of the US TZ.

*I play roughly 25hrs a week, though this largely depends on school.

*Not interested in start up corps. Just don't want to have to deal with the growing pains.

* I'm 21 so no you wont hear my voice crack over comms, and yes i've a working mic with vent, teamspeak and mumble installed

* I prefer null, but I'll consider low sec or WH space

* I also don't care very much if you've an awesome industrial wing- I want to shoot stuff anytime that I'm online

Keep the offers coming, hate to leave corps but I get restless with inactivity.
Anti christ
#12 - 2012-03-08 07:42:55 UTC

What we offer:

TwistedHigh sec war decks
P small gang roams
AttentionEve voice
Pirate pirating
Arrow basic PvP training

What we are looking for:

Arrow Mainly US tz ,but will not discriminate other timezones
Arrow veterans and noob pilots
Arrow must be subscribed to EVE no trial accounts

Looking for new and veteran pilots that are willing to be part of war decks that will be taking place in empire. If you are new and want to try out the dark side of EVE then put in your app. Join our recruit channel or convo me in game for more details

Belatrix Ventox
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-03-08 08:13:52 UTC
If you are making the decision to change corps then considering Ardent Spirits might be a great idea.

We tick all the boxes for the pvp centric pilot, and cover all the bases for the social side too, a quick checklist of what you can expect:

ArrowNull sec activity, roams and ops.
ArrowHelp and assistance with procedures and fleet doctrine
ArrowAlliance ship replacement for certain types
ArrowCorp ship replacement assistance for certain types
ArrowTeamspeak with our own area
ArrowLogistics to and from staging areas
ArrowCap fleets - yes we use them!
ArrowIn house Indy team supporting you
ArrowMature gamers - absolutely no drama queens allowed
ArrowWide TZ exposure
ArrowFly with one of the Elite Alliances in EVE

Rather than bore you with any more text take a look at our advert - we probably are what you are looking for.

Ardent Sprits - PVP with The Initiative.

Just hit our public channel in game and we can chat. RDNT. (with the dot!)
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2012-03-08 08:15:45 UTC hey mate we would love to speak with u come to are public channel FODE Pub mate we can chat
Miarss Onaplate
AR55 Holdings
#15 - 2012-03-08 08:35:38 UTC
We have a new recruitment thread for your perusal.

Late EU/early US is where a lot of our action is.

And a free bump

A dog in a kennel barks at his fleas; a dog hunting does not notice them.

Lady Vella
#16 - 2012-03-08 09:29:35 UTC
Hi dude

Lovely lot of spam you have here, just show's un-organized minds

If you have a look here OFAPT And have a read

Join OFAPT Public if your interested.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2012-03-08 11:22:42 UTC
hi ya mate, you exactly what we are looking for, specialist php corp starting out with a top FC who wants to teach! I have copied the advert below please contact us if your interested :)

Guardians of Eden are looking for members to join up to the campaign! We are a small PvP Corp based out of low sec that do regular roams around all areas looking to create space dust! We tend to use more specialised ships - logi pilots needed. 10m SP required before applying but exceptions can be made in the right circumstances mail Varc Grayback or Wilko We have a strict comms disipline where a mic and ts3 are required.

What we expect of you

- To be active afew days of the week
- 10M SP - exceptions for logi pilots, hics and other support ships
- A working mic / teamspeak 3
- Black ops roams
- A positive attitude :)

What we can offer you

- A well structured and organised corp
- Teamspeak 3 server
- FC training
- Fleet support training
- kills and fun!
- Incursion Fleets - iskies is always fun
- We offer prizes for the top scorer each month
- Structured events weekly

If you are interested then send a mail to Varc Grayback or Wilko with the regular times which you will be on so that we can convo you for an interview. Or to put a direct application in on our forums at
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2012-03-08 11:44:41 UTC
We are looking for a few select recruits who want to be part of a very special team in the world of EVE.

We are a fast growing PvP corporation, specialising in small gang and guerrilla warfare, we have a strong emphasis on teamwork.

Our goal is create the best well rounded team that EVE has ever seen without becoming fanatical, as real life always comes first for our members

What are some of the things we offer?

- We specialise in small gang warfare, and often take out roams into enemy territory.

- We are experts in demoralization and psychological tactics, which are employed with great effect,.

- We pride ourselves on our work with blackops and stealth bombers.

- We offer PvP training and FC training to all our members with so far excellent results

- While we do run a lot of fleets, we do allow downtime for isk making and ratting.

- We offer carrier and Jump Freighter support for importation and exportation of ships and items.

So what does it take to join?

We do have a minimum skill point requirement of 5msp this is not negotiable for main accounts, the reason being we operate in nullsec, so as much as we like new players they do not have the skillset or the mindset to survive where we live.

Everybody who applies is subject to an interview that is usually conducted by a corporate officer, this is usually done on TS3 to make it less formal and so we can get to know you, and you can see what we are about.

We have fun, and don’t take the game too seriously and we emphasise that real life always comes first, we operate as one big team and generally just mess around making big explosions having a laugh. So if you want to know more about how to become part of our team PM / EVE mail DARKIFRIT or Zdrack
Court Gentry
#19 - 2012-03-08 19:32:24 UTC
Will probably continue looking for another few days before contacting a few corps
joshua boston
Mercury Arms Inc.
#20 - 2012-03-09 07:50:21 UTC
Hello, I would like to tell you about Eve Defence Force, we are a primary pvp corp looking to expand and improve our-self, with a RL first ideal and fun outlook into life.

We are looking for the best of the best (please read good attitude) those that are not afraid to go out there and kill ships, with fleets going on around the clock by our with corp or allies, we are always fighting.

If you are new to pewpew but show the right attitude we might have a place for you.

We also have also great places to chill and relax, alliance comms, and new websites coming.

Our killboards can be seeing in here

Our recruitment post is at

And really from what i read about you guys, you will be a great addition to our team, fighting with us along side and having fun.

If you are interested you can mail me back and stop by our bar, the channel "TheEdfBar" always there's someone in there waiting to help you.

thank you for your time :)

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