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First post
Caldari State
#21 - 2012-02-27 17:36:46 UTC
i admit i know little about the COSMOS missions. is there a limit to how often they can be done?

i make spreadsheets for pretty cheap. contact me for more info.

Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#22 - 2012-02-27 21:23:42 UTC
Wingmate wrote:
i admit i know little about the COSMOS missions. is there a limit to how often they can be done?

Only once per character. If you are considering doing them yourself - a lot of the items are boring as frack to find/wait for spawn, so you end up buying them from contracts anyway.

If you want to further improve your Caldari Standing, I recommend doing Caldari and Sisters of Eve epic arcs (doable once every 3 months), data centers (dogtags for standing, doable once) and/or circle agents (doable once)

If you want to grab more COSMOS rewards (a wise move, if you ask me), I suggest doing them with your alts or invite corpmates. The more the merrier, and we have bulk sales discounts, negotiated individually. It's a great way to introduce someone to EVE, as they can quickly boost their standings towards Caldari and particular NPC corps (my friend with a 2 weeks old character unlocked himself a lvl4 agent) and have opportunity to earn ISK fast (said friend just sold a reward implant for over 100m - a lot of money for a newbie - and we are on the way for the 700m implant. I punch those numbers in my calculator and it makes a happy face). Corp standing boost can be shared, which is nice.

Get your kit now, while the standard price lasts - 500m per kit.
Fango Mango
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-02-28 00:28:58 UTC
Can you please evemail a quote for 5 kits?


Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-02-28 10:56:55 UTC
Fango Mango wrote:
Can you please evemail a quote for 5 kits?


Evemail sent with the quote for 5 kits.

More kits available for sale, for a single capsuleer or the whole family. Convo for prices.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2012-02-28 16:28:20 UTC
Just a quick update on the standings gains (and another +1 vote of confidence for Takashi Ishikawa and company!)

I have now done the Caldari COSMOS missions on two characters, Qanthelas and Qaldramas, both times using a kit purchased through Takashi Ishikawa's associates. It works great! You need to get your Caldari State standing up to around 1.5 before you start to be sure you'll have access to the higher level agents when you need them but this can be done fairly easily with the level 1 data center agents and some circle agents.

I've written up a blog post that includes the faction gains I got both times, comparing them - I didn't get exactly the same gains both times, apparently this is part of the game mechanic that CCP is fairly hush-hush about for reasons I don't fully understand.

Click here for the blog post.

Thanks again to Takashi and company for helping me check another thing off my EVE 'To Do' list :)
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-02-29 15:12:56 UTC
Qaldramas - great to hear we were able to help you with that :) Thanks again for a detailed report from your missions.

UPDATE ON STANDING BOOSTS: There are two agents not listed in the guide. The reside in Ihakana (beacons on the overview), each of them gives around 8% faction standing boost. The missions (kill) are doable solo no problem, but take place in lowsec system (we provide intel/scout/help).

REMINDER FOR CUSTOMERS: Once we set up a contract for you, please accept it within 48h (the sooner the better). There are others waiting for their kits, too!

Caldari COSMOS Kit - we make the arc a walk in the park.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-03-01 10:11:41 UTC
Caldari COSMOS kits still available. The price is 500m, the kit contains every single that can be collected before accepting a mission from a Caldari COSMOS agent. So, apart from couriers and some kill missions, the process is a cycle of "accept mission-complete missions-get reward", as you have most of the requested items already in your cargohold.

Rewards easily reach 1b from the arc, not to mention huge faction standing boost towards Caldari. We provide help with missions where necessary.
Dead Loss
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2012-03-01 10:52:13 UTC
Can you explain to me how this works exactly ?

A little presentation of what I do with this kit.
Enik Gonz
#29 - 2012-03-01 11:59:43 UTC
I would like a kit.

Would you consider expanding with Amarr Cosmos Kit's aswell?
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-03-01 13:07:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Takashi Ishikawa
Dead Loss wrote:
Can you explain to me how this works exactly ?

A little presentation of what I do with this kit.

Of course.

You use this guide along with this reference chart to check, what each agent needs from you. You load it to your cargo from the kit, accept the mission - instacomplete - get rewards (plus faction standing increase for each agent) - repeat for each mission/agent. Some kills and couriers to be done as the items are unique (not included in the kit), covops indy recommended. All missions are doable solo, the guide has all the details with recommended ships.

In the end you have around 1b in implants, BPCs and storyline modules. Oh, and Caldari State just loooves you.

We can help with any mission, provide scout, intel - whatever is needed.

As for the Amarr COSMOS - no plans for that yet, will keep you informed.

PS. You may see what a kit looks like by searching for any item needed in the arc, like Gunslinger Spur, and check the 500m contract by Lucky Aubrey - that's us. We try to always have one public contract, but we prefer private (almost no tax). All our kits are the same as the one on the public contracts.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-03-02 13:56:12 UTC
Caldari COSMOS kits still for sale. The price is 500m, the rewards are around 1b + huge standing boost towards Caldari. We give you the items, we recommend a guide, we offer help with the missions. It's not just a way to improve your standings - it's a good business.

REMINDER: we ask our customers to accept contracts from us as soon as they are up, we want to avoid long delivery times and ensure smooth transactions. Thank you!

REMINDER #2: there are two extra agents not mentioned in the guide. They reside in Ihakana, beacons on overwiev. Each gives 8% faction standong boost for easy kill missions in Ihakana (lowsec system with 2 stations).

REMINDER #3: Please be careful when warping to plexes to search for COSMOS items, they may be surprisingly tough (cheers to the polite Tengu pilot who was not ashamed to say "please" to get his 2 x CN BCS back). Ask on local for advice or contact us. Or buy the kit and have one less thing to worry about.

Carebears and carebear-eaters alike - put your ISK to good use, buy our kits!
Levija Saplina
Ken Interplanetary Communication
#32 - 2012-03-02 16:59:19 UTC
One kit to Doctor Marlboro please.
Pixel Universe Brokerage Services
#33 - 2012-03-02 17:40:18 UTC
I haven't used these guys, but last time I ran Cosmos missions I spent around 700m on the Caldari stuff alone. 500m is a bargain for the items, intel, scouting, etc.

Those asking about standings increase from these:

Running Caldari Cosmos, Amarr Cosmos, and purchasing the tags I was at a standing of 7.55 Ammatar, 6.74 Amarr, and 6.40 Caldari State (without connections skill). There were several missions that I did not do from each cosmos, mainly due to lowsec. Starting from 0.0 standings and doing everything it is very possible get 7.0+ standings to all 3, though with that method you will need to go back and forth between Caldari and Amarr.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#34 - 2012-03-03 21:32:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari COSMOS kits still available at 500m per kit. Boost your standing towards Caldari significantly (we can do the math for your char if you are interested in knowing exactly how big the boost will be) and grab more than 1b in rewards!

We recommend a guide, provide help with the missions, as well as intel and scouting for lowsec parts of the arc. All for just 500m. Convo for prices and discounts on bulk sales.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2012-03-06 02:42:49 UTC
On topic:

So far I have used this kit and am really pleased. I really cant stress what a fantastic deal this is.

Off topic:

However I need a way to get up my CAldari standings up fairly easily as I missed the fact that I needed to get them up a bit. Im doing this with a trade alt and having my main running the combat portions. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#36 - 2012-03-06 21:24:37 UTC
Esbelta wrote:
On topic:

So far I have used this kit and am really pleased. I really cant stress what a fantastic deal this is.

Off topic:

However I need a way to get up my CAldari standings up fairly easily as I missed the fact that I needed to get them up a bit. Im doing this with a trade alt and having my main running the combat portions. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

If I understand correctly, you are looking for a way to further improve your standing towards Caldari State. Apart from storyline missions, these are the options for you:

1. Sisters of Eve epic arc (doable once per 3 months)
2. Caldari State epic arc (doable every 3 months)
3. Caldari circle agents (doable once)
4. Caldari Data Centers (return dogtags for standing boost)

As I've written before, there are two Caldari COSMOS agents in Ihakana that are not mentioned in many guides. Each gives 8% faction standing boost.

Increasing your faction standing with a friendly empire (Amarr in this case) also improves your Caldari standing (and vice versa), although I don't know the details on that.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2012-03-06 23:58:10 UTC
Takashi Ishikawa wrote:
Esbelta wrote:
On topic:

So far I have used this kit and am really pleased. I really cant stress what a fantastic deal this is.

Off topic:

However I need a way to get up my CAldari standings up fairly easily as I missed the fact that I needed to get them up a bit. Im doing this with a trade alt and having my main running the combat portions. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

If I understand correctly, you are looking for a way to further improve your standing towards Caldari State. Apart from storyline missions, these are the options for you:

1. Sisters of Eve epic arc (doable once per 3 months)
2. Caldari State epic arc (doable every 3 months)
3. Caldari circle agents (doable once)
4. Caldari Data Centers (return dogtags for standing boost)

As I've written before, there are two Caldari COSMOS agents in Ihakana that are not mentioned in many guides. Each gives 8% faction standing boost.

Increasing your faction standing with a friendly empire (Amarr in this case) also improves your Caldari standing (and vice versa), although I don't know the details on that.

Yup I missed the part that said that you should get your standing with Caldari State to 2.0 before starting Cosmos missions
So when I got to the first mission that required 2.0 I wasnt even close. Im only at .25
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2012-03-07 02:58:49 UTC
I would like to purchase 2 kits. convo me ingame.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#39 - 2012-03-07 11:44:53 UTC
Esbelta wrote:
Takashi Ishikawa wrote:
Esbelta wrote:
On topic:

So far I have used this kit and am really pleased. I really cant stress what a fantastic deal this is.

Off topic:

However I need a way to get up my CAldari standings up fairly easily as I missed the fact that I needed to get them up a bit. Im doing this with a trade alt and having my main running the combat portions. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

If I understand correctly, you are looking for a way to further improve your standing towards Caldari State. Apart from storyline missions, these are the options for you:

1. Sisters of Eve epic arc (doable once per 3 months)
2. Caldari State epic arc (doable every 3 months)
3. Caldari circle agents (doable once)
4. Caldari Data Centers (return dogtags for standing boost)

As I've written before, there are two Caldari COSMOS agents in Ihakana that are not mentioned in many guides. Each gives 8% faction standing boost.

Increasing your faction standing with a friendly empire (Amarr in this case) also improves your Caldari standing (and vice versa), although I don't know the details on that.

Yup I missed the part that said that you should get your standing with Caldari State to 2.0 before starting Cosmos missions
So when I got to the first mission that required 2.0 I wasnt even close. Im only at .25

Sorry to hear that.

Our friend with a fresh character had a similar problem. After COSMOS lvl1 agents he did the circle agents and some of the data centers (the "certificate" missions and the cheaper kinds of the dogtags - be sure to check dogtag price before accepting a data center mission) and he was good to go for lvl 2 COSMOS. It took him 2 days to do that. If that is not enough - you can do the Sisters of EVE epic arc: it's absurdly easy and gives you 10% faction standing boost (make sure to select the right agent at the end - Caldari, that is)

I hope you'll be able to continue your COSMOS arc soon - the rewards are really worth it! Feel free to ask about anything else regarding this arc, we're dedicated to good customer service and we try not to leave anyone unsatisfied.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2012-03-07 16:17:33 UTC
Takashi Ishikawa wrote:
Esbelta wrote:
Takashi Ishikawa wrote:
Esbelta wrote:
On topic:

So far I have used this kit and am really pleased. I really cant stress what a fantastic deal this is.

Off topic:

However I need a way to get up my CAldari standings up fairly easily as I missed the fact that I needed to get them up a bit. Im doing this with a trade alt and having my main running the combat portions. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

If I understand correctly, you are looking for a way to further improve your standing towards Caldari State. Apart from storyline missions, these are the options for you:

1. Sisters of Eve epic arc (doable once per 3 months)
2. Caldari State epic arc (doable every 3 months)
3. Caldari circle agents (doable once)
4. Caldari Data Centers (return dogtags for standing boost)

As I've written before, there are two Caldari COSMOS agents in Ihakana that are not mentioned in many guides. Each gives 8% faction standing boost.

Increasing your faction standing with a friendly empire (Amarr in this case) also improves your Caldari standing (and vice versa), although I don't know the details on that.

Yup I missed the part that said that you should get your standing with Caldari State to 2.0 before starting Cosmos missions
So when I got to the first mission that required 2.0 I wasnt even close. Im only at .25

Sorry to hear that.

Our friend with a fresh character had a similar problem. After COSMOS lvl1 agents he did the circle agents and some of the data centers (the "certificate" missions and the cheaper kinds of the dogtags - be sure to check dogtag price before accepting a data center mission) and he was good to go for lvl 2 COSMOS. It took him 2 days to do that. If that is not enough - you can do the Sisters of EVE epic arc: it's absurdly easy and gives you 10% faction standing boost (make sure to select the right agent at the end - Caldari, that is)

I hope you'll be able to continue your COSMOS arc soon - the rewards are really worth it! Feel free to ask about anything else regarding this arc, we're dedicated to good customer service and we try not to leave anyone unsatisfied.

Knocked out a few of the Faction Data Center Agents last night. Seems to be a fairly painless way to knock some standings increases.

Question: Once I hit 2.0 should I be able to progress through the rest of the Cosmos arc easily or am I going to have to go grind some standings again?