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[Proposal] Display target capacitor status

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Dark Drifter
Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#21 - 2011-09-22 11:35:50 UTC
calling people stupid and trashing there statements is kind of counter-productive IMO.

i would say the primary reasons for not adding this to game are:


-letting a curse know when he can cut back on neuts to save his own cap is OP and would lead to the call for a NERF BAT
-dame with a neut DOMI
-makes the whole intel (at stated B4) gathering process to easy.


the capacitor is not a physical entity. its an energy source and has no solid form. except for the banks its stored in
witch if X-ray'd would show as empty and most probably explode.

the ship scanner scans the ship and reports all fitted modifications on the hull, the capacitor it then readout is then gained from she ships
maximum minus modules cap running costs (if active) this gives the scanner a snapshot of the capacitor, every scan should show different results.

please for the love of god take this idea back and think it over B4 you re post it.

FYI = nos will not drain a targets capacitor, it siphons cap off and returns it to the nos source.
if your targets cap is less than your own then the nos will act as sort of a stabilizer. and will return minimal
amounts to the NOS source
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2011-09-22 11:54:16 UTC
Damian Gene wrote:
Karim alRashid wrote:
Dark Drifter wrote:

when you scan a ship it will shot a bunch of fittings in the main context window, just above that
is a small bar with current cap of max cap indicator.

Fitting a ship scanner/taking up a valuable slot is not practical for any PvP or logistics fit.

Cool Story Bro,
Hate to say it, but your doing it wrong.
Step 1. There's a ship class called Cover Ops
Step 2. They have mid slots and don't use them for tank.
Step 3. Fit a ship scanner.
Step 4. Join a fleet and be a scout.
Step 5. Don't die, relay intel, including cap status, use cloaking / warping / mwd / etc.

If you don't believe it works, join a 0.0 alliance and tag along when a super's tackled, or in super fleets. This is used frequently, as knowing the cap of a capital / super is valuable to killing it in a timely fashion.
Also, you will get the ship fittings, and go figure, can be useful to change up damage type based on tank holes.

If you want it for solo, nut up and waist a mid slot. CCP made that mod for a reason.

You sir, are either very very inexperienced, or unresourceful.
Google Sh*t, don't try to brake our game. Else you look like a fool.

Not just supers - I recall about a year ago, someone doing this for capital take downs - they didn't fit it on a covert ops though, they put it on a couple command ships in the mids... gallente iirc but don't quote me on the make of the ships.

I think there's a vid of it out on youtube somewhere but I do recall it because they were asked why the hell they had a ship scanner loaded so they explained how they work and how it was used to monitor the capacitor of the target as they neutralized it down.

Same gig/use, just smaller scale than super caps.

As you say - the ability isn't needed when it's available in an existing module and it would be a tad over powered.
Karim alRashid
#23 - 2011-09-22 12:05:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Karim alRashid
So, the gist of counter arguments is

"If you want anything done, bring MOAR FREINDZ". Lol


Dark Drifter, please don't lecture me on NOS mechanic, I'm well aware how NOS works and how it used to work before it was nerfed to hell back in 2007.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#24 - 2011-09-22 12:32:01 UTC
Basically you want more intel for free. You have the means to see their cap already, but you don't want to use it because you have to sacrifice something else to do so. People recognize this for what it is... give me something for nothing, which is why there's effectively no support for it. The more bars you have to watch in combat the less the game becomes... hell, look at WoW. Some people there never see the fight they're in for all the bars they're watching.

As pointed out, the means to get the intel you're asking for exists. If you want to use it you'll have to give up something else, like most everything else regarding fits.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#25 - 2011-09-22 12:37:07 UTC
That worthless drivel is a lot better than most of what you have supplied.

For gangs/fleets the single midslot required is irrelevant. If you expect to need it then make sure someone has one.

For solo you don't need it. One is more than able to approximate when an opponent is dry, especially if accustomed to using neuts (ie. Curse/Sentinel pilot).

In short: Your suggestion does not add anything of value that is not already available, all it does is dumb down an already painfully simple mechanic.
Karim alRashid
#26 - 2011-09-22 12:49:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Karim alRashid
@Ingvar, your argument is invalid.

It is not "give me something for nothing".

Seeing target capacitor works both ways - I see yours, you see mine.

So, you give EXACTLY what you get. Simple as that.

@Hirana, you don't make an impression for being even remotely competent as to take part of the discussion, so I'm going to ignore you from now on.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#27 - 2011-09-22 13:23:06 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:
@Ingvar, your argument is invalid.

It is not "give me something for nothing".

Seeing target capacitor works both ways - I see yours, you see mine.

So, you give EXACTLY what you get. Simple as that.

And you're giving and getting it for nothing. You get a free slot on your ship now for intel that requires a slot now to gather. basically, everyone gets something for nothing. Nothing invalid with my argument.

Current: Use a mid slot for a ship scanner to get cap intel.
Proposed: Everyone gets cap intel for free, and you get your mid slot too!

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Karim alRashid
#28 - 2011-09-22 13:27:01 UTC

Just don't bother talking anymore.

You're distorting beyond imagination the semantics of such simple words as "give" and "get".

No, you don't get any slots, your slots stay the same.

Yes, you get information about target's capacitor. In exchange you give information about your capacitor.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#29 - 2011-09-22 14:19:55 UTC
What part of "Giving people effortless free intel is dumbing the game down, reducing the gap between competent pilots and morans and removing a part of the game where skill and knowledge is required" is giving you difficulty?

We don't want the game dragged down to your level, please.
Karim alRashid
#30 - 2011-09-22 14:30:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Karim alRashid
Your lack of proper argumentation shows in your aggressive manner of posting.

Again, the intel you receive is not free, it comes at the cost of giving exactly the same intel about you.

Thus your statement does not reflect the reality of my proposal.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#31 - 2011-09-22 14:37:04 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:

Just don't bother talking anymore.

You're distorting beyond imagination the semantics of such simple words as "give" and "get".

No, you don't get any slots, your slots stay the same.

Yes, you get information about target's capacitor. In exchange you give information about your capacitor.

In order to get the intel right now, you need to use a mid slot. No one can argue this. It's a choice, use a mid slot for the scanner, get the cap intel.

You want to give everyone the free intel without requiring they give up the mid slot to do so. You get the intel, plus you still have the slot available for something else.

Now please, step away from the keyboard before you infect the internet with stupid.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Karim alRashid
#32 - 2011-09-22 15:41:53 UTC
Just "Heh". Big smile

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Dark Drifter
Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#33 - 2011-09-24 00:04:41 UTC
back again.

well i do apologize for "lecturing" you on the current mechanic of NOSs. but your original statement regarding NOSs
was some what vague.

on the whole something for nothing/something topic you state that ghat you give is the same lintel as you get. . .

so in the extremely unlikley event (like on the same level as Justin biber becoming the next Sabath/zeplin)
that your proposal becomes implemented, now this info is there regardless so you are having to give up nothing
in return for this "free" itell . this in the most simple term is a "something for nothing" scenario

keeping the current "ship scanner snapshot mechanic" means that you actuly have to think ahead and plan any fit that you
include a ship scanner in.

you are giving up:

mid slot
cap for activation
CPU/PG requirements
skills for the mod (time invested)

in retern you get:
(via ship scanner) capacitor level every scanner cycle

this here is the desired get infor in exchange for above listed things..

what im trying to say is that EVE is about sacrifices

go and make some
Karim alRashid
#34 - 2011-09-24 07:56:54 UTC
Just don't bother reiterating same "arguments" that I have utterly crushed numerous time in this very same thread.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

CCP Zymurgist
C C P Alliance
#35 - 2011-09-26 22:24:28 UTC
Thread cleaned of trolling and off-topic remarks.

Zymurgist Community Representative CCP NA, EVE Online Contact Us at

Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2011-09-26 22:34:21 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:
Just don't bother reiterating same "arguments" that I have utterly crushed numerous time in this very same thread.

Everybody has disagreed with you so far. Every time they post arguments to your idea you tell them they are "invalid" and then proceed to "crush" them. Frankly as far as I have been able to tell your logic is flawed. When someone disagrees and states why you tell them they are wrong with no valid counter-argument.

Tell me with what logic would a ship floating in space be able to visually see what level of capacitor another ship has? Shields and armor have a visual aspect to them as they are "visible" outside the ship. This is why we can see shield, armor and hull levels. Where is the capacitor visible? What logical reason is there to make cap levels visible without the aid of a ship scanner?

Ball is back in your court. You have to explain my questions with logical answers that make sense.


Bounties for all!

Karim alRashid
#37 - 2011-09-26 23:14:39 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:

Tell me with what logic would a ship floating in space be able to visually see what level of capacitor another ship has?

Dude, what ship floating in space? There are no ships floating in space.

This is a game, seeing targets capacitor is the least problematic thing from a scientific point of view. You have travel faster than light, mass increase due to sub-relativistic speed boost and a thousand more things violating every law of Newton and Einstein...

And you're worrying about logic of seeing target capacitor ?

Srsly? Lol

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Karim alRashid
#38 - 2011-09-26 23:15:22 UTC
CCP Zymurgist wrote:
Thread cleaned of trolling and off-topic remarks.

I think you've missed a lot.

Pain is weakness leaving the body

Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2011-09-26 23:27:44 UTC
Not supporting based on the fact the OP is obviously not thinking clearly and just emo'ranting. P

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2011-09-27 00:56:47 UTC
Karim alRashid wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:

Tell me with what logic would a ship floating in space be able to visually see what level of capacitor another ship has?

Dude, what ship floating in space? There are no ships floating in space.

This is a game, seeing targets capacitor is the least problematic thing from a scientific point of view. You have travel faster than light, mass increase due to sub-relativistic speed boost and a thousand more things violating every law of Newton and Einstein...

And you're worrying about logic of seeing target capacitor ?

Srsly? Lol

Thats the lamest load of BS I have seen in a while. If you can't even accurately and logically sustain your own argument then why did you bother making this thread?

Bounties for all!

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