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I want a Solo PVP ship to 'wander around' in/

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-03-04 13:23:32 UTC
OK... I searched to forums, but there are soooo many differing views on this ... i have no idea which direction I should go in.

I am a caldari... and I've been running missions for too long. I would LIKE to get into the low sec / 0.0 pvp area.

I favored a DRAKE for running missions, and have little or no skills in any other faction class ship.

Please could the community suggest which ship and which fit out I should be aiming for so that I can wander around in 0.0 space... and if i get hit on by another player can destroy them!

I know its kind of open ended... but there is just so much information i get so bogged down.

so... Caldari, SOLO PVP, i don;t mind training for other faction ships... but if there is a suggestion out there that means i don;t HAVE to wait 91days to fly a Tengu then that would be great.

thank you for your time.

#2 - 2012-03-04 13:44:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Chimay
Calethria wrote:
OK... I searched to forums, but there are soooo many differing views on this ... i have no idea which direction I should go in.

I am a caldari... and I've been running missions for too long. I would LIKE to get into the low sec / 0.0 pvp area.

I favored a DRAKE for running missions, and have little or no skills in any other faction class ship.

Please could the community suggest which ship and which fit out I should be aiming for so that I can wander around in 0.0 space... and if i get hit on by another player can destroy them!

I know its kind of open ended... but there is just so much information i get so bogged down.

so... Caldari, SOLO PVP, i don;t mind training for other faction ships... but if there is a suggestion out there that means i don;t HAVE to wait 91days to fly a Tengu then that would be great.

thank you for your time.

Not many options in yoru case. I've been sucessful with the following. Crow, Harpy, Manitcore, Drake.

You will get bored very quickly, but I understand your need. Hopefully you’ll have better luck then I.

Basically the right answer is the ship you can afford to lose. Anytime I’m looking for a good 1on1. The following happens.
I’ll take a frigate. Everyone is flying AF’s. After 15 jumps and belt hop chasing a few destroys who docked up on my arrival I would go back and get an AF. Which point on my return everyone is now in a BC. Desperate and tired of looking, I decided to goto rancer.

In route I ran in to a 6 man blob on a gate camp which was remote sensor boosted through the nose. I foolishly fitted an AB instead of a MWD. All of them were within 17km of me when I jumped in so I decided to burn back to the gate. I didn’t make it, and despite spamming warp they insta locked me. Never happened to me before, but like I said remote sesor boosted big time. Probs for that gate camp setup. After days of looking for a fight it taught me a lesson. Stop wasting my time and focus that energy on something else. A few years ago I had no issues and made a few PVP vids back in the day of all solo stuff.
If you really want to PVP I suggest doing the following to keep yourself sane.

* Join a blob, this is especially good if you happen to have a large ego. Not only can you talk smack while it’s protected by the blob behind you but you can pretend that you alone has value.

• Make your own corp. A friend I met on here and I would war dec corps just for the fights. We would find corps with POS’s with no defenses as a bonus. We took out a few POS and made quite a bit of money doing it. Got a decent amount of fights. I would go this route again myself but I’m a trucker now and don’t have much time to play on the road.

• Join RVB (red vs blue). I tried it years ago. Awesome idea. If you ask for a 1v1 someone would be more than willing to give it to you. Most of my experience there was blob/fleets which wasn’t exactly for me, but could work for you.
I wish you luck on the hunt!
Ben Dourion
#3 - 2012-03-04 13:59:39 UTC
if you really want to solo, start with frigates, its cheap and easy to replace

use fraps to record your fights and try to see what you did wrong

easier and maybe m ore reasonnable thing to do would be to join a pvp corp who do small gang roam, dont join those giant blob thing, you will learn nothing valuable, except bad habits.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-03-04 14:17:59 UTC
errr..... whats a BLOB?

When you say "Not many options in yoru case" do you mean that I havn't got the skills to PVP really? OR that my focus is too narrow... e.g. only flying caldari ships etc...

If you have opinions on what faction ships I should be flying, or what other factors are important in starting out in PVP...then i would genuinely love to hear them. Too long have I stared idly at the screen running missions. Missions are so dull these days!

Exploited Engineer
Creatively Applied Violence Inc.
#5 - 2012-03-04 14:27:05 UTC
Calethria wrote:
errr..... whats a BLOB?

An approximation of the sound your ship makes when it's suddenly faced with overwhelming odds. As in "not PvP, but PvP^99".
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-03-04 14:43:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Darthewok
Do yourself a big favor:
1) Join RvB (google it), where you can fight all day in cheap ships and learn something about PVP
2) Take Agony Unleashed's PVP Basics course
3) Watch Kil2s Learning Solo PVP Video in My EVE
Then try roaming low-sec/nullsec in a Drake.


Andrea Griffin
#7 - 2012-03-04 16:19:20 UTC
Starting with Carldari Solo PvP? Great! As people have mentioned, T1 frigates are the way to go. They're easy on the wallet to lose, and when you start with PvP you WILL lose more fights than you win. When you start PvP you will make a LOT of really bad mistakes - so make them in cheap ships!

The Merlin is an amazing T1 frigate that can get amazing EHP and still be fairly maneuverable.

Here are some fits to get you started:

[Merlin, Blaster Buffer]
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Damage Control II

Medium Shield Extender II
Experimental 1MN Afterburner I
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator

Light Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Light Ion Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge S
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Nova Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Nova Rocket

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Core Defence Field Extender I
Small Core Defence Field Extender I

This is my go-to fit for the Merlin. It's a little on the slow side compared to most T1 frigates, but it has 7.6k EHP (which is a LOT for a frigate), full tackle, and the option to go in close or keep range with Null ammunition. If you ever fly in a gang, this can also serve as cheap heavy tackle as well.

Some people prefer to fit railguns instead and kite their opponents. Me, I'd rather just get right in their faces. : >

The fit is rather tight in regards to Power Grid. If you are having issues getting everything to fit, try a T2 MAPC, use a meta-3 shield, and drop down to Electron Blasters (in that order).

[Merlin, Tank]
Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II

Limited 1MN MicroWarpdrive I
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
Medium Shield Extender II
Invulnerability Field II

Light Electron Blaster II, Null S
Light Electron Blaster II, Null S
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Nova Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Nova Rocket

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Core Defence Field Extender I
Small Core Defence Field Extender I

This fit has a MWD and a warp scrambler, and drops the web in favor of an Invulnerability Field. Like other ships with just a MWD and Scram, it will have trouble dictating range against AB-fit ships and anything with a web. Still, it hits assault frigate level EHP (10k). You may want to consider dropping the MWD for an Afterburner, depending on the situation / your personal taste.

Why the emphasis on tank with the Merlin instead of damage? Well, the Merlin has a split weapons system. If you add a weapon upgrade, you're only helping half of your guns which has pretty poor returns. You're better off focusing on tank so that you can outlast your opponent. Also, it would be a shame to not use that 5% per level shield resistance bonus.

Also note that the Merlin doesn't get a bonus at all to its rocket launchers - so use whatever rocket will hurt your opponent the most. When in doubt, Foxfire (thermal) is a decent all-around choice against most ships.

You may also want to consider the Kestrel. It is often overlooked but it is more effective than people think, especially since rockets got a buff a while ago.

[Kestrel, MSE]
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Damage Control II

Medium Shield Extender II
Experimental 1MN Afterburner I
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I

Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Trauma Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Trauma Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Trauma Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Trauma Rocket

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Core Defence Field Extender I
Small Core Defence Field Extender I

That is how I prefer to fit a Kestrel. It does suffer in that it doesn't have a web, so some things you catch will run off. That is why a few people prefer this:

[Kestrel, Armor]
200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II

Experimental 1MN Afterburner I
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Scrambler II

Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Trauma Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Trauma Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Trauma Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Caldari Navy Trauma Rocket

Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I

I personally don't like to fly this because it's pretty slow and the agility is not great either. But, if you overload the afterburner you still go over 900m/s, which isn't too bad and can help you keep tackle on things.

Pro Tip: Name your Kestrel "Cyno", since everyone uses the Kestrel and a cheap cyno ship. People will see you on scan and never suspect what is coming their way.

But the Merlin is overall a better / more flexible ship than the Kestrel. I'm just offering the Kestrel as an option (everyone likes options).

Once you get some experience under your belt, move on to the following ships, all of which will work for solo PvP:
Hookbill - Awesome, versatile, okay damage, people know it's good and will run away
Hawk - Good damage, great tank, people think it is terrible and will underestimate you
Harpy - Great damage and buffer, can snipe out to 100km (poorly, but it can)
Moa - Underestimated, it's a great T1 cruiser since the Hybrid weapons buff
Caracal - If you use the Infamous Anti-Frigate fit you can and will murder frigates.
Ferox - Surprisingly good, though it pales in comparison to the Drake. However, people think it is terrible (it's not), and it will get you fights.
Drake - Yup, everyone loves the drake. Yawn. Do you want to stand out or be like everyone else, hm?

I don't suggest solo PvP with a Manticore (or ANY bomber) unless you REALLY know what you're doing and you pick your targets very carefully. Also not fond of the Crow. It's not what it used to be since The Great Nano Nerf, but give it a whirl anyway, see how you like it.

People say that Caldari doesn't have a lot of good PvP options but those people are very wrong. Caldari has a lot of good options.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-03-04 16:59:28 UTC
THank you all so much for your advice and time.

I think i will start off in RvB and see where that takes me. For the time being i will hold off buying ANOTHER drake ...only to watch it go up in smoke!

Thanks again!
So Sensational
#9 - 2012-03-04 19:52:04 UTC
Da Ferox. Google kil2 Feorx if he can do it you can 2
Vandy ColdStone
#10 - 2012-03-04 20:13:42 UTC
Not taking time to read through all the responses, but I loved my Caldari Navy Hookbill in fac war when I was running around solo. Dual propped, disrupt + web with cap rechargers and rockets.

4km / sec roughly with MWD.
2.3km / sec roughly with AB.
#11 - 2012-03-04 20:19:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Chimay
Calethria wrote:
errr..... whats a BLOB?

When you say "Not many options in yoru case" do you mean that I havn't got the skills to PVP really? OR that my focus is too narrow... e.g. only flying caldari ships etc...

If you have opinions on what faction ships I should be flying, or what other factors are important in starting out in PVP...then i would genuinely love to hear them. Too long have I stared idly at the screen running missions. Missions are so dull these days!

Sorry about the unclear context. What I ment is with Caldari ships only, those are your options. Kinda limited on the ships, Outside the ones I listed. Not many Caldari ships excel at solo pvp. I'm not saying it can't be done outside of that list, it's just you'd be gimped to another race counter part. Pre Buff, Throax, Isktur, Ishtar, Mega, Brutix, Myrm. Always fair well with those. Haven't tried it after the buff as I've recently returned after 3 years. But from exprience I had a lot of fun with them. I have no exprience with mini/amar ships so I can't help you there. It was on my to do list to train but the lack of solo 1v1 pvp content I've since removed those skill plans.

Good luck to you and happy hunting :)

Edit: Interesting how things change. Nano was popular when I used to play. A crow was hard to catch! I can't beleive frigs can catch them now, doing some reading. Interesting! It's useful still for a quick gank on a miner or something I suppose .
Verge of Collapse
#12 - 2012-03-05 11:07:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Gibbo3771
Pfft dont listen to these scrubs.

if you can afford a drake, fit it properly and go to low-sec/null....die a billion times and learn. Obviously if you can afford to replace 100 drakes, if not dont, fly what you can afford and use an effective fit.

No PvP training classes or RvB blobs is going to help you with anything. It is impossible to be trained for every situation in eve.

Grab a ship, go and learn. Be patient and think with your head
Stetson Eagle
Paird Technology
#13 - 2012-03-05 11:31:54 UTC
If you want to get ganks without dying, and get expensive kills, try a stealth bomber.

If you want to improve your group pvp skills and get a hang of consentual pvp fights, try another frigate classes. Assault frigates are sweet nowadays.

If you want to get cheap kills on people who are doing any of the former, get into a light missile, webbing and neuting nanodrake or a smartbombing "sniper" rokh with warpstabs.
Kerensky Initiatives
#14 - 2012-03-05 11:56:02 UTC
So you're looking for a good PVP ship, eh? Might I suggest the good ship Friendship?

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Hawklandier Taranogas
Old American Syndicate
Optimistic Wasteland
#15 - 2012-03-05 12:07:35 UTC
This is essentially what i put as well bud :) The results will be the same no matter where you ask on the forums. I asked the same question so il link you to my thread so you can have a look through some of those comments as well :D

Happy Hunting!

I have likes? How the hell did that happen? :D

Extraction and Exploration Ltd.
#16 - 2012-03-05 12:51:34 UTC
Gibbo3771 wrote:
Pfft dont listen to these scrubs.

if you can afford a drake, fit it properly and go to low-sec/null....die a billion times and learn. Obviously if you can afford to replace 100 drakes, if not dont, fly what you can afford and use an effective fit.

No PvP training classes or RvB blobs is going to help you with anything. It is impossible to be trained for every situation in eve.

Grab a ship, go and learn. Be patient and think with your head

On the contrary.

In order to learn something you need to be matched with opponents of equal skill level and knowledge. How is a new player supposed to learn something if he instantly dies to the first gatecamp or blob? Do you match a green- belt with a black- belt in martial arts courses? Also, there is this small thing called "fun while learning". I personally wouldnt have fun getting handed my ass to me for the 20'th time without accomplishing something.

A Drake is one of the poor choices for solo PvP actually, because everyone knows what it can and what it cannot do- it's too predictable. Weaker ships simply don't engage and it can't do **** or disengage to bigger ships. Its huge tank is also a disadvantage- everybody knows how much a Drake can take a beating and they wouldn't engage you except with 2:1 or more odds. Eve just works that way.

Solo PvP is about to be able to get out of trouble and be able to pick your targets and kill them quickly. What is also very important- make your opponent believe that he can engage and win- this is the best way to actually get fights and this involves unconventional fits and/or less known ships.

I second the proposal to join RvB. You can get PvP within half an hour, flown ships are mostly cheap T1 stuff and there are realistic chances to get good 1v1's with equally skilled opponents. You won't find that in low or zero sec. Also, lots of helpful people who are willing to teach you a thing or two.
Centers for Intergalactic Mercantile Acquisition
#17 - 2012-03-05 13:29:30 UTC
use a fully faction fit Rattlesnake
expensive but its impossible to get killed in
Skelee VI
Appetite 4 Destruction
#18 - 2012-03-05 13:44:07 UTC
I would start with some merlins, caracals. Caldai Navy Hookbill is awesome. Hawk or harpy. Falcon if you can afford to lose it.
Nano Drake. lots of caldari options. If you plan on wandering about with no scout, I suggest something fast!
When you jump a gate, wait your timer look around. Best option is reapproach gate usually.
Keep It Simple Software Group
#19 - 2012-03-05 13:46:03 UTC
Calethria wrote:
THank you all so much for your advice and time.

I think i will start off in RvB and see where that takes me. For the time being i will hold off buying ANOTHER drake ...only to watch it go up in smoke!

Thanks again!

Good plan. Also if you get a Tengu too quick you will see that go up in smoke too. Unless you don't care about ISK and lossmails ofc.

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Ira Infernus
#20 - 2012-03-05 16:22:24 UTC
Get some drone skills and get into a worm or gila. You already have the shield skills and the missile skills (although these are the auxiliary weapons on guristas ships). They are hardy, forgiving ships, but expensive if you lose them :)
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