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Rorq Indust Mode

First post
Guilliam Glass
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2011-09-21 13:20:34 UTC
Ive compressed countless times befor ein my rorq. Now that im doing it again, when i select my ship from the installion tab, theres nothing that shows up afterwards. currently my setup is(and ive messed around with all this last night, still nothing)
activity: all
Location: my ship
range: region(even did solar)
type: personal
prod: all
any info would be nice. i also cleared my cache so that didnt work.
GM Karidor
Game Masters
C C P Alliance
#2 - 2011-09-21 13:45:01 UTC
You need to set the Range-filter to "Universe", the jobs in the ship will not appear in any other range filter.

GM Karidor | Senior Game Master

Guilliam Glass
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2011-09-21 13:49:17 UTC
under the jobs tab it is set to universe. i was saying all the before was in the installation tab. in the Jobs tab i have:
activity: all
state: any:
range: universe
owner: me
Guilliam Glass
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2011-09-21 13:51:26 UTC
btw, i cannot even create a job since i cannot select my ship form the installion window to create a job. even in the indrustiral mode.
Guilliam Glass
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2011-09-22 04:00:23 UTC
any help would be nice. cannot select installation from the bpo thats in my hanger.
Blue Dreams Plus
#6 - 2011-09-23 12:50:40 UTC
Guilliam Glass wrote:
any help would be nice. cannot select installation from the bpo thats in my hanger.

Doubt the Gm will get back to you, they like to post once asking for stuff then disappear back to jove space to sit there thinking they playing the same game as us.

CCP Greyscale wrote:"OK, I've read every post up to page 200, and we're getting to a point in this thread where there's not a lot of new concerns or suggestions being brought up. There will be future threads (and future blogs) as we tune details, but for now I want to thank you for all of your constructive input, and wish you a good weekend :)"

GM Haggis
Game Masters
C C P Alliance
#7 - 2011-09-23 14:18:00 UTC
If you put in a petition about this someone will help you out, we have had a couple of reports like this and have resolution steps we can go through with you.

GM Haggis ~ EVE Online Customer Support Team Tea & Coffee Maker Extraordinaire