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Video Decoder for IGB

Jedi IcyBob
Static Ice
#1 - 2011-09-21 23:33:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Jedi IcyBob
Most of us know why flash is not supported in IGB Twisted, however flash may not be needed at all...

In fact the Adobe Flash player may or will never be used again, once HTML5 is fully supported and standardized.

What would HTML5 add to the game?

  • The ability to watch that YouTube clip everyone is talking about without painlessly alt-tabbing out of EVEAttention.
  • Watch " I Was There " using the in game browser :P
  • Watch a video using the IGB, In Game Browser.

At a glance, the difference between html < html5 is that html5 will allow you to have conditionals. exp. If X happens than do Y or X --> Y.
Don't know what html5 is or want to know what html5 is? Here is a link HTML5

Anyway, what do y'all think?

Also, I would like to add that HTML5 is not a standard yet. It is still a work in progress and I do not know when it will be standardized. With that said you can go onto YouTube and view video use html5 without flash installed. There is no visible difference. Goto to test drive HTML5.

I do not know If there is going to be a security issue with HTML5. That is one reason I posted this in the first place. So, if there is post, if there is not post....Just post something!

May the Force be with You...

Jedi IcyBob
Raw Matters
Brilliant Starfire
#2 - 2011-09-22 13:03:41 UTC
As far as I am aware Eve uses the Chrome engine for the IGB, at least all HTML5 functionality I tried so far seem to work.

The YouTube HTML video decoder requires an additional decoding support from the browser, that's probably why it won't work in IGB.
Jedi IcyBob
Static Ice
#3 - 2011-09-22 17:05:56 UTC
Awesome... I did not know that. I'll change the title to H.264 decoder please!
Mal Landian
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2011-11-03 06:25:42 UTC
Bump for a great idea. IGB needs *full* HTML5 support. FWIW it doesn't use Chrome as a backend - it's Awesomium.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-11-11 21:51:25 UTC
CCP should include a WebM decoding library.
Endeavour Starfleet
#6 - 2011-11-11 22:03:15 UTC
They can only support WebM at best. Because otherwise you need to get a license for MPEG 4 and that doesn't come cheap.

And in all honesty more HTML5 support is just more of a security risk at the moment.