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the dumbing down of names to bring in new blood?

First post
#201 - 2012-02-29 23:49:29 UTC
The new implant names are a big improovement on the old ones; they're still slightly cryptic but in an awesome way.

The one downside might be the whole 'effect in the name' thing, but only because it's something as bland as "Warp Drive Speed" insead of a more scifi term ("Warp Velocity Catalyst" anyone?).

-- -.-- / -.-. .-.. --- -. . / .. ... / - --- --- / . -..- .--. . -. ... .. ...- . / - --- / ..- -. -.. --- -.-. -.- / ... - --- .--. / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / ... . -. -.. / .... . .-.. .--. / ... - --- .--.

The Red Pill Taker Group
#202 - 2012-02-29 23:52:19 UTC
CCP are right.

This game is just too damn complicated. I propose (and I'm confident you will all be with me on this) that we do the following:

No mineral types - just a thing called 'metal' from asteroids (just one of those as well)
Seriously we dont need all these ships - megathwhat? Too hard. Big ship and little ship (for variety)
Different planets?! wtf? Just 'A Planet' please.
We dont need all these modules either, lets break em down! -
er....thats it.

Just keep on this path and EVE will become so much more accessible for those players who cant tie their own shoe laces. These players will add value to our game, but most importantly to CCPs bank balance. Heck they may even buy the odd monocle.


Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#203 - 2012-03-01 00:07:14 UTC
Cailais wrote:
CCP are right.

This game is just too damn complicated. I propose (and I'm confident you will all be with me on this) that we do the following:

No mineral types - just a thing called 'metal' from asteroids (just one of those as well)
Seriously we dont need all these ships - megathwhat? Too hard. Big ship and little ship (for variety)
Different planets?! wtf? Just 'A Planet' please.
We dont need all these modules either, lets break em down! -
er....thats it.

Just keep on this path and EVE will become so much more accessible for those players who cant tie their own shoe laces. These players will add value to our game, but most importantly to CCPs bank balance. Heck they may even buy the odd monocle.


There is such a thing as a 'ridiculous extreme', you know, and that's where you're taking this.

I can tell a Jaguar from a Rifter from a Wolf, on sight. What I can't tell with the current naming system is what benefit I get from a given implant. Each time I open an Info window, it replaces the one I currently have open, which means I'm constantly opening and re-opening each implant's Info screen to compare them.

The way CCP is changing the names means that, without fiddling in an Info screen, or opening yet another window or tool that I have to keep track of in my already-cluttered interface, I can take one look at the listing on the Market screen and instantly know that this implant is going to increase my turrets' rate-of-fire while this one lowers the powergrid consumption.

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

#204 - 2012-03-01 00:20:31 UTC  |  Edited by: JamesCLK
You know you can hold shift when you click show info to open it in a new window, right? ;)
We also have a compare tool.

-- -.-- / -.-. .-.. --- -. . / .. ... / - --- --- / . -..- .--. . -. ... .. ...- . / - --- / ..- -. -.. --- -.-. -.- / ... - --- .--. / .--. .-.. . .- ... . / ... . -. -.. / .... . .-.. .--. / ... - --- .--.

Grey Stormshadow
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#205 - 2012-03-01 00:38:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Grey Stormshadow
Astrid Stjerna wrote:
Grey Stormshadow wrote:

How about for example:
- item mouse over tips if held some key down
- right click menu: "show similar in compare tool"
- compare tool preset: "shield implants" which shows all shield implants. Compare tool icon to neocom.

It is not item names fault that game lacks tools.

I understand your point, but you don't seem to be seeing mine.

I'll give you an example from my own experience.

I was working under contract several years ago to test a system that was designed to make a computer easier to use for someone with (limited mobility/visual impairment/hearing impairment). Basically, you could make the screen bigger, you could have the computer verbalize what's on the screen, and so forth.

One of the options that was included in the software package we recieved was to enable a 'visual dynamic keyboard'.

Care to tell me what that might be? It's 'visual', looks like a keyboard. It's 'dynamic', so...I guess it changes over time, or something....and it's a keyboard.

Instead of calling it something simple and logical, like 'on-screen keyboard' (which is exactly what it was), all of our reference material used a much more confusing and obscure term. It sounded jargon-ish and overly 'clinical', scaring away the people that may actually need it.

It's the same with the current implant names. Hell, I can quote nearly verbatim from movies and books that I haven't seen in six years, but I'll be darned if I can tell you what a Squire implant will do, or a Gnome KYA, or a Noble ZET without looking it up in the Info screen.

I really mean this with the greatest of respect (I seriously do), but your proposed solution adds three steps (hold the button down, click the 'compare' tool, select a preset from a menu) when only one (change the names to make them less obscure) is needed to solve the problem, and takes one-third the time to install.

Yea... to be honest implants are the ones which I worry least about and if something has to be changed, there could be justification for those for the reasons you and others have already mentioned.

However I would still at least try to find additional good solutions before having to go there. Just throwing random raw ideas here but market group window could have _labelled_ sections for different kinds of implants and all important stats should be visible directly in description. Just like meta items could be sorted and labelled with meta level there.

Solutions like this won't help with separate items, but their group name could and should reveal primary use.

After basic stuff like this has been done it is time to think what info is actually crucial in name and is there need to change it. With implants - most likely some word(s) should be added to hint towards general use. However this should not be step 1.

Get classic forum style - custom videos to captains quarters screen

Play with the best - die like the rest

Fon Win
Win-Star Corp
#206 - 2012-03-01 00:45:14 UTC
Roosterton wrote:
How dare they rename things in such a manner that I won't need to click about ten times to figure out the name of a specific module/implant that I'm looking for!

This is clearly terrible for the future of eve and means that the fundamentals of the sandbox will soon be ruined forever!


To the PETITION MOBILE i say!!!
Fon Win
Win-Star Corp
#207 - 2012-03-01 00:54:02 UTC
In general I like the changes.

there I said it.
The Red Pill Taker Group
#208 - 2012-03-01 01:01:54 UTC
Astrid Stjerna wrote:

There is such a thing as a 'ridiculous extreme', you know, and that's where you're taking this.

That's what they said about space barbie.

How'd that one work out?

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#209 - 2012-03-01 01:44:44 UTC
The naming convention wasn't "Smart" or complex to begin with... Then it hasnt been dumbed down. Simplicity is often of the most genius solution.

Complex for complexity sake... or just wanting to seem complex to look smart == douche bag.
Mara Tessidar
Caldari State
#210 - 2012-03-01 03:11:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Tessidar
I just put an Experimental 10MN Afterburner on my Drake by mistake. I meant to put an Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive on there. This could have easily been avoided had I simply been able to search for YT-8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon Microwarpdrive. "But no, Mara, this new system is simpler!" This new system sucks balls.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#211 - 2012-03-01 03:13:50 UTC
Mara Tessidar wrote:
I just put an Experimental 10MN Afterburner on my Drake by mistake. I meant to put an Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive on there. This could have easily been avoided had I simply been able to search for YT-8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon Microwarpdrive. "But no, Mara, this new system is simpler!" This new system sucks balls.

Not sure if srs.
Sasha Azala
#212 - 2012-03-01 03:25:28 UTC
Grey Stormshadow wrote:
Tarsus Zateki wrote:
Is there anything people won't ***** about?

Good things?

I doubt even that.

You can't make everyone happy no matter what you do. Someone will always moan about something.
Alavaria Fera
#213 - 2012-03-01 03:26:17 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Mara Tessidar wrote:
I just put an Experimental 10MN Afterburner on my Drake by mistake. I meant to put an Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive on there. This could have easily been avoided had I simply been able to search for YT-8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon Microwarpdrive. "But no, Mara, this new system is simpler!" This new system sucks balls.

Not sure if srs.

Yeah, I'm not sure either...

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Mara Tessidar
Caldari State
#214 - 2012-03-01 03:26:27 UTC
Actually what I would have done was search "YT-8" or even "YT-" because that would bring it up. And unfortunately I didn't notice the symbol was slightly different as my brain is also used to them being the same, because that's how they were back in the day.
Jenn Makanen
#215 - 2012-03-01 03:44:34 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Mara Tessidar wrote:
I just put an Experimental 10MN Afterburner on my Drake by mistake. I meant to put an Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive on there. This could have easily been avoided had I simply been able to search for YT-8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon Microwarpdrive. "But no, Mara, this new system is simpler!" This new system sucks balls.

Not sure if srs.

Yeah, I'm not sure either...

Mara Tessidar wrote:
Actually what I would have done was search "YT-8" or even "YT-" because that would bring it up. And unfortunately I didn't notice the symbol was slightly different as my brain is also used to them being the same, because that's how they were back in the day.

Reductio ad absurdum?

I hope?