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Vacation Mode

Angelo Cossa
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-02-28 17:37:26 UTC
Hi i am a new player on eve.

i have 2 months of playing and one of those were "spent" on vacation... ...i lost almost 20 days of training becouse of it and is very frustrating to see how many tech 2 modules i should be using right now that i will have to wait another month for it.

So i propose a vacation mode for eve, you should get it like you get neural remaps, once a year and when you activate it you should be able to queue skills up to 30 days.

This i think will solve the problem for people like me that like to go very far away from any computer when get vacation from work :)
Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#2 - 2012-02-28 17:45:43 UTC
i have 2 months of playing and one of those were "spent" on vacation...

Sounds like you should have planned a little better.

There are plenty of 20+ day skills out there if you are going on vacation.

The queue was put in place to stop the 3am alarm call to switch skills. As a person who began playing before the queue was introduced, I can tell you this... it is pretty damn perfect.

Enough to cover those times you need to be away from the game for a bit, but not long enough to mean people can setup a queue and not bother playing for months on end.

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Angelo Cossa
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-02-28 17:52:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Angelo Cossa
Jint Hikaru wrote:
i have 2 months of playing and one of those were "spent" on vacation...

Sounds like you should have planned a little better.

There are plenty of 20+ day skills out there if you are going on vacation.

The queue was put in place to stop the 3am alarm call to switch skills. As a person who began playing before the queue was introduced, I can tell you this... it is pretty damn perfect.

Enough to cover those times you need to be away from the game for a bit, but not long enough to mean people can setup a queue and not bother playing for months on end.

Maybe for an old player there are,for new people there are not, the initial skills all train faster, i had at the time tittle lvl 4 skills, the max i could get was an 8 days skill (frigate 5), so i got 9 days training and lost the other 20.

And the fact that things were worse does not mean they should not get any better. :)
Shovel Bros
#4 - 2012-02-28 17:59:26 UTC
*facepalm* this thread again? Someone posts this same thread every couple weeks and every single time it dies a horrible death. There are tons of arguments against it. Please search the forum and read all the responses before posting, it'll save you a lot of grief and trolling for posting the same bad idea yet again.
Angelo Cossa
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-02-28 18:06:49 UTC
mxzf wrote:
*facepalm* this thread again? Someone posts this same thread every couple weeks and every single time it dies a horrible death. There are tons of arguments against it. Please search the forum and read all the responses before posting, it'll save you a lot of grief and trolling for posting the same bad idea yet again.

If you are refering to the "increase the skill queue" threads, i really don't see how a function that can be activated ONCE a year can be related to it, and i didin't found any threads trying to resolve a problem that people that work and have real life can have.

Anyways is a sugestion that tries to solve a problem that i had, and that new players can have, as it was alread said that old players can simply queue a 20 or more days training skill...
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2012-02-28 18:16:57 UTC
Not saying your idea is bad but it won't happen. Sorry. I would honestly say that the correct resolution to your problem right now is to allow training changes to be made through EvE Gate. That is a lot more likely to happen at this juncture.

Bounties for all!

Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2012-02-28 18:27:48 UTC
Angelo Cossa wrote:
Jint Hikaru wrote:
i have 2 months of playing and one of those were "spent" on vacation...

Sounds like you should have planned a little better.

There are plenty of 20+ day skills out there if you are going on vacation.

The queue was put in place to stop the 3am alarm call to switch skills. As a person who began playing before the queue was introduced, I can tell you this... it is pretty damn perfect.

Enough to cover those times you need to be away from the game for a bit, but not long enough to mean people can setup a queue and not bother playing for months on end.

Maybe for an old player there are,for new people there are not, the initial skills all train faster, i had at the time tittle lvl 4 skills, the max i could get was an 8 days skill (frigate 5), so i got 9 days training and lost the other 20.

And the fact that things were worse does not mean they should not get any better. :)

this is why you PLAN. You spend the week before getting say, cruiser IV, then let cruiser V train while you're away.
Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#8 - 2012-02-28 18:34:32 UTC
Danika Princip wrote:
Angelo Cossa wrote:
Jint Hikaru wrote:
i have 2 months of playing and one of those were "spent" on vacation...

Sounds like you should have planned a little better.

There are plenty of 20+ day skills out there if you are going on vacation.

The queue was put in place to stop the 3am alarm call to switch skills. As a person who began playing before the queue was introduced, I can tell you this... it is pretty damn perfect.

Enough to cover those times you need to be away from the game for a bit, but not long enough to mean people can setup a queue and not bother playing for months on end.

Maybe for an old player there are,for new people there are not, the initial skills all train faster, i had at the time tittle lvl 4 skills, the max i could get was an 8 days skill (frigate 5), so i got 9 days training and lost the other 20.

And the fact that things were worse does not mean they should not get any better. :)

this is why you PLAN. You spend the week before getting say, cruiser IV, then let cruiser V train while you're away.

Ah, the good old assumption that a player that goes on "vacation" from the game necessarily has advanced warning and can plan it ahead.

Or that all new players are magically blessed with the knowledge that it took the old hands months to pick up.

The current skill training queue is still broken for a significant minority of players, in ways that are beyond the control of those players to do anything about.

Quit whining that it's "good enough", because it clearly isn't or this thread wouldn't respawn every 20 minutes like a farmed belt rat. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

XS Tech
#9 - 2012-02-28 19:33:44 UTC
Buzzy Warstl wrote:

Ah, the good old assumption that a player that goes on "vacation" from the game necessarily has advanced warning and can plan it ahead.

OP says that they went on vacation from work, and decided to do something that took them "very far" from their PC. Sounds like it was planned with a fair bit of "advanced warning".

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#10 - 2012-02-28 19:40:34 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
Buzzy Warstl wrote:

Ah, the good old assumption that a player that goes on "vacation" from the game necessarily has advanced warning and can plan it ahead.

OP says that they went on vacation from work, and decided to do something that took them "very far" from their PC. Sounds like it was planned with a fair bit of "advanced warning".

After a single month of play.
That falls under:
Buzzy Warstl wrote:

Or that all new players are magically blessed with the knowledge that it took the old hands months to pick up.

The OP is the second case, not the first, obviously. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

Angelo Cossa
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2012-02-28 19:41:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Angelo Cossa
Buzzy Warstl wrote:
Danika Princip wrote:

this is why you PLAN. You spend the week before getting say, cruiser IV, then let cruiser V train while you're away.

Ah, the good old assumption that a player that goes on "vacation" from the game necessarily has advanced warning and can plan it ahead.

Or that all new players are magically blessed with the knowledge that it took the old hands months to pick up.

Very well said Buzzy, Danika are assuming that new players know many things they don't... and that they are willing to do all that planning.

2 weeks before my vacation i was planning to repair my mortorcicle, who i wold pay to take care of my dogs, what clothes i would take to a month motorcicle trip, what streets to get, vacine for yellow fever, passports, etc, etc, etc none of it related to EVE.

After all this is a game, this is suposed to be a fun thing, and in the only month i have of vacation from work i want just to click a switch, and go live my Life.

This is a sugestion that i think will be good for many people like me, that play it for fun, does not commit so many time of their life on it , it is not unbalancing or game changing feature. it is just a facilitator for the casual player that wants to go on vacation.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#12 - 2012-02-28 23:28:05 UTC
Whether you have this vacation mode, or even just log into eve gate from a PC at some library or internet cafe, (use at own risk)...

It just makes sense that there be some mechanism in place to reduce the impact of unavoidable lost playtime on some level.

Planning ahead could be as simple as injecting in a bunch of skillbooks, so at least you were training something to justify paying for a game you were otherwise cut off from.
Blatant Alt Corp
#13 - 2012-02-28 23:51:34 UTC
First off, this is a GAME. The skill queue works fine for nearly everyone. Yes, **** happens! I'm around 1.5 years old, and I've probably lost a month of training time due to forgetting about the game, being gone, etc. Not important!

You should do what other suggested here: if you know you're going to be gone, then use EVEmon to skill up for something that'll take a LONG time. I know that this summer, I'll be gone for a while when I get married. I'm planning on training something like Industrial Command Ships V (30-ish days), Advanced Spaceship Command V (20+ days), or something along those lines. However, if I mess up and don't get to? So what? After all, it's a GAME.

Stuff happens. Remember to not take it too seriously and move on. The training queue works perfectly for those that are playing the game. When you're on vacation, you're having WAY more fun than you would be playing EVE (unless your vacations SUCK) so why are you complaining about losing game time? Calm down, take a deep breath, and relax.

Did I mention that this is just a game?
Katie Frost
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2012-02-28 23:59:51 UTC
Angelo Cossa wrote:
2 weeks before my vacation i was planning to repair my mortorcicle, who i wold pay to take care of my dogs, what clothes i would take to a month motorcicle trip, what streets to get, vacine for yellow fever, passports, etc, etc, etc none of it related to EVE.

I think I saw a spot up there where you could have logged on to EvE and planned your skills - it would have taken you 10-15 minutes. If you have the care and the inclination to post a topic about a game change to suit your lifestyle, one would think that you would have had the forethought to ensure that your character had a lengthy skill training whilst you were away on a holiday.

On the other hand, whilst your proposal has some merit, the far easier/effective way to avoid this issue in the future is to allow for skills to be updated via EvE Gate as mentioned already.
Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#15 - 2012-02-29 01:54:22 UTC
Tidurious wrote:
First off, this is a GAME. The skill queue works fine for nearly everyone. Yes, **** happens! I'm around 1.5 years old, and I've probably lost a month of training time due to forgetting about the game, being gone, etc. Not important!

You should do what other suggested here: if you know you're going to be gone, then use EVEmon to skill up for something that'll take a LONG time. I know that this summer, I'll be gone for a while when I get married. I'm planning on training something like Industrial Command Ships V (30-ish days), Advanced Spaceship Command V (20+ days), or something along those lines. However, if I mess up and don't get to? So what? After all, it's a GAME.

Stuff happens. Remember to not take it too seriously and move on. The training queue works perfectly for those that are playing the game. When you're on vacation, you're having WAY more fun than you would be playing EVE (unless your vacations SUCK) so why are you complaining about losing game time? Calm down, take a deep breath, and relax.

Did I mention that this is just a game?

Then why do people take suggesting changing the way the skill queue works in ways that would make the game more fair like someone excreted in their breakfast cereal?

Certainly somebody is taking the game too seriously. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

Jack Carrigan
Order of the Shadow
#16 - 2012-02-29 02:18:07 UTC
Working as intended.

I am the One who exists in Shadow. I am the Devil your parents warned you about.

||CEO: Order of the Shadow||Executor: The Revenant Order||Creator: Bowhead||

Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#17 - 2012-02-29 02:38:13 UTC
Jack Carrigan wrote:
Working as intended.

Ah, you like unfair systems when you have the advantage.

I get it. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

Ares Renton
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-02-29 03:15:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Ares Renton
Honestly, there is no reason not to have a 30-day queue.

You paid your subscription, the game shouldn't hassle you.

P.S. the only people who disagree are pricks who've already trained up every important skill to level 4/5 and have month-long training times anyways. They are probably hoping that new players miss their queues, and other than this petty reason, there is no cause for them to object.
Angelo Cossa
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2012-02-29 04:06:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Angelo Cossa
Ares Renton wrote:
Honestly, there is no reason not to have a 30-day queue.

You paid your subscription, the game shouldn't hassle you.

P.S. the only people who disagree are pricks who've already trained up every important skill to level 4/5 and have month-long training times anyways. They are probably hoping that new players miss their queues, and other than this petty reason, there is no cause for them to object.

You said what i was thinking, i had not seen a valid argument why not, just aswers like "you should have planned ahead", that's is a little easier when you know the game, what you want for you char, what skills enables what to make a long term plan... anyway how hard or not to make a plan is not the point here. The point is that a vacation mode is a easy and quick to implement solution for a problem i belive is not only mine.

The evegate solution is good too, i like it, and is much better the "plan ahead" to someone who does not know the game yet... but the ideia of vacation is not to be worry about when you need to go to a cyber cafe to change your skill. Anyway i think the 2 solutions are complementary.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-02-29 04:19:08 UTC
I'm not opposed to a longer skill queue. There's no real reason against it.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

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