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War Declaration Proposal: Security Nullification Array

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#121 - 2012-02-19 03:21:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
An alternative wardec proposal that is simpler and still satisfies most of Kelduum's complaints, while still encouraging and allowing conflicts to occur.

The (Maybe) Last War Declaration Proposal
(Link leads to an EVE-O forum thread. Not my blog.)
Kahz Niverrah
Distinguished Johnsons
#122 - 2012-02-20 14:20:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Kahz Niverrah
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
An alternative wardec proposal that is simpler and still satisfies most of Kelduum's complaints, while still encouraging and allowing conflicts to occur.

The (Maybe) Last War Declaration Proposal
(Link leads to an EVE-O forum thread. Not my blog.)

I like your proposal better, and I think it's on the right track unlike the OPs, but I still think there is room for some improvement. There are 3 points I'd like to address.

The first is war cost. Wars are cheap right now if you look at the cost of a single war. But an alliance like mine spends nearly 2 bil every week on wardecs. Our wars are not cheap. Under your proposal, our war cost would actually increase, even without the increased cost for each additional war. I think a number in the realm of 150-200m per war without increases is more realistic. It increases the cost of a single dec but the weekly war bill for alliances that do a lot of decs would be more or less the same.

The second is membership. I think locking someone in or out of a corp under any circumstances is a bad thing. I also agree that the current membership exploits need to be addressed. The simplest way to do this, imo, is to just add a 24 hour delay to joining or leaving a corp at war. You push the button to join or leave, and 24 hours later it just happens. Like when corps join alliances.

The third is war dec renewal. If you don't lock members in or out of corps there's no reason to not keep the current renewal system.

Also, there's another war exploit that your proposal didn't address: the dec shield alliance. That can easily be fixed by an alliance's wars transferring to a corp leaving an alliance for the remaining amount of time on the dec, with the option to renew, instead of the current 24-hours. POSes should not be perfectly safe in high-sec. Right now they are.

+1 to all other points of your proposal.

Also, for what it's worth, the mercenary invite thing is interesting, and would be helpful, but not really a huge improvement over how things stand right now. There's nothing to stop friends from wardec'ing aggressors right now, and happens frequently.

I don't always post on the forums, but when I do, I post with my main.

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#123 - 2012-02-20 17:36:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Poetic Stanziel
Kahz Niverrah wrote:
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
An alternative wardec proposal that is simpler and still satisfies most of Kelduum's complaints, while still encouraging and allowing conflicts to occur.

The (Maybe) Last War Declaration Proposal
(Link leads to an EVE-O forum thread. Not my blog.)

I like your proposal better, and I think it's on the right track unlike the OPs, but I still think there is room for some improvement. There are 3 points I'd like to address.

The first is war cost. Wars are cheap right now if you look at the cost of a single war. But an alliance like mine spends nearly 2 bil every week on wardecs. Our wars are not cheap. Under your proposal, our war cost would actually increase, even without the increased cost for each additional war. I think a number in the realm of 150-200m per war without increases is more realistic. It increases the cost of a single dec but the weekly war bill for alliances that do a lot of decs would be more or less the same.

The second is membership. I think locking someone in or out of a corp under any circumstances is a bad thing. I also agree that the current membership exploits need to be addressed. The simplest way to do this, imo, is to just add a 24 hour delay to joining or leaving a corp at war. You push the button to join or leave, and 24 hours later it just happens. Like when corps join alliances.

The third is war dec renewal. If you don't lock members in or out of corps there's no reason to not keep the current renewal system.

Also, there's another war exploit that your proposal didn't address: the dec shield alliance. That can easily be fixed by an alliance's wars transferring to a corp leaving an alliance for the remaining amount of time on the dec, with the option to renew, instead of the current 24-hours. POSes should not be perfectly safe in high-sec. Right now they are.

+1 to all other points of your proposal.

Also, for what it's worth, the mercenary invite thing is interesting, and would be helpful, but not really a huge improvement over how things stand right now. There's nothing to stop friends from wardec'ing aggressors right now, and happens frequently.

Most of the changes you request were made on the blog post two days ago. (I guess I did not update the forum post here with the changes?)

As for renewing a wardec, you are correct. Now that the limitations on joining/leaving corporations has been removed from the proposal, there is no need for the 24-hour delay between war renewals every week.
Kahz Niverrah
Distinguished Johnsons
#124 - 2012-02-20 17:54:56 UTC
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Most of the changes you request were made on the blog post two days ago. (I guess I did not update the forum post here with the changes?)
My bad. I saw the outline in my RSS reader on the EN24 feed. I think I only got the very first iteration.

I don't always post on the forums, but when I do, I post with my main.

Poetic Stanziel
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#125 - 2012-02-20 18:07:26 UTC
Kahz Niverrah wrote:
Poetic Stanziel wrote:
Most of the changes you request were made on the blog post two days ago. (I guess I did not update the forum post here with the changes?)
My bad. I saw the outline in my RSS reader on the EN24 feed. I think I only got the very first iteration.
The EN24 article is the original and I cannot change it. I've only made the changes on my blog and on the forums here.


Keep It Simple Software Group
#126 - 2012-02-23 09:53:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Wacktopia
If there's one thing we do not need more of in EVE it is structures to shoot at.

Some of the ideas of allowing third parties to get involved in general are quite good but your idea in general is not good.

CCP spent a lot of work with the Dominion release to try moving the SOV process away from bashing endless structures yet you are suggesting the complete opposite.

Even if you did get some community backing this I could easily see CCP stone-walling the idea.

It's just not the right solution.

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Gespenster Kompanie
#127 - 2012-02-24 08:20:34 UTC
It's a neat idea and I agree that the war mechanic needs a serious overhaul to drive actual 2 sided warfare, but this setup just doesn't seem viable. One of the big reasons is because this is Eve. Any structure that can be destroyed will be destroyed which means that whoever is declaring the war is at a disadvantage. The proposed structure would not just be vulnerable to war targets but to everyone. Also the purpose of a war needs to have many options.

Say for instance there is a corporation that is made up of miners. Someone wants to stop those mining operations so they hire mercenaries to take them out. Having to both hunt miners and protect an anchored structure would make a war in-efficient.

I agree that the war mechanics needs an overhaul, but the war itself needs to be more organic with objectives focused around actual objectives. Not around a structure and not always just for the sake of greifing.
Suicide Explorer
State Constructions
#128 - 2012-02-25 19:27:58 UTC
The fee for going to war against corporation (especially small ones) needs to be increased.
#129 - 2012-02-26 02:20:08 UTC
Suicide Explorer wrote:
The fee for going to war against corporation (especially small ones) needs to be increased.


"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Intermittent Fault
Punning Clan
#130 - 2012-03-04 16:41:03 UTC
Seems an unnecessarily overblown and complex way of achieveing somewhat reasonable aims.

1. Allow third parties to end a war without warmups/cooldowns, ie: Mercs.
Participants in a war should be allowed to "attach" corps in a temporary alliance. The defender for free and with a warmup in minutes, the attacker for a fee, limited to as many as the defender attaches and with a warmup in hours. This is the perfect mechanism for mercs.

2. Provide some element of risk for an 'attacker', so they are a little more likely to choose their targets well.
I agree that wardecs are too cheap and too free of risk. I would like to see a penalty for an attacker who fails to prevent the defender from continuing its normal operations if the defender attempts to do so, but any mechanism for this would be horrendously complex. Maybe a fudge where the defender corp has some kind of mission-like task in the attacker's home system - not blobbing a sov-like structure - which would end the war or impose an ISK penalty on the attacker. If the aim of a war is to prevent the defender from operating, that should involve ships in space, not in station.

4. Eliminate the existing loopholes in the mechanics and build a fairly robust system which doesn't have any big holes in it.
Pockets of pseudonullsec in high sec with no ability to control entrance into the system would just be an invitation to griefing. In a war, people need to pick sides.

You're coming at this too much from a Uni perspective. Wardecs can bring many of the Uni's activities grinding to a halt, and you have a problem with this, but against small corps your WSOP are overkill. In a war against corps with manageable numbers of players you could go to relaxed WSOP in some areas of space and not others - you have the PVPers and intelligence to handle scouting and intel gathering.
Cordo Draken
ABOS Industrial Enterprises
#131 - 2012-03-04 21:04:28 UTC
I like the SNA structure Idea in of itself... creating a mobile 0.0 bubble is interesting. I'd see it as more of a way to create an open place for free combat in Lo or hi sec. All the war mechanics of it though... no. People don't come out as it is and this idea of the defender making a push to engage the attackers "War Machine" would be shrugged just like the war itself. I like the initiative of the idea, but not the idea itself. Wars need fixing on a political, negotiating table level that has meaning to a corp/alliance. Corps need incentive to stick to their guns, stay together and not corp jump, or for corps to not flee to Dec Shield. Negotiation contracts that keep the peace over specified time would be better... if the stick doesn't work, try the Carrot.

Whomever said, "You only get one shot to make a good impression," was utterly wrong. I've made plenty of great impressions with my Autocannons 

Firelight Morgenstern
State War Academy
Caldari State
#132 - 2012-03-20 10:59:40 UTC
Good grief what is that WSOP all about? All it is missing is a small verse of Vogon poetry. P