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Out of Pod Experience

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Embry Riddle Aeronautical University

Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#1 - 2011-09-17 05:04:09 UTC
As of yesterday, I've been accepted into this university in the hopes of being a career pilot. It's something that's been a strong interest to me from when I first played Microsoft Flight Simulator for Windows 95 (I was an elementary kid at the time) that later developed into me actually flying a plane with an instructor back when I was in Civil Air Patrol. From that point on, I wanted to be a pilot. Whether it's for the US military or commercial airlines.

So, after getting all the paperwork done and transferring credits from another college, I'm finally getting started. I hope to start courses this October.

Anyways, how many of you pod pilots are actual pilots or have known a friend/relative who has become a pilot? I like to get some feedback from those who actually specialize in aeronautics.

Adapt or Die

Brandon Tsero
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2011-09-18 02:14:42 UTC
One of my Uncles fly for UPS, apparently shipping companies pay some pretty top dollar for even being a first officer on a flight.
#3 - 2011-09-18 02:36:17 UTC
YAY FOR STUDENT LOANS.... ! I used to be part of aircrew in the military and thinking about applying for the coastguard, navy or marine aviator once done with school myself. What exactly do you want to know?
Henry Haphorn
Killer Yankee
#4 - 2011-09-21 01:48:17 UTC
Pardon the late response. Work got in the way.

@ SpaceSquirrels - I was want to understand more about aviation from the perspective of real-world pilots who made a career out of it. It's one thing to hear aviation from friends and brochures, but it's another to here about it from the horse's mouth (real pilots). I just got plenty of questions for pilots in general.

1. How are the work hours in regards to commercial aviation? I doubt you pilots ever stuck with the standard 9-5 routine that much of us grew up understanding. Considering how often pilots travel, it must me exhausting.

2. How did you feel about the first time you flew?

3. How do you compare the experience of a flight simulator to that of an actual flight?

4. What was the first pilot-related job you took after you earned your bachelors degree? Did you go even further than a bachelors?

5. Have any of you ever accidentally used an Eve Online reference when talking through the radio? (ie: Tower, this is Bluesky submitting docking req... I mean requesting permission to land)

6. What's the one thing you ever hated about being a pilot? I've learned that no matter what career path one chooses, there will always be at least that one nagging thing in that person's mind that sometimes makes them question their career choice even though they love that career.

Adapt or Die

#5 - 2011-09-21 02:41:03 UTC
Henry Haphorn wrote:
Pardon the late response. Work got in the way.

@ SpaceSquirrels - I was want to understand more about aviation from the perspective of real-world pilots who made a career out of it. It's one thing to hear aviation from friends and brochures, but it's another to here about it from the horse's mouth (real pilots). I just got plenty of questions for pilots in general.

1. How are the work hours in regards to commercial aviation? I doubt you pilots ever stuck with the standard 9-5 routine that much of us grew up understanding. Considering how often pilots travel, it must me exhausting.

2. How did you feel about the first time you flew?

3. How do you compare the experience of a flight simulator to that of an actual flight?

4. What was the first pilot-related job you took after you earned your bachelors degree? Did you go even further than a bachelors?

5. Have any of you ever accidentally used an Eve Online reference when talking through the radio? (ie: Tower, this is Bluesky submitting docking req... I mean requesting permission to land)

6. What's the one thing you ever hated about being a pilot? I've learned that no matter what career path one chooses, there will always be at least that one nagging thing in that person's mind that sometimes makes them question their career choice even though they love that career.

Well many of those I can't answer. Some I can.
1. Hours commercially (for the big boys are regulated quite a lot) Technically suppose to get 8 -10 hours between days allowed to nap, and international works a tad differently. Smaller carriers or hops I hear the pay sucks and you're a slave.

2. Dunno about pilots I was excited.

3. Similar and different...cant explain otherwise.

4. All Military pilots have to have a B.S degree. (Some very few exceptions are for the army and coast guard) and after a certain rank in order to continue in rank officers will need a masters degree. Commercial carriers are different, and on a company basis.

5. Uh no but I did once say 10-4 (an emergency ground term for emts police etc and got made fun of promptly)

6. Dunno about them, but lots of regulations and being told what to do/how to fly by towers and ATC's. Some legit some for only those 1% occasions that you'll never experience, but have to abide by em anyway.

Like I said my experience is all military, or knowledge from ATC people civilian side. Rotary for medical services (some fixed wing)/police is quite akin to military though.