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Got Scammed....wondering how he did it? Pleas read

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-02-21 21:31:35 UTC
Ok, I got scammed. I lost 175mil and it's not a big deal really, I can make that back in a day or two.

This is what happened:

I was in a trade hub dropping off some items for a contract, I noticed someone was advertising in local selling a Hulk at 175mil. I needed a Hulk so I went ahead and initiated a trade with him.

In the trade window, I offered 175mil and he offered what looked like a Hulk. At least thats what it said in the trade window.

I got the "hulk," but when I unpackaged it, it turned out to be a covetor. So Im wondering how did he manage to make it appear as though it were a Hulk in the trade window (When you doubled clicked on it, It came up with a hulk description)?

I learnt my lesson obviously and on hindsight it was stupid. But I would be interested to know how he did it, cheers.
Lost Hamster
Hamster Holding Corp
#2 - 2012-02-21 21:40:09 UTC
minerelite wrote:
Ok, I got scammed. I lost 175mil and it's not a big deal really, I can make that back in a day or two.

This is what happened:

I was in a trade hub dropping off some items for a contract, I noticed someone was advertising in local selling a Hulk at 175mil. I needed a Hulk so I went ahead and initiated a trade with him.

In the trade window, I offered 175mil and he offered what looked like a Hulk. At least thats what it said in the trade window.

I got the "hulk," but when I unpackaged it, it turned out to be a covetor. So Im wondering how did he manage to make it appear as though it were a Hulk in the trade window (When you doubled clicked on it, It came up with a hulk description)?

I learnt my lesson obviously and on hindsight it was stupid. But I would be interested to know how he did it, cheers.

Usually the ship is not repacked, it was a covetor renamed to a hulk.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-02-21 21:46:00 UTC
Simple as that was it? Damn....

I fell pretty stupid now lol
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#4 - 2012-02-21 21:59:04 UTC
Never trade using the trade window.

Use a contract, and check it thoroughly several times before accepting it.
Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2012-02-21 22:10:21 UTC
"Show Info" shows the ship name in the heading, to get the ship type you have to read the long-winded description.
#6 - 2012-02-22 08:48:09 UTC
Florestan Bronstein wrote:
"Show Info" shows the ship name in the heading, to get the ship type you have to read the long-winded description.

Sometimes that is only way to figure out trade window scams.

But in this case there was easier way: Covetor is T1 ship, Hulk is T2 ship. In trade window you did not have that small T2 symbol in top left corner of ship icon - which immediately tells you that it can't be Hulk.

New to EVE? Don't forget to read: The Manual * The Wiki * The Career Options * and everything else

Callean Drevus
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-02-22 09:00:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Callean Drevus
Ah yes, I did this too when I tried to obtain two Caldari Navy Ravens. It is an interesting scam. Uou should be happy you lost _only_ 175m to it before learning about it ;)

Developer/Creator of EVE Marketeer

Rakshasa Taisab
Sane Industries Inc.
#8 - 2012-02-22 09:17:41 UTC
malaire wrote:
But in this case there was easier way: Covetor is T1 ship, Hulk is T2 ship. In trade window you did not have that small T2 symbol in top left corner of ship icon - which immediately tells you that it can't be Hulk.

Oh please do, I'm looking forward to your 'wtf?' post when you find out they scammed you again.


#9 - 2012-02-22 09:26:50 UTC  |  Edited by: malaire
Rakshasa Taisab wrote:
malaire wrote:
But in this case there was easier way: Covetor is T1 ship, Hulk is T2 ship. In trade window you did not have that small T2 symbol in top left corner of ship icon - which immediately tells you that it can't be Hulk.

Oh please do, I'm looking forward to your 'wtf?' post when you find out they scammed you again.

I said "in this case". And I also said that this doesn't allways work.

For example if they are selling Skiff or Mackinaw renamed as Hulk, then this wont work because those are also T2 ships.

EDIT: So when you are buying T2 ship, missing T2 symbol allways tells you are being scammed - but if that T2 symbol is there then you need to check from Show Info window description/attributes that you are getting right T2 ship. Same goes for faction ships.

But generally trade window sells are allways scams. Private contract costs only 10,000 ISK so there is really no reason to use trade window instead of private contract.

New to EVE? Don't forget to read: The Manual * The Wiki * The Career Options * and everything else

Rakshasa Taisab
Sane Industries Inc.
#10 - 2012-02-22 09:31:04 UTC
malaire wrote:
Rakshasa Taisab wrote:
malaire wrote:
But in this case there was easier way: Covetor is T1 ship, Hulk is T2 ship. In trade window you did not have that small T2 symbol in top left corner of ship icon - which immediately tells you that it can't be Hulk.

Oh please do, I'm looking forward to your 'wtf?' post when you find out they scammed you again.

I said "in this case". And I also said that this doesn't allways work.

For example if they are selling Skiff or Mackinaw renamed as Hulk, then this wont work because those are also T2 ships.

Except it won't work "in this case", that is to say what was done to the OP.

Cause he said he unpacked the ship, which means that it was the swap-trick and not the rename trick. Dig your hole deeper.


#11 - 2012-02-22 09:34:51 UTC
Rakshasa Taisab wrote:
Cause he said he unpacked the ship, which means that it was the swap-trick and not the rename trick. Dig your hole deeper.

I was guessing OP meant "repackaged" instead of "unpackaged". Because if ship was packaged he would not need to do anything after trade to see that it is wrong ship.

New to EVE? Don't forget to read: The Manual * The Wiki * The Career Options * and everything else

#12 - 2012-02-22 10:58:43 UTC
minerelite wrote:
In the trade window

And boom there goes the isk ....

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Raiz Nhell
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#13 - 2012-02-22 11:15:37 UTC
You didn't loss 175mil ISK.... You gained a really nice Covertor, one owner, low mileage...

What you have now is a chance to improve your scamming skills... You can make a profit on that Cove...sorry, Hulk...

Watch, learn, turn it into profit... It's the New Eden way...

There is no such thing as a fair fight...

If your fighting fair you have automatically put yourself at a disadvantage.

Emerald Empire
#14 - 2012-02-22 11:47:15 UTC  |  Edited by: PsymonStark
This type of Scam is especially popular with Navy Issue Stuff.

For Example:

Raven, and a Raven Navy Issue.
Megathron, and a Megathron Navy issue.

So the poster advertises a Raven Navy Issue for some super good price, and when the trade window is open, the Item is called Raven Navy Issue, and it even looks like one, but doesnt have that all so cool little green Diamond in the top corner - its just a renamed Stock Standard Raven.
Zendon Taredi
Tier Four Technologies
#15 - 2012-02-22 11:55:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Zendon Taredi
why would someone be selling a 220m ship for 175m? are you that lucky? if the price he is offering is lower than the market buy order then obviously something is fishy. never use trade window!
Implying Implications
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2012-02-22 12:41:08 UTC
Hey OP, if you are still looking for a cheap Hulk, I have one in Jita. Trade with me any time.
Tikktokk Tokkzikk
#17 - 2012-02-22 15:01:34 UTC
malaire wrote:
Rakshasa Taisab wrote:
malaire wrote:
But in this case there was easier way: Covetor is T1 ship, Hulk is T2 ship. In trade window you did not have that small T2 symbol in top left corner of ship icon - which immediately tells you that it can't be Hulk.

Oh please do, I'm looking forward to your 'wtf?' post when you find out they scammed you again.

I said "in this case". And I also said that this doesn't allways work.

For example if they are selling Skiff or Mackinaw renamed as Hulk, then this wont work because those are also T2 ships.

EDIT: So when you are buying T2 ship, missing T2 symbol allways tells you are being scammed - but if that T2 symbol is there then you need to check from Show Info window description/attributes that you are getting right T2 ship. Same goes for faction ships.

But generally trade window sells are allways scams. Private contract costs only 10,000 ISK so there is really no reason to use trade window instead of private contract.

But I have used all my contract slots! Now hurry up and trade before I lag out again!
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-02-22 19:20:43 UTC
EVE rulebook - Rule number 3:

If it's too good to be true...
Buruk Utama
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-02-22 21:54:27 UTC
minerelite wrote:
Ok, I got scammed. I lost 175mil and it's not a big deal really, I can make that back in a day or two.

This is what happened:

I was in a trade hub dropping off some items for a contract, I noticed someone was advertising in local selling a Hulk at 175mil. I needed a Hulk so I went ahead and initiated a trade with him.

In the trade window, I offered 175mil and he offered what looked like a Hulk. At least thats what it said in the trade window.

I got the "hulk," but when I unpackaged it, it turned out to be a covetor. So Im wondering how did he manage to make it appear as though it were a Hulk in the trade window (When you doubled clicked on it, It came up with a hulk description)?

I learnt my lesson obviously and on hindsight it was stupid. But I would be interested to know how he did it, cheers.

Hulks retail in Jita for 203million with buy orders at 197million. How, in any rational sense, could you have thought this was anything but a scam?? Did you really think the guy was just nice and wanted to subsidize you an extra 20m out the goodness of his heart so you could get the hulk instead of just instant selling it at a higher price? It wasn't hindsight stupid, it was pure stupidity from the get go.
Brock Nelson
#20 - 2012-02-23 03:56:12 UTC
It amazes me that people are still falling for the old "This is a Navy Raven" kind of scam.

Signature removed, CCP Phantom

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