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First PVP roam.....

Florin Pelecaci
#1 - 2011-09-20 17:18:55 UTC
Hi all,

Just wanted to share our first foray into PVP.
My brother and I live in highsec running Level 4's but wanted to get into some PVP. I'll be honest, I'm not great at PVP in any game.
So we both chose a ship, we both went for a vexor and fitted it out (probably fail fit Lol) and set a course for Vylade which was a couple of jumps from a 0.4 area.

We arrived at our final destination and proceeded to look around, 5 mins later we jumped into another 0.4 sector and spotted a Domi sat on a gate.
Now, this was probably waaaayyyy out of our league but figured "in at the deep end!" so we engaged, I targetted, warp scrammed, my brother webbed and we started firing.........about 2 seconds later my ship exploded in a blaze of glory and my brother followed about 5 seconds later. We forgot abotu the gate guns, lol.

The guy we attacked was like "WTF" in local. I just apologised and explained that we were on our first venture into PVP and failed miserably, he laughed and said "things happens" (or words to that effect)

So our first PVP roam lasted approximately 20 seconds, we lost a fair few million in ISK but by heck we loved it! My heart has never raced so fast when playing a game ever.

For all those that haven't gotten into PVP, don't worry about the cost, just go do it!
Knot'Kul Sun
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2011-09-20 17:21:49 UTC
Once you get into it more, stop fail fitting and have a sense of what to do, youll enjoy it that much more.

Try going to 0.0, no sentry guns, no standing loss.
more dangerous foes however.
Takamori Maruyama
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2011-09-20 17:22:48 UTC
Good to hear, see didn't hurt and PvP didn't kill your mother like the majority of the carebears think.

Good sir I recommend a null sec corp for you, no mean gates shooting at you, just bubble gate camps sometimes, just need a good scouting and pay attention when you engage.

As for that I make my corp propaganda!
Join Imperium Technologies , contact Big Dane for more info :3.

Loud and clear...

Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-09-20 17:29:19 UTC
lol. yep. like having sex for the first time.


"250 Hellcats inbound sir! They have us outmanned and outgunned. What are we going to do?" "catnip of course......."
Florin Pelecaci
#5 - 2011-09-20 17:34:49 UTC
Satav wrote:
lol. yep. like having sex for the first time.


"250 Hellcats inbound sir! They have us outmanned and outgunned. What are we going to do?" "catnip of course......."


It was great fun, null sec is the goal for us as we had forgotten about the standing loss and the gate guns.
I'm reading a lot about how frigates are the best to learn in so we're going to do it again in some cheap frigs to practise.

We're Gallente which I understand don't have the best PvP ships but we'll learn in those for now for fittings sake and hopefully get better.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2011-09-20 17:39:08 UTC
Satav wrote:
lol. yep. like having sex for the first time.


"250 Hellcats inbound sir! They have us outmanned and outgunned. What are we going to do?" "catnip of course......."

:facepalm: be sure to post up your experience there too, when it happens.
Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#7 - 2011-09-20 17:46:21 UTC
props for getting started on the fun/frustrating road of pvp! Keep at it you can only get better ♥

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Florin Pelecaci
#8 - 2011-09-20 17:49:07 UTC
Thanks all, I've always beena bit nervous of losing my ship so stayed well clear of low and null sec but constant mission running is getting boring so we wanted to branch out and have some fun.
If we die, we die and we will die, we'll die a lot. But what the hell! What's the point of ISK if you can't spend it having fun and blowing up some internet pixel ships
Knot'Kul Sun
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2011-09-20 17:55:31 UTC
Florin Pelecaci wrote:
Thanks all, I've always beena bit nervous of losing my ship so stayed well clear of low and null sec but constant mission running is getting boring so we wanted to branch out and have some fun.
If we die, we die and we will die, we'll die a lot. But what the hell! What's the point of ISK if you can't spend it having fun and blowing up some internet pixel ships

Good idea, when i try to coach people new to pvp, everyone seems to want to take the fast track to a battleship, ive seen people run frigate guns on battleships cus they refused to start small.

so Kudos.

And check your in-game mail.
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2011-09-20 18:22:36 UTC
Knot'Kul Sun wrote:
Florin Pelecaci wrote:
Thanks all, I've always beena bit nervous of losing my ship so stayed well clear of low and null sec but constant mission running is getting boring so we wanted to branch out and have some fun.
If we die, we die and we will die, we'll die a lot. But what the hell! What's the point of ISK if you can't spend it having fun and blowing up some internet pixel ships

Good idea, when i try to coach people new to pvp, everyone seems to want to take the fast track to a battleship, ive seen people run frigate guns on battleships cus they refused to start small.

so Kudos.

And check your in-game mail.

Now thats just funny. However I have fit Cruiser gunz on a BS before on purpose (I could have used the big ones) but its a little hard to hit Sleeper Frigates with BS gunz without a lil help. Sometimes the ends justify the means.
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."   --H.L. Mencken
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2011-09-20 20:15:19 UTC
Florin Pelecaci wrote:
Hi all,

Just wanted to share our first foray into PVP.
My brother and I live in highsec running Level 4's but wanted to get into some PVP. I'll be honest, I'm not great at PVP in any game.
So we both chose a ship, we both went for a vexor and fitted it out (probably fail fit Lol) and set a course for Vylade which was a couple of jumps from a 0.4 area.

We arrived at our final destination and proceeded to look around, 5 mins later we jumped into another 0.4 sector and spotted a Domi sat on a gate.
Now, this was probably waaaayyyy out of our league but figured "in at the deep end!" so we engaged, I targetted, warp scrammed, my brother webbed and we started firing.........about 2 seconds later my ship exploded in a blaze of glory and my brother followed about 5 seconds later. We forgot abotu the gate guns, lol.

The guy we attacked was like "WTF" in local. I just apologised and explained that we were on our first venture into PVP and failed miserably, he laughed and said "things happens" (or words to that effect)

So our first PVP roam lasted approximately 20 seconds, we lost a fair few million in ISK but by heck we loved it! My heart has never raced so fast when playing a game ever.

For all those that haven't gotten into PVP, don't worry about the cost, just go do it!

apollo Thellere
#12 - 2011-09-20 20:24:40 UTC  |  Edited by: apollo Thellere
Florin Pelecaci wrote:
Hi all,
My heart has never raced so fast when playing a game ever.

For all those that haven't gotten into PVP, don't worry about the cost, just go do it!

Have to agree with this point.

I made this account simply to PVP and my main to earn isk to cover my losses, i joined a PVP training corp - PWND Factor - (who were all excellent btw) and joined some roams into low/null.

That initial buzz when we found a small gang like us justified the plex i have to earn to cover for this account, the blood pumping, the heart beating real fast and at first, your FC barking primaries and then inevitably forgetting everything you were tought as the adreneline just makes your mind blank out, then realizing your in your pod before you can compose yourself lol

That to me is priceless and will keep me playing this game as long as possible.

Unfortuntely my main cant quite earn enough to cover this guys loss mails yet, and my previous PVP school's corp FC's were U.S based so it was a struggle getting a roam going unless i stayed up until crazy o'clock in the morning which killed me the following day (UK based)

So, until i gather enough isk to start losing ships again or a mysterious benefactor starts sponsoring me, i'm stuck in an NPC corp skilling up and slowly dying of boredom as missioning just doesnt cut it for me anymore Ugh

Kudos to you and your friend though for taking the step into low sec ( tbh whenever i was in there 9 out of 10 systems were totally empty or had 2/3 players in so cant understand the fear that high sec people have for it )
Magda Sinitiainen
#13 - 2011-09-20 20:35:41 UTC
Thank you for posting your experience. I hope to put its lessons to some use before too long.
Zaine Maltis
Innsmouth Enterprises
#14 - 2011-09-20 20:41:03 UTC
*hits the like button*
Oberine Noriepa
#15 - 2011-09-20 20:46:41 UTC
This is a cute thread.

Dradius Calvantia
Lip Shords
#16 - 2011-09-20 21:35:51 UTC
Seconding the advice to go to null sec, especially if you plan on using frigates or other lightly tanked ships. Unfortunately, low sec gate guns can track frigates just as well as they can track BSes.. and apply the same amount of DPS to both. This has basically killed off solo frig combat in low. It can be fun however to roam through low a bit in order to try to gank ratters and missioners when your in that kind of mood, just be aware of your GCC timer and do not engage on gates or stations.

For actual fights though, you are much better off in null, specifically npc null. Sov null tends to be filled with blobs. You can actually pick off stragglers from Sov alliance blobs as a solo or small gang PVPer, but this requires you to REALLY know what you are doing, and even if you do everything right... will end with you DIAF quite often. NPC null on the other hand, contains many more small gangs and soloers. I suggest you find an area that seems to meet your needs, and spend a little bit of time just getting familiar with who lives out there... and how they operate. Knowing that the ceptor pilot you are about to engage belongs to big PVP alliance that often uses ceptors to scout much larger gangs, for example, is an important thing to know.

As far as gal frigs go.. The T1 stuff is less than amassing. The Tristan is not terrible, but it will have a hard time standing up to most other frig hulls. The Assault ships on the other hand can be flown to great effect. I personally prefer the Ishkur, but I know several people who use the Enyo on a regular basis. I highly recommend cross training to other races frigates, as it does not take very long and will provide you with a much wider array of options for different situations. It will also give you access to some of the pirate faction frigates, which are extremely fun to fly.

Also, I have been having lots of fun with the navy faction frigs. The imp navy slicer can be extremely effective solo, and I had just about the most fun I have ever had in EVE in a fed navy comet fleet last night.

The thing about frigates, is they are very unforgiving of mistakes. In my opinion this is a very good thing for new pilots as it will quickly show you where you can improve for next time. I recommend using fraps or a similar program to record your fights so that you can watch it later and get a much better idea of what things you did right... and what you did wrong. Frigate combat is very face paced, and even experienced players have a hard time catching every thing that happens during the fight.

And last but not least... make sure you set up your overview and UI to maximize your ability to quick process the information it is telling you and to be able to quickly preform the actions that you need to.

Some quick tips here:

1. Make use of the five available overview tabs to display different sets of objects grouped according to when you need them. I am currently using A: brawl tab which only displays neutral and hostile ships (no gates, stations, wrecks, containters, ect..) sorted by distance. B: travel tab which is the same as previous with gates and WHs. C: utility tab which can be used to display things such as hostile drones, fleet mates, npcs, ect.. depending on what I am doing. A new profile can be loaded to this tab quickly by simply right clicking the tab and selecting it. D: loot tab which shows wrecks and containers. E: pod saver tab which shows all planets, customs offices, and the sun. This is used in some situations simply to align to a specific celestial or when your ship is going down to select a celestial from here and spam the warp button as your ship dies. Your pod will warp off as soon as you die assuming you are not in a bubble.

2. You can use a different profile for brackets shown in space than you are using for objects shown in overview. Exactly what you have shown in space is up to you... but I suggest at a minimum having planets, the sun, and gates shown for off grid objects. This allows you to quickly determine what celestial you are already aligned to if you need to warp out in a hurry.. as well as giving you a good idea where other people warp too. For on grid objects, I recommend having a couple different set ups that include only ships, ships and drones, only hostile ships, and something with nearly everything on it for when you are flying anything cloaky.

3. Unless you are operating in WH space, you should have the local chat channel separate from the rest and in a location that allows you to quickly see the list of pilots in local. I personally have the chat box as thin as it will get and stretched from top to bottom of the screen on the left hand side. Local is currently an invaluable intel tool and you should always be aware when pilots enter or exit that list.

4. You can move nearly any part of the UI around where ever you want on screen. Try some different configurations out to find what you like and then try to stick with it. If you are constantly changing the positions of things you will find your self looking in the wrong place for the warp button, or to check your fleet mates HP.

Apollo Gabriel
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#17 - 2011-09-20 21:38:36 UTC
My advise is to go die as many times as you can, until you are literally saying "whatever" when you lose. Then you can learn to pvp.
Always ... Never ... Forget to check your references.   Peace out Zulu! Hope you land well!
EvEa Deva
#18 - 2011-09-20 21:49:18 UTC
now train stealth bombers and have some fun.
The Greater Goon
#19 - 2011-09-20 21:53:12 UTC
wish I could laugh at you, but one day I did the exact same thing

fitted up a fail rifter and proceeded to try and gank a shuttle on a low sec gate
insta pop, and much luls in local

don't think I undocked again for a week