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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Old Player Long Break LFC

Ii Eliroral
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-02-19 19:20:16 UTC

Just coming back from a long break from Eve (nearly 2 years) and looking to find a corp to relearn the game and have fun again like I did in the past with Eve.

Character somewhere north of 74 mil sp. Flies caps, recons, logs, hacs, hics, black ops, and more with skills to fit and fly properly. Experienced in lots of different pvp related areas of the game incl merc, 0.0, piracy. Flew with the gang of Fu2 before Ushrakhan and was one of the early members of Veto and most recently with Python before they all left for SWTOR But like I said I haven't played in nearly two years so I am sure there are a lot of new things and new mechanics to learn/relearn.

Me 40-something, self-employed, with long list of spouse produced chores so Eve time tends to be sporadic.

Ideal corp:

Organized with goals but laid back as I need sometime to figure out the game again and no time or mandatory op requirements (due to my sporadic Eve time although I'd like to participate a lot of times I just can't commit to the time block)
Older members (age) of sufficient quantity so that I can relate with folks
Strong US/Aussie timezone activity
Prefer 0.0 access to at least work my sec back up as I am currently neg sec and cannot run around easily in Empire

If you think your corp may be a fit please contact me in game via Eve Mail with best time/way to discuss.


Ambivalent Inc
Coney Island Ski Club
#2 - 2012-02-20 02:45:23 UTC
Hello mate,

First off, welcome back to EvE! I don't know what exactly you're looking for (i.e: exclusively nullsec based corp) but we at Valkyr Industries are one of the most active corporations in the Minmatar Militia. If you havn't given it a try or consideration, maybe it's time? Sec status is not a big concern for us, we have multiple pilots who are ... disliked by CONCORD. We are very strong in the US time zone as well as a decent presence in all other times (very late US/Aussie time is slightly slower for the corp, but our alliance is strong still). We try to throw ops together as often as possible, but pick-up gangs are almost always available.

If you're interested at all in our corp, then please let me know! I'd be happy to chat.
Invaders Empire Wold
#3 - 2012-02-20 08:32:24 UTC
Hello, I would like to tell you about Eve Defence Force, we are a primary pvp corp looking to expand and improve our-self, with a RL first ideal and fun outlook into life.

We are looking for the best of the best (please read good attitude) those that are not afraid to go out there and kill ships, with fleets going on around the clock by our with corp or allies, we are always fighting.

If you are new to pewpew but show the right attitude we might have a place for you.

We also have also great places to chill and relax, alliance comms, and new websites coming.

Our killboards can be seeing in here

Our recruitment post is at

And really from what i read about you guys, you will be a great addition to our team, fighting with us along side and having fun.

If you are interested you can mail me back and stop by our bar, the channel "TheEdfBar" always there's someone in there waiting to help you.

thank you for your time :)



For good or for ill, air mastery is today the supreme expression of military power and fleets and armies, however vital and important, must accept a subordinate rank.

— Prime Minister Winston Churchill

Ii Eliroral
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-02-20 17:20:48 UTC
Thanks to all who have contacted me so far. Planning on looking and considering for a few more days before deciding. Please contact me if you think I would be a good fit.
Hashashin Cartel
#5 - 2012-02-20 18:56:14 UTC
Check us out we live in the Great Wildlands which has slow traffic most of the time; which is good for learning the ropes again, & getting your sec-status up after suicide runs.

We are very laid back & like to talk lots of smack, strong west coast members, with a decent mid-west/east coast members.

We have enough older gentlemen & experts in popular culture that you should have no problem relating, but you should expect some age related ribbing from our younger members.

Merciless Markus
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-02-20 19:25:12 UTC
We See Dead People, est. 2007, is a family style ran corp. All members in corp are US players and are on from east coast to Hawaii time zones. (22:00 - 8:00 eve time) Age of members range from 20-50 years old. We want to build a strong US corp, that has a major impact in Eve.

The one complaint I hear over and over again, is the lack of people online to fly with. Most fleet ops, in most alliances seam to be during euro times, ours is mostly US members. (even more people to fly with) Pilots of all types and occupations welcome. We have everything sov space has to offer: ratting, mining, havens, sanctums, plexes, stations, pvp, etc. Our alliance space is pretty stable, but still get the occasional nuets coming in.

So, what do you think? Give us a shot! We have nothing against non US players. If they play Eve the same time as us, we would be more then happy to accept their apps. We just want to insure that members well be online during our time zones. Nobody likes playing alone.

For more imfo click link:
Vette Kor'Vath
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-02-20 19:47:12 UTC
Taishi Combine [TAI.C] is currently recruiting experienced pilots interested in 0.0 PVP . We work in small to medium roams, as well as large fleets with allies.

Here is a few things about us!

-We are based out of 0.0 (delve)
-Currently part of the Pirate Nation alliance
-Heavily into PVP
-Friendly group, very laid back and always willing to help.
-Experienced players
-Active in all time zones
-Use TS3
-Have logistical train into staging system
-Corp ships for use during OPs

And, here is what we ask of pilots interested in joining.

-5mil SP limit
-Be active member in the corp and alliance.
-Get on comms as often as possible.
-Be able to at least fly a battlecruiser.

If interested and would like further details, please send Vette Kor'vath, Fawlty7, or Dracvlad an EVEmail and we will get to you as soon as possible! Also, try the TAI.C Party! channel. You can talk to a few of the members, and get a feel for the guys there.

Here's our spiffy little Killboard!
Pony Tail
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-02-20 21:25:01 UTC
I'll keep it simple. ie: no links or text blocks

- Always deployed some where with logistic support to move ships and gear in combat area
- Mumble
- Always fleets up, Cap and Sub Cap
- You will need a sense of humor
- Ship replacement program in place at alliance level
- Forms with fleet ops
- API Required
- Pub Free
- 0.0 Corp/Alliance
- Corp owned Station

Channel: MV Publord Lounge
Contact Pony Tail
NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#9 - 2012-02-21 05:41:26 UTC  |  Edited by: NightCrawler 85
Welcome back to EVE!

I will say right away that we are not in 0.0,so if this is a must,im sorry for having wasted your time Sad
But then again you also said its just a preferance which is why im taking the chanse on posting and attempting to get your attention.

The main parts that got my interest with your post is the fact that you want a corp with more...mature people. This is something we do have but i can not promise that they act their age at all times Lol
Because of this we are also used to the fact that people need to take care of things like kids,work,or that lovely whife that wants to drag you out to watch the newest Johnny Depp movie Blink
This also means that we have no mandatory operations,or online requierements. The only thing we will ask is that you inform us when you leave for a longer period of time (2 weeks +) since we do remove inactive members from the corp.

Because of your history its hard to guess weather or not you would be interested in joining a corp that does not consider it self a pure PVP corp,which is another thing you need to keep in mind if you have read this far. We have our share of bloodthirsty members who get very granky if they cant PVP,but we also have our share of members that prefer to just sit and small chat and post disturbing pictures in corp chat Smile

Well..If you are interested after reading this you can go ahead and check out our recruitment add (aka wall of text) which can be found here;

I hope you find what your looking for and ofc,free bump Smile
Ii Eliroral
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-02-23 02:04:59 UTC
One last go around bump.
Kings of Kill
#11 - 2012-02-23 02:12:30 UTC
Come shoot stuff with us

Small gang pvp
NPC null based
Experienced FCs
Voice coms

Public channel - KOK Open

KOK Killboard

Alliance KB

We are primarily US based with a smaller EU crew. Quite a few of us have been together since 2005. Most of us have families and other RL responsibilities. We are pretty laid back group. We let out guys do pretty much what they want, but we are a pvp corp first. Check us out.

Good luck in your search for a new home.
Souvera Corvus
Buena Vista Social Club.
#12 - 2012-02-23 03:48:41 UTC
Mail sent Blink.