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NUVOS announces Emancipation Assistance Program

Kentt Em'asep
Clone Red Creations
#21 - 2012-02-09 20:36:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Kentt Em'asep
Lyn Farel wrote:
Kentt Em'asep wrote:
If you had read, Mr. Numenor had also stated on them forming new communities and them beginning their own self-government. But sure... go ahead and believe that they will be living on a rock... maybe somewhere in wormhole space. At least they would live in peace there.

Do people at least remember what happened just after the collapse of the Eve Gate and what is left of it in historical records ? Dropping these people on a planet isolated from everything is putting them in a similar environnement, which is sometimes refered in New Eden's case as the Age of Darkness.

Which makes me wonder how much the Disciples of Ston are going to invest to assure these people live a decent life (unless they want them to live 100 times poorer lifes than the ones they lived under slavery), and how far are they thinking to assist/support these people in their establishment on their new world ?

I am pretty sure nobody wants to see a new Vo'shun to blossom in the cluster.

It was a joke if you even bothered to see how I phrased it. I am suprised someone such as yourself would have even believed that. The Disciples are more better then that as what Manwe had pointed out last post.

~"That's right. Today, tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that... from here on until forever, every time you look at my avatar - you'll see this scowl."~


~"Yes - forever. It's what I do."~

Lyn Farel
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#22 - 2012-02-09 22:59:02 UTC
Manwe Todako wrote:
I wish to take responsibility for confusion over how the Disciples of Ston plan to care for the influx of recently freed people. The confusion is partly due to my refusal to listen to the criticism of others over starting multiple forum threads. In those diffuse threads there are detailed descriptions of the infrastructure of what we are building, but who wants to read all that? As a result, there is confusion. So, I apologize for that.

Alright, I need to review a few well-known but often forgotten facts.

1. Customs laws and enforcements forbid capsuleer pilots from transporting slaves/ former slaves on to planetary colonies. Customs so strictly enforces these rules, that it simply cannot be done, certainly not on the scale that we would have to do it.
2. Orbital stations of today are massive constructions of human oriented infrastructure including all that is necessary to sustain and support large populations. We often forget that as capsuleers who rarely leave the "egg."
3. All those we rescue, house, feed, educate, train and otherwise care for are on board orbital stations. These stations have state of the art medical, nutritional, sanitational, and housing facilities. No one is abandoned on planets to fend for themselves without resources.
4. Planetary colonies that the members and friends of DSTON own, produce millions of liters of water, millions of grams of protein supplements, livestock, etc. Donations and purchases by DSTON account for millions of doses of medicines, servings of frozen commodities, even consumer electronics for educational and entertainment purposes.
5. Though the mathematics of our populations are great, the mathematics of our resources are enormous. Do we soon forget that power of the capsuleer both to purchase and to produce is beyond the normal non-capsuleer scale?
6. Gallentean and Minmatar Corporations and Security organizations operate freely and without hindrance in Amarr space. Gallentean society has in the past and continues to spend very considerable sums of ISK on the cause of Minmatar freedom.
7. The Costs of DSTON efforts are a drop in the bucket relative to the whole cluster. Our corporate support is tiny, financially speaking. However, our corporation partners benefit greatly in P.R. and politically by aiding these populations of freed slaves.

So for those who really do care about how these rescued ones will fare; they will fare excellently. To those who merely wish to criticize; nothing I say will satisfy you nor will you believe it. However, your criticisms will not stop our work. To it we are dedicated.

Thank you for the clarification.

Kentt Em'asep wrote:
Lyn Farel wrote:
Kentt Em'asep wrote:
If you had read, Mr. Numenor had also stated on them forming new communities and them beginning their own self-government. But sure... go ahead and believe that they will be living on a rock... maybe somewhere in wormhole space. At least they would live in peace there.

Do people at least remember what happened just after the collapse of the Eve Gate and what is left of it in historical records ? Dropping these people on a planet isolated from everything is putting them in a similar environnement, which is sometimes refered in New Eden's case as the Age of Darkness.

Which makes me wonder how much the Disciples of Ston are going to invest to assure these people live a decent life (unless they want them to live 100 times poorer lifes than the ones they lived under slavery), and how far are they thinking to assist/support these people in their establishment on their new world ?

I am pretty sure nobody wants to see a new Vo'shun to blossom in the cluster.

It was a joke if you even bothered to see how I phrased it. I am suprised someone such as yourself would have even believed that. The Disciples are more better then that as what Manwe had pointed out last post.

That was not obvious. My apologies for having misunderstood you.
Kentt Em'asep
Clone Red Creations
#23 - 2012-02-10 08:28:31 UTC
Lyn Farel wrote:

That was not obvious. My apologies for having misunderstood you.

It wasn't? I had thought it was myself... I apologies for that then. Though the "joke" was more dirrected at other parties rather then yourself. I'll stop calling it a joke, but you get the picture.

~"That's right. Today, tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that... from here on until forever, every time you look at my avatar - you'll see this scowl."~


~"Yes - forever. It's what I do."~

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#24 - 2012-02-10 22:00:45 UTC
I am not quite used to the ultra slow progress of the Obelisk through space, in particular, the 0.7- AU/s warp speed. It feels like you are in warp forever. Manwe and I are making good progress in transporting newly freed peoples to new homes. I have some rest time, while I wait to meet up with Manwe in Ashi to divide the passengers between the "Emancipate" and the "Nyansapo." A couple more trips after that will take care of what we have so far unless other donations come in. We will do all we can with what we can. I will head back to mining and hauling and will use everything outside of expenses to continue to free people. We are seeing multiple ethnicities and racial origins from the Khanid markets. There must be thousands of stories to be told.

I have not heard any more news from other organizations willing to establish large centers. I am still hopeful.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#25 - 2012-02-13 01:06:41 UTC
I just finished assisting DSTON in the transportation of 2.2mil passengers out of slavery and into freedom. There are about 36000 left to transport that Manwe is taking care of. This is a scenario that we would like to see repeated again and again. Now it is back to mining for a while. We continue be available to assist those who wish to participate in such a venture. NUVOS offers small scale transportation of freed slaves out of low sec space and large scale transportation out of High sec space. We will do this free of charge for any who wish to free slaves.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#26 - 2012-02-15 14:37:18 UTC
Sometime in the next day or so, I will be making an investigative journey into the Ammatar mandate to see what the slavery situation is there. I am trying to prioritize where our emancipation efforts will focus. I anticipate that the Khannid Kingdom will likely be where we see the most effort, but I want to be aware of needs elsewhere.

Again, we provide free transportation services to pilots who have or would like to free slaves through rescue and/or purchase. We can transport former slaves to DSTON facilities or other facilities as they are made available. For transport through Khanid/Amarr high sec territories, we have bulk capabilities. For all areas, we have covert means for smaller numbers. Just contact me if interested.

Our services are confidential if you wish or we can report your contributions if you wish. This is left to the discretion of the individual pilot.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#27 - 2012-02-16 14:26:13 UTC
I know that there are billions of slaves who continue in bondage across our cluster and that what we are doing may seem like futility to some. Sometimes, it seems like futility to me too. Yesterday was a difficult day. For a moment, it seemed like we could make a dent in the Ammatar slave market, but just as we cleared a market, it was replenished. When one looks at the numbers, it is discouraging.

Then I began to think about the only number that we really need to look at; the number "ONE." Today, I will begin transporting 151,177 former slaves out of the Ammatar Mandate to one of the Emancipation and Matriculation Centers run by DSTON. This is just a small drop in the bucket of all those burdened under the yoke of slavery. So what does it matter? It matters to each "ONE" we free. Each man, woman, boy, or girl who will wake up tomorrow with new freedom; who will wake up tomorrow and know that they will never be sold as a slave again. Each "one" set free or rescued matters.

So, we will not give up or rest. We will look not at the daunting task of billions, but at the achievable task of freeing the next "ONE."

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#28 - 2012-02-18 13:58:34 UTC
"I'm Sorry" "Excuse me" "Are you OK?" "I am sorry this is taking so long" "Is there anything else you need?" "Are you hungry, would like something to eat or drink?" "Are you comfortable?" "Is anyone hurt?"

Add to these common statements another dozen or so that normal people say to each other in the course of polite conversation. When a couple of these statements were made to former slaves that I was transporting out of low sec Ammatar space yesterday, I got the strangest looks of surprise. Finally, one older woman came u to me an said, "You see, people don't say those things to slaves." I had felt bad that it would that it would take a while to bring about 50,000 first out of low sec to a DED station in high sec and then to one of the DSTON Centers. I apologized for my poor organization.

"I am sorry for the disruption of your lives." Almost before it was out of my mouth, I realized what I was saying and that slavery often does not even afford to the slave the most common of courtesies.

There will be courtesy given to these ones now. Parents will raise their children according to their own convictions and values. Young men and women will chose their own mates and their own careers. They will even have to learn basics like choosing what to wear and what to cook. Being treated with dignity and respect is the beginning.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#29 - 2012-02-24 16:04:41 UTC
Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Captain Numenor and I bid you welcome aboard the Bluebird. Today's Journey will be from Chidah to The DED Assembly Plant in Asghatil and will take approximately 10-15 minutes. We ask that you remain seated during this time as the journey will be brief. Stewards and Stewardesses are available to assist you in finding your seat and securing you there. They also have motion sickness aids for any who wish to use them. The first half of our journey will be cloaked so we request that any EM emission devices be deactivated before departure. Should you hear a Klaxon sound during our journey, do not be alarmed. This is a default alarm when it is necessary to manually activate gate jumping when decloaking near gates. In the unlikely event of an emergency, life pods are located evenly fore and aft, port and starboard. Your Stewards and Stewardesses will assist you should you need to evacuate to the pods.

Again, welcome aboard and enjoy the journey.

This is more or less the script for the transportation of freed slaves to temporary facilities in Asghatil before they will go to one of DSTON's Matriculation Centers. I am about 1/3 of the way through the 48,000 or so that need transport out of low sec Ammatar space.

NUVOS reminds pilots who wish to liberate slaves that we will provide free transport from most any point to places where they can begin new lives. Contact me if interested. I can provide large scale transport from High Security Amarr, Khannid, or Ammatar space, and smaller scale, covert transport from all other space. Thank you, and we are here to serve.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#30 - 2012-02-28 15:02:19 UTC
I have quite a bit of mining to do to raise the scratch to replace the Viator I lost in Ammatar space. There are still 7,000 plus liberated slaves to get out of that low sec system. Thank God no passengers were lost in the attack. I am also thankful for the advice and tips given by several experienced pilots on how to avoid that situation in the future. I have good information to put to uses when I am back up and going. I have another 40 million or so to earn and then a bit more yet for equipment, then its back to get those left behind. Once they are out of low sec space, I can take the Obelisk in and bring the whole group back to one of the DSTON Centers.

There are many, many more people to be freed and the task is beyond one person. But I am only one person. I hope more will begin this work with me.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#31 - 2012-03-04 14:32:04 UTC
I have not shared a news update for some time, so I thought I would give just a short update. Kentt and I plan to evacuate the 8000+ former slaves from Bayuka sometime in the next few days when system traffic there is light. He has good defensive capabilities and I have replaced the bluebird and augmented it not just with a cloak but also with a more stable warp drive and better inertial control. With lessons learned from the last experience, I think we should be able to get the remaining people to safety where they can transported to one of the DSTON centers

I am excited about a developing possibility with another anti-slavery organization. For now and until I have their permission, they shall remain unnamed. Manwe Todako has introduced me to the daughter of his Essence instructor. Both of her parents are Vherokior Shamans based in Eldulf. She is a recent graduate of Pator Tech and is interested in becoming an agent of sorts for receiving freed slaves and administrating a new center for them under the auspices of a corporation and alliance. While DSTON is doing a marvelous job in their own right, they are limited by their pacifistic stance. We wish to broaden our ability to free slaves and allow them to go where they wish. This new pilot is training her basic skills and will be applying to the corporation and alliance just as soon as she qualifies to do so. This is an exciting development in our hope to expand this work.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Astera Zandraki
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-03-04 19:20:34 UTC
If you need help with anything, send me a mail.
Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#33 - 2012-03-06 15:28:13 UTC
Astera Zandraki wrote:
If you need help with anything, send me a mail.

Thanks Ms. Zandraki, I will send you a note but I will also make a couple suggestions here so others can see it too.

Ways to help:
1. Open your own freedom center where liberated slaves can come and live, work, and be free.
2. Find ways to get slaves off the slave market for good. Rescue them! Buy their freedom! And... Never!, Ever!, Ever! sell them.
3. Let NUVOS help you. We can help with transportation. Even financially sometimes.
4. Do it publicly so others see what you are doing and can help or maybe do the same.
5. Finally, All freedom loving pilots need to begin to pressure Concord to provide a legal means to free slaves so their status changes from slave to citizen. Those of you who are talented writers, debaters, lobbyists, can contact the powers that be and convince them that this should be done. Do it here and/or here.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#34 - 2012-03-10 00:42:20 UTC
Sometimes what we believe to be an end to a journey is really a beginning. A few weeks back, I freed some 27,000 slaves from the Bayuka system in Ammatar. The system and the path between it and safepoint from which to reach a High Sec Center is strewn with low sec systems. I ended up losing my Viator in what was mostly inexperience on my part.

The situation resulted in a dialogue between me and Kentt Em'asep over safety issue in doing slave liberation work in Low Sec. Long story short, the freed slaves are now safe and sound in one of DSTON's Centers in Dresi.

I caught myself thinking through the process a thought something like this, "I shouldn't have freed those slaves from low sec. I should have freed more from high sec." Then I caught myself in that thought when I remembered the faces of those former slaves as they boarded the Bluebird for freedom. How could I ever regret freeing them? What about all the other slaves languishing in slave markets in all the dingy corners of this cluster? Who will free them?

During the process of talking with Kentt, I discovered that I am a big chicken but he isn't. He flies around null sec and low sec and does just fine. Aha, an idea sprung to life. Maybe Kentt could open a center in low sec or null sec or hell itself. Well, he is looking for a location now and we have 10 million ISK standing by to purchase the freedom of slaves and give them a new home. Like I told Kentt, I'm stoked.

This is a good time to renew my call for pilots to free slaves. You purchase their freedom, we will transport them to a Freedom Center, Matriculation Center, ? Center. Better yet, freedom loving pilots can open their own centers. Lets plant them all over this cluster and get slaves off the market never to be returned to it.

The key is not to despair at the size of the task.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Kentt Em'asep
Clone Red Creations
#35 - 2012-03-10 08:40:42 UTC
Edaine Numenor wrote:

During the process of talking with Kentt, I discovered that I am a big chicken but he isn't. He flies around null sec and low sec and does just fine. Aha, an idea sprung to life. Maybe Kentt could open a center in low sec or null sec or hell itself. Well, he is looking for a location now and we have 10 million ISK standing by to purchase the freedom of slaves and give them a new home. Like I told Kentt, I'm stoked.

Pff... I would not call yourself a big chicken. You fly into hostile territory with no defensive or offensive measures and mainly rely on a fast engine and good cloak. Attempting to follow more the Disciple way, I have been putting less and less weapons on what I fly. Heck, I still havn't fired any of the bombs I had purchaced about a month ago for my bomber. I still do shudder when I enter anywhere but high sec when I am not in a covert class frigate. If I go solo with anything bigger, I would be more hesitant where I fly. That might be the reason why I fair so well in low/null sec. I like working in the shadows it seems.

But aye, I am looking about for a decent place out of the way. I might not openly state where it is located on here due to the security status of its system, as I would not wish for pirates to include it in their hunting grounds. But once it is up then things should be interesting.

~"That's right. Today, tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that... from here on until forever, every time you look at my avatar - you'll see this scowl."~


~"Yes - forever. It's what I do."~

Edaine Numenor
Numenor Benevolent Holdings
#36 - 2012-03-18 00:56:36 UTC
Interesting day today. Among good things like a new member dedicated to the cause of freedom, Seekers of A Silent Paradise declared war on NUVOS. My guess is that they are trying to prove some kind of point. Not sure what it is. I wonder if this war declaration makes them feel brave. We are also happy about a new opportunity to cooperate with others in the freeing of slaves. As I told our newest member, If he feels threatened by this war dec, he should seek a different corp.

Liberating slaves wherever, whenever, and however I can.

Kentt Em'asep
Clone Red Creations
#37 - 2012-03-18 01:35:56 UTC
Edaine Numenor wrote:
Interesting day today. Among good things like a new member dedicated to the cause of freedom, Seekers of A Silent Paradise declared war on NUVOS. My guess is that they are trying to prove some kind of point. Not sure what it is. I wonder if this war declaration makes them feel brave. We are also happy about a new opportunity to cooperate with others in the freeing of slaves. As I told our newest member, If he feels threatened by this war dec, he should seek a different corp.

Hmm... no it is not for them to feel brave. Our very excistance is against what they believe. We are not the first they have declared war upon nor will be the last. They fight with practically everyone including other pirates. Read the Galnet logs on the Equilibrium of Mankind, that explains alot about who they are with.

Other then that, it is good to hear about the other good news.

~"That's right. Today, tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that... from here on until forever, every time you look at my avatar - you'll see this scowl."~


~"Yes - forever. It's what I do."~

Boma Airaken
Caldari State
#38 - 2012-03-18 19:53:16 UTC
Kentt Em'asep wrote:
Edaine Numenor wrote:
Interesting day today. Among good things like a new member dedicated to the cause of freedom, Seekers of A Silent Paradise declared war on NUVOS. My guess is that they are trying to prove some kind of point. Not sure what it is. I wonder if this war declaration makes them feel brave. We are also happy about a new opportunity to cooperate with others in the freeing of slaves. As I told our newest member, If he feels threatened by this war dec, he should seek a different corp.

Hmm... no it is not for them to feel brave. Our very excistance is against what they believe. We are not the first they have declared war upon nor will be the last. They fight with practically everyone including other pirates. Read the Galnet logs on the Equilibrium of Mankind, that explains alot about who they are with.

Other then that, it is good to hear about the other good news.

We have no desire to prove points. Nor do we have any desire to feel brave. We are far beyond that kind of egocentric nonsense. If you find yourself under our guns it is because of something far greater. I also find your statement about your existence being against our beliefs confusing. Where did you get this idea?
Kentt Em'asep
Clone Red Creations
#39 - 2012-03-19 00:06:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Kentt Em'asep
Boma Airaken wrote:
Kentt Em'asep wrote:
Hmm... no it is not for them to feel brave. Our very excistance is against what they believe. We are not the first they have declared war upon nor will be the last. They fight with practically everyone including other pirates. Read the Galnet logs on the Equilibrium of Mankind, that explains alot about who they are with.

Other then that, it is good to hear about the other good news.

We have no desire to prove points. Nor do we have any desire to feel brave. We are far beyond that kind of egocentric nonsense. If you find yourself under our guns it is because of something far greater. I also find your statement about your existence being against our beliefs confusing. Where did you get this idea?

Hmm... I had actually thought you and the rest of the Seekers were against our whole "freeing slaves" ideal. And the fact that some of us are of Matari blood. My wording was poor back there so I appologise for the confusion.

If that is not the case, I would not think it to be our new member... as you seemed to have also declared war upon DSton as well. That is unless you concider both our corporations here to be basically the same.

~"That's right. Today, tomorrow, the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that... from here on until forever, every time you look at my avatar - you'll see this scowl."~


~"Yes - forever. It's what I do."~

Boma Airaken
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-03-19 01:53:46 UTC
Kentt Em'asep wrote:
Boma Airaken wrote:
Kentt Em'asep wrote:
Hmm... no it is not for them to feel brave. Our very excistance is against what they believe. We are not the first they have declared war upon nor will be the last. They fight with practically everyone including other pirates. Read the Galnet logs on the Equilibrium of Mankind, that explains alot about who they are with.

Other then that, it is good to hear about the other good news.

We have no desire to prove points. Nor do we have any desire to feel brave. We are far beyond that kind of egocentric nonsense. If you find yourself under our guns it is because of something far greater. I also find your statement about your existence being against our beliefs confusing. Where did you get this idea?

Hmm... I had actually thought you and the rest of the Seekers were against our whole "freeing slaves" ideal. And the fact that some of us are of Matari blood. My wording was poor back there so I appologise for the confusion.

If that is not the case, I would not think it to be our new member... as you seemed to have also declared war upon DSton as well. That is unless you concider both our corporations here to be basically the same.

You are aware, at the very least, that the EoM are not in any way shape or form supporters of the Empire, correct?
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