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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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+++51mil sp AUSSIE pvp toon, LF efficient PVP Corp+++

#1 - 2012-02-15 10:45:37 UTC  |  Edited by: K1RTH G3RS3N
Just looking for some fun fights in small gangs anything from nano to RR bs's. I enjoy anything from busting pirate camps to empire decs to fast 0.0 roaming gangs, just as long as were having fun, are active and not noobs :P

51mil sp spent on pvp related stuff, have pvp experience and am training alt for loki booster.

You can view my pvp history on battleclinic.

Yes my employment history is terrible and am happy to discuss that, note that more than half is my own corps.

Also, am self sufficient isk wise not asking for any handouts.

Aussie TZ give or take, I am most active around downtime.

Mail me or post here probably afk if you try convo me ingame.

#2 - 2012-02-16 03:21:02 UTC
thanks for the offers so far, I should of mentioned though I'm not interested in sov stuff atm.
Collin Dow
Glorious Revolution
#3 - 2012-02-16 06:30:02 UTC
That's an impressive KB.
I'll extend to you a position within the Glorious Revolution, and The 99 Percent alliance, but we're a very noob friendly pair of outfits, and that's your one requirement lol.
BUUUUUT in the interest of why not, I'll lay my cards out real quick like.
We're in Fountain, no sov, just PvPing. We just recently moved out of the Great Wildlands, and are starting to get the lay of the lands for PvP.
You aren't kidding about your corp history! But that is something that can be gotten around.
My corp and alliance are strongest in USTZ, but we have a several of Aussies (or, at LEAST ONE), and other guys in that general TZ. I personally am on...more than I like to admit, heh.
If you are at all interested, please shoot me a mail, convo me (though I'll be probably be AFK too!) or join my corp's public channel, "Ex Novis Rebus, Om."

Oh, and if the Glorious Revolution doesn't seem like the right corp for you, join channel "99 Percent." There are a lot of other corps, full of good guys, in varying TZs that may better suit you!

The Glorious Revolution is a great (awful) corp, and you should (not) join today, comrade!

#4 - 2012-02-25 04:46:43 UTC
Going to try one more bump, see what's out there.
Muppet Salt mines
#5 - 2012-02-25 06:05:32 UTC  |  Edited by: OrDeR
#6 - 2012-02-25 06:09:01 UTC
OrDeR wrote:

only in the AU tz lol
Souvera Corvus
Buena Vista Social Club.
#7 - 2012-02-25 11:20:06 UTC
We're back.

Not sure if that's good news Blink.

Low-sec and Minnie FW.

And Betty of course always Betty.

Crazy is under a desk somewhere.
#8 - 2012-02-25 12:04:41 UTC
Souvera Corvus wrote:
We're back.

Not sure if that's good news Blink.

Low-sec and Minnie FW.

And Betty of course always Betty.

Crazy is under a desk somewhere.

wow, what happened? i didn't realise you guys left, you guys were going strong.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-02-25 12:21:02 UTC
You want small gang pvp? You want lots of kills? AND you want a home where you can be the best?

Come join EDF! Our corp is ranked #6 this month so far on eve-kill and we have two folks in top 20 also.

EDF is fuctional all day long!! :) Plenty of action in large scale battles too - but around half if not more of our kills come in small gangs and skirmishes.

Check us out here!
#10 - 2012-02-26 02:53:57 UTC
Can all the sov owners please stop copy pasting mails to me :P
And if you contact me and then find out I wardecced your friends once try not to get so mad.
Souvera Corvus
Buena Vista Social Club.
#11 - 2012-02-26 11:05:04 UTC
K1RTH G3RS3N wrote:
Can all the sov owners please stop copy pasting mails to me :P
And if you contact me and then find out I wardecced your friends once try not to get so mad.

Stop flirting and join.

I've shot with you, shot at you and pretended I haven't seen you so who else is better placed to offer you the home from home?