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Dust 514 and the potential for Zerge Like Fleets Overruning EVE

Yoma Karima
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-02-14 15:12:13 UTC
Ok Just a thought of Dust players get Nearly Bombarded out of existance by Eve players the first few weeks Dust is out Won't they just join EVE and use Cheap Frig, Destoyer, and Cruiser Fleets to swarm Eve players Bomming them?

If so how will this efect EVE? and before anyone says a word about capital ships tanking agenst such atacks what happens when Dust players set up antie space batteries to blow them out of the sky?

thoughts anyone?

Those who wish to end War wish to end what it means to be human. Those who advocate War do not know its power. Yet Those who learn from War will be remembered for all time.

#2 - 2012-02-14 16:42:07 UTC
You dont even know what it takes to bombard positions in DUST... Might need a dust player to direct them...or only dreads can do it.

I dont see a bunch of trial accounts flying caps making it to 0.0 to do this.... I dont see people able to afford anti ship weapons on the ground off the bat to be able to do this... Things cost money and skills will be involved as well I assume.
Yoma Karima
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-02-14 17:10:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Yoma Karima

I dont see a bunch of trial accounts flying caps making it to 0.0 to do this.... I dont see people able to afford anti ship weapons on the ground off the bat to be able to do this... Things cost money and skills will be involved as well I assume.

I'm not talking triale sworms but rather lots of dust players who subscibe to eve for cheap ISK in heigh sec and use that monny to build anti space batteries. they also use it to train up the skills needed for zerg swarrms.

I do realize that this will not happen right off the bat and information on planitery strikes is limited to say the leased. I'm thinking of an over all several months to maybe years timeline.

Edit: Timeline starts after first few weeks of geting bommed into nothing.

also i know this isn't a perfict question with too manny veriables to determin the true outcome so please don't beet me over the head like i'm an idiot.


Those who wish to end War wish to end what it means to be human. Those who advocate War do not know its power. Yet Those who learn from War will be remembered for all time.

Valei Khurelem
#4 - 2012-02-14 17:40:04 UTC
This game is imbalanced as ****, they'll find a way, trust me :P As long as EVE doesn't require skill people will exploit that.

"don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

Merin Ryskin
Peregrine Industries
#5 - 2012-02-14 18:29:40 UTC
So, let me get this straight: in a game where blobbing until the server crashes is the best way to win a war, and entire alliances have been built on using swarms of low-skill players, you're afraid that Dust players will ruin EVE by blobbing? If you say so...

Plus, it's not like Dust is going to ever have enough players to matter.
Yoma Karima
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-02-14 20:33:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Yoma Karima
No they simply use the blob ships to hold up Eve players untile there anti-ship batteries are finished then stick buy the planet and let the AS Batteries do the killing while their cheap expendible ships act as a fast moveing web and warp scramber shield.

It won't winn a war per say but how will this efect the over all flow of the game? Thats what i'm asking.

Those who wish to end War wish to end what it means to be human. Those who advocate War do not know its power. Yet Those who learn from War will be remembered for all time.

Yoma Karima
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-02-14 20:40:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Yoma Karima
As for Dust players over all numbers it realy looks as if people are over/under estimating the over all number there will actualy be.

CCP is expecting millions but most Eve players I've talked to are saying a few hundred.

In all i'm thinking it will realisticly be about one dust player for ever 2 Eve players thet is still unolf to make a difrence.

Those who wish to end War wish to end what it means to be human. Those who advocate War do not know its power. Yet Those who learn from War will be remembered for all time.

#8 - 2012-02-14 22:16:52 UTC
Can you pilot and shoot at the same time? You dont get to just chill around the BF at your leisure. (Someone will be coming for you) From what I've read there's only 1 anti ship gun on the map. Also to fight someone needs to create a contract for a specific planet... First to attack it; then a defense contract.

Until we have more details on well everything... it's all just speculation.

Merin Ryskin
Peregrine Industries
#9 - 2012-02-14 23:19:39 UTC
Yoma Karima wrote:
No they simply use the blob ships to hold up Eve players untile there anti-ship batteries are finished then stick buy the planet and let the AS Batteries do the killing while their cheap expendible ships act as a fast moveing web and warp scramber shield.

1) EVE has already seen plenty of blobs of newbie ships, and it's survived just fine. Until you give some reason why this blob of newbie ships will be different, I really don't see why anyone should care about your "OMG THE SKY IS FALLING" nonsense.

2) You seem to have forgotten the part where it's not Dust vs. EVE. If one side in the battle has EVE allies, why wouldn't the other? Why won't the two blobs of newbie ships just kill each other and cancel out?

Yoma Karima wrote:
In all i'm thinking it will realisticly be about one dust player for ever 2 Eve players thet is still unolf to make a difrence.

I think that's wildly optimistic, given the long-term "success" of any console FPS that isn't Modern Halofare 18. In the long run, the vast majority of Dust players will be alts of EVE players who want to capture a specific planet.
Yoma Karima
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-02-15 00:55:44 UTC
In the long run, the vast majority of Dust players will be alts of EVE players who want to capture a specific planet.

So your answer to what effect this therory would have on Eve's over all game play is NONE WHAT SO *****ing EVER. Thank you thats all i was asking.

Those who wish to end War wish to end what it means to be human. Those who advocate War do not know its power. Yet Those who learn from War will be remembered for all time.

Amarr Empire
#11 - 2012-02-15 07:08:45 UTC
Its been confirmed that EVE players require a beacon or marker of some sort placed by DUST players to fire orbital strikes, i dont have the source, but i will put an edit in with it when/if i find it again.
Yoma Karima
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#12 - 2012-02-15 14:37:57 UTC
Solinuas wrote:
Its been confirmed that EVE players require a beacon or marker of some sort placed by DUST players to fire orbital strikes, i dont have the source, but i will put an edit in with it when/if i find it again.

Ok that makes my question just about moot, But thanks for clearing that up.

Those who wish to end War wish to end what it means to be human. Those who advocate War do not know its power. Yet Those who learn from War will be remembered for all time.

Brisco County
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#13 - 2012-02-15 17:11:33 UTC
Yoma Karima wrote:
Ok Just a thought of Dust players get Nearly Bombarded out of existance by Eve players the first few weeks Dust is out Won't they just join EVE and use Cheap Frig, Destoyer, and Cruiser Fleets to swarm Eve players Bomming them?

If so how will this efect EVE? and before anyone says a word about capital ships tanking agenst such atacks what happens when Dust players set up antie space batteries to blow them out of the sky?

thoughts anyone?

More subs is a good thing, and more cheap frigate fleets f'king up peoples days is even better.
Wicked Awesome
Speed Metal
#14 - 2012-02-16 00:55:06 UTC
Abandoned PI installations morph into "abandoned silo xyz now w/ monsters". Price accordingly. Other stuff.