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Alternative methods for gaining corp standings.

Spy 21
#1 - 2012-02-14 15:31:53 UTC
I think there should be ways to gain standings with NPC corps other than mission running.

For instance,

Every time you use a paid station service, such as refining, manufacturing, repair, research etc, you should gain a very small amount of standing with that corporation. Sort of like a reward for being a good customer. Perhaps blowing up convoys (an activity that I find wildly entertaining for some odd reason) with a rival corporation could net you some standings. Maybe clearing rats in the belts could net a small amount of standings with the corporations based there also.

ANYTHING besides endless mission running.

Well that's it, just a thought. Now back to endless mission running for the corp I am trying to get standings with.



Obfuscation for the WIN on page 3...

Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-02-14 17:41:17 UTC
I have to say, this does make some sense. Miners grinding missions just to have the standings for low refine tax is kinda lame; and the same could be said for traders who are trying to reduce their sales tax. I think a very small standing increase from using the station services or selling something in the station would make a lot of sense.