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Web based skill trainer/queue

Torrema Sinclair
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-02-12 11:44:29 UTC
The headline speaks for it self, i dont understand why this havent been made yet. People who is travelling alot dont have a chance updating their skills. As for me for an example, i work in the offshore branch, i have no chance to train skills while im out working.

I have suggested this numerous times, on this and other charracters, and all i get is BS from people who is quite satisfied with their 24/7/365 access to Eve Online.
Valei Khurelem
#2 - 2012-02-12 11:46:43 UTC
People will be against it because apparently anything that makes EVE more convenient and user friendly for the majority of players is automatically a bad thing, I put said people on block these days because they have nothing useful to add to the discussion.

I support this idea :) I'd like very much for EVE to not be a pain in the arse to use.

"don't get us wrong, we don't want to screw new players, on the contrary. The core problem here is that tech 1 frigates and cruisers should be appealing enough to be viable platforms in both PvE and PvP."   - CCP Ytterbium

Torrema Sinclair
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-02-12 14:54:07 UTC
Torrema Sinclair wrote:
The headline speaks for it self, i dont understand why this havent been made yet. People who is travelling alot dont have a chance updating their skills. As for me for an example, i work in the offshore branch, i have no chance to train skills while im out working.

I have suggested this numerous times, on this and other charracters, and all i get is BS from people who is quite satisfied with their 24/7/365 access to Eve Online.

Thank you for the likes, but need some written supports to get this through.
Nestara Aldent
#4 - 2012-02-12 15:06:56 UTC
The idea is originally mine.

But that will happen with your thread eventually, as almost always happens with good ideas, everyone generally agrees, and without the occasion for trolling the thread slips from the first page and dies. This is the place where good ideas die, you didn't know?
XS Tech
#5 - 2012-02-12 15:19:42 UTC
Issue is (IIRC, per CCP) that it's hard/ugly to make sure that you can't bot the skills from a web client (i.e. a bad thing).

For now, if you know you're going to be away for a few weeks or a month or something ... best bet is training those long L5 skills that you've always been looking at but haven't bothered getting (IIRC, the really long ones, like FC 5 take just about 60 days).

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Nestara Aldent
#6 - 2012-02-12 15:59:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Nestara Aldent
Velicitia wrote:
Issue is (IIRC, per CCP) that it's hard/ugly to make sure that you can't bot the skills from a web client (i.e. a bad thing).

For now, if you know you're going to be away for a few weeks or a month or something ... best bet is training those long L5 skills that you've always been looking at but haven't bothered getting (IIRC, the really long ones, like FC 5 take just about 60 days).

And if you aren't mapped for them, what then? Or you can't devote that much time because corp needs not FC5 but large energy turret to 5 and you're more than twenty days away? There are methods available to prevent botting on the web. Logging on the website serves that purpose, and it will be required.

BTW why botting the queue through the website would be a problem? What harm it can do if EveMon did that through the API, with special queue management API key?
XS Tech
#7 - 2012-02-12 16:29:36 UTC
Nestara Aldent wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
Issue is (IIRC, per CCP) that it's hard/ugly to make sure that you can't bot the skills from a web client (i.e. a bad thing).

For now, if you know you're going to be away for a few weeks or a month or something ... best bet is training those long L5 skills that you've always been looking at but haven't bothered getting (IIRC, the really long ones, like FC 5 take just about 60 days).

And if you aren't mapped for them, what then? Or you can't devote that much time because corp needs not FC5 but large energy turret to 5 and you're more than twenty days away? There are methods available to prevent botting on the web. Logging on the website serves that purpose, and it will be required.

BTW why botting the queue through the website would be a problem? What harm it can do if EveMon did that through the API, with special queue management API key?

if you're not mapped, then you train slower. No biggie.
If your corp needs a certain skill, train for it. No biggie.

As I mentioned, I only *think* It was botting the skills ... could be as simple as "look guys, we just want you to log in and violence each other". API is (currently) one-way read only of the server data.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Shovel Bros
#8 - 2012-02-12 16:56:21 UTC
I'm pretty sure that a bigger reason against it is that the skill system is set up in a specific way to interface with the Eve client and it would be very painful to mess with it to try to let a website touch it (on top of the exploitability). CCP is very reluctant (and rightly so) to touch legacy code like that without a very good reason. Code like that, where magic happens, is notoriously touchy and can mess up seemingly unrelated systems if you mess with it too much.
Desmont McCallock
#9 - 2012-02-13 15:39:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Desmont McCallock

Last year saw presentations on developing for the In Game Browser, using the Static Data Export and the API. This year the Devtrack will present among other things:

  • A developer preview of a new RESTful, oAuth based read/write API for Eve Online - Carbon REST.
  • Web tools like an embeddable starmap (the one from the new that you can overlay your own data on
  • Community sessions where real-world examples of applications are presented by their developers

Keep your hopes low though.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#10 - 2012-02-13 20:34:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Nikk Narrel
Velicitia wrote:
As I mentioned, I only *think* It was botting the skills ... could be as simple as "look guys, we just want you to log in and violence each other". API is (currently) one-way read only of the server data.

Yeah, I appreciate they want more activity, but regardless of what they want, you cannot force activity.

A lot of time, when I want to update my queue, I use a remote control program to make a remote PC log into EVE, and remote the character into swapping skills.

You may ask why, and that is simple: The EVE client doesn't play well with a lot of my business software, and having to restart my local system is too much of a pain in the bottom to fix it when I need just a skill bump.

Assuming I even had the time to play, which I don't on these occasions, the lag over this setup makes any kind of PvP a really bad idea.

Induced playing won't happen, you just annoy the players.

On a side note, I was recently reminded of a very similar idea by another thread, posted what sounds like a similar idea on my 'Skill Que Tweak' thread, and then discovered this one existed.
Judging by someone else's comments, they had the idea late last year as well.
Ice Fire Warriors
#11 - 2012-02-13 22:39:37 UTC
I would assume that this hasn't been done yet because CCP wants people to log in at some point or another.
Azn Empire
#12 - 2012-02-13 22:43:01 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
I would assume that this hasn't been done yet because CCP wants people to log in at some point or another.
Indeed. It has been mentioned iirc, but again it's about balance.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Amaroq Dricaldari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-02-14 07:40:22 UTC
Supported. Alot of people have been waiting a long time for this.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-02-14 07:50:46 UTC
I def agree with this. I have been searching for this thread for a few days no, but since I'm in an oil right at the moment in the gulf it takes forever to pull u pages. For guys like us that work away from home for 28 days at time this would be a blessing. Especially since my atempt at teaching my fiancé how to loginto eve and change skills for me has been unsuccessful so far lol
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#15 - 2012-02-14 08:14:55 UTC
I support this thread utterly.
Chrizz NiKunni
Suicide Mining Corporation
#16 - 2012-02-15 11:26:03 UTC
I like that.... +1

Some pilots need a high-five..... in their face...... with a chair.....

Deep Core Mining Inc.
#17 - 2012-02-15 16:03:30 UTC
Bump for first page. This needs to be addressed at some point.

Trust in God, Have Faith in Fusion.

Torrema Sinclair
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-02-17 22:04:44 UTC
ShahFluffers wrote:
I would assume that this hasn't been done yet because CCP wants people to log in at some point or another.

Yea but how should a guy working on a closed network ever get logged in? How should a guy working offshore with limited bandwidth (fx it took me 20 mins to get to this post), ever get logged in? Im out half the year, which means half the training done. Im not asking for much, just a way to keep the training queue going while im out, they could make a web based skill trainer, OR they could make some kind of prolonged vakation queue up to 1 month at the time. That would be just as great for me, and other in my situation.
Spy 21
#19 - 2012-02-18 01:33:12 UTC
Agree this would add a huge amount of convenience... especially when travelling.
Interesting you can and send email from outside the client... why not skill training?

Obfuscation for the WIN on page 3...

Amaroq Dricaldari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#20 - 2012-02-19 03:36:23 UTC
My EVE Client has been crashing lately and I still can't figure out why. This is another reason this would be useful.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

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