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jEveAssets 4.1.2 (2017-06-07)

First post
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#101 - 2011-12-13 04:12:09 UTC
Golden Gnu wrote:
@Scrapyard Bob
#2 would work on the asset tab as well:
[Container] [Contains] "Office # > CorpSAG2"

#3 Would only work for the stockpile tab

Right... I'm tempted to say #2 for the Asset tab and #3 for the stockpile feature.

In the asset tab, you could then easily setup a filter that says "Container" "contains" "CorpSAG2" and get what you want since the container field would be "Office # > CorpSAG2 > Container #". But that wouldn't really work for the stockpile feature, which is why I think you'll have to go with #3 for the stockpile tab.
Jeanne DeFy
Sapphire Roughneck's Industry
#102 - 2011-12-16 12:06:02 UTC
I get an error about missing main class when trying to run this, how can I fix that?

Updated Java etc (j6u30) so it cant be that either.
Do I need the 64bit Java if I'm running 64bit Windows?
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#103 - 2011-12-17 10:32:59 UTC
@Scrapyard Bob
Real life is a bit busy right now, I'll see about getting this done, as soon as I have some time to spare...

@Jeanne DeFy
32/64bit is not important...

Sound like something is corrupted.

I suggest you 1:
1) Uninstall all java versions (help)
2) Download the latest version from
3) Install the java version you just downloaded

I suggest you 2:
1) Download jEveAssets (again)
2) Unzip it
3) Double click on jeveassets.jar

If that does not work:
Read the readme.txt about how to submit a bug report.

I know it's not much help...
but, it works out of the box for everyone else,
so I have no idea what is wrong, sorry...

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Yokart Yokartians
Y force
#104 - 2011-12-28 14:05:53 UTC
Awesome tool! Thanks Golden Gnu, now those thousands items in my hangars look less scary... ^_^
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#105 - 2011-12-29 14:23:53 UTC
Can't remember if I've asked this, but adding EVEMarketeer as a price source would be nice.

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#106 - 2011-12-29 14:37:31 UTC
And another possible quickie.

On the stockpile page, a text box up by the New/Collapse/Expand buttons which would let me enter text which would filter which stock lists are shown by matching against the stock list's name. So I could, for instance, create 12 stock lists for different stations, different characters, different corps - with that information encoded by how I name the stockpile - then I could quickly filter so that I only show the (3) stock lists matching a particular string.

When I got past 30+ stockpile definitions, the list gets rather lengthy and I'm looking for a way to do ad-hoc filtering so that I'm only looking at stockpiles where the name contains a certain string. Doing it based on the stockpile's name field seems fast & easy. The field label might just be "Name filter: [text box]".

A slightly more advanced option would be to have (2) fields up there.

1) text box where you enter a search term

2) a drop-list which allows you to say whether the search term looks at the name / location / owner / flag / container attribute.

But I'd really just be happy with the basic "search the name attribute" and rely on the user naming their stockpiles in a way that provides easy filtering.
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#107 - 2011-12-29 16:05:48 UTC
@Yokart Yokartians
Thank you for the kind words :)

@Scrapyard Bob
1) EVEMarketeer is already on the ToDo list

2) Stockpile: Name Filter issue added

I'm taking a holiday break from jEveAssets, but, will be back next year or soon(tm)

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#108 - 2012-01-03 17:04:25 UTC
Another small wish-list item for the stockpile preferences. Let me set the break-points between red/green or red/yellow/green manually. So the first line there would be:

(red) (textbox) (green) - where I could enter a value between 0% and 200%, with the default at 100%

(red) (text box) (yellow) (text box) (green) - where I could enter the two values (default of 50% and 100%).

What I'm finding is that I have to over-purchase to keep the lines green. I like green. Super-green.

The downside of the having to over-purchase is that it makes the copy-to-clipboard a bit less useful because I feel like I'm always behind on my stocks as bars are constantly going yellow (I use the tri-color). So with that option added, I would probably go with 40% and 80% as my break points because I like keeping the lines green.

(The defaults are fine, I just want different defaults.)
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#109 - 2012-01-16 02:14:57 UTC
Scrapyard Bob wrote:

A slightly more advanced option would be to have (2) fields up there.

1) text box where you enter a search term

2) a drop-list which allows you to say whether the search term looks at the name / location / owner / flag / container attribute.

But I'd really just be happy with the basic "search the name attribute" and rely on the user naming their stockpiles in a way that provides easy filtering.

A refinement on the above idea. The key issues that I'm trying to solve with the search box on the Stockpile tab are:

1) Being able to look at a select list of stockpiles (such as all of them that belong to character X, or are in location Y). In this case, I'm looking to return the entire stock list (and hide the non-matching lists).

2) Remembering which stockpile tracks a particular item. In this particular case, I'm looking for only the matching item detail lines to show up (along with their parent stockpile grey bars). The non-matching detail lines, or stockpiles which don't contain that particular detail line should be hidden.

However, #2 could probably be satisfied if #1 allows me to search for "item name" (stock list contains a particular item) in addition to "stock name", "location", "owner", "flag", "container". I'd still have to scroll through the list of detail items for the listed stockpiles, but it would cut the list from 40-60 stock lists down to a few and most of my stock lists contain only 10-15 items.
Ori Empress
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#110 - 2012-01-17 03:18:59 UTC
I like this tool, Simplifies everything but it is inaccurate. It says my best asset is a Coreli C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating worth over 2 billion, but the problem is it isn't.
Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#111 - 2012-01-17 13:40:52 UTC
Ori Empress wrote:
I like this tool, Simplifies everything but it is inaccurate. It says my best asset is a Coreli C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating worth over 2 billion, but the problem is it isn't.

That would be a problem with the price data server that you're using. Someone has managed to game the price (or pull a temporary monopoly) which affected the price server. For stuff that you can only get through contracts (such as faction items) - go complain to the folks at

For the other, regular items, I generally find eve-marketdata's price method to be less prone to manipulation then eve-central's method. At least, for any item that sells in moderate to high volumes.

When you find something that looks mispriced, right-click "Edit - Price" on the item and put in something more reasonable. The downside is that it will never auto-update from the price servers again.
Syr Dread
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#112 - 2012-02-05 16:10:50 UTC
Hi there.

Is there a way to help with the Mac Client? I'd rather not use the 1.9.0 Mac version.

Nevertheless keep up the good work.
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#113 - 2012-02-06 09:58:57 UTC
@Syr Dread
Just use the windows/linux version, it also works on mac...

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Space Gear Productions
#114 - 2012-02-12 09:23:41 UTC

Hello. Smile In search of all things profitable, I'm trying to find which items I should reprocess for minerals versus sell on the market.

I figured the columns I need to be interested in are Value and Reprocessed Value. If possible, can you please describe the method used to return a table showing all items with a Reprocessed Value greater than Value ? Thank you !
#115 - 2012-02-12 10:23:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Dranakolys
A small request from my side would be the ability to sort the items inside a Stockpile by its columns.

If you combine that with a Filter By Name box for stockpile items that would be perfect, but one or the other would already make working with stockpiles that contain a large number of items much easier.

Also: Ability to make a stockpile use one of your created asset filters as its data source, or have a setting that makes a stockpile look for current stock only in the current filtered assets list.
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#116 - 2012-02-12 10:45:30 UTC
Create a filter like this:
[And] [Reprocessed] [Greater then column] [Price]

Note you need to select [Reprocessed] in the filter before you can select [Greater then column] (as it's only available for numeric columns)

1) Go to: Options > Options... > Tools > Assets
2) Select "Sell/Reprocess colors"
3) Press "OK"

1) Sorting per Stockpile is not possible (It's a technical problem)

2) Filter By Name - is already on the todo list...

3) Can be done...

As I said before, I'm on a break. I will get back at some point, but right now I can not find the motivation to do anything on jEveAssets...

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

#117 - 2012-02-12 20:07:56 UTC
Golden Gnu wrote:
Create a filter like this:
[And] [Reprocessed] [Greater then column] [Price]

Note you need to select [Reprocessed] in the filter before you can select [Greater then column] (as it's only available for numeric columns)

1) Go to: Options > Options... > Tools > Assets
2) Select "Sell/Reprocess colors"
3) Press "OK"

1) Sorting per Stockpile is not possible (It's a technical problem)

2) Filter By Name - is already on the todo list...

3) Can be done...

As I said before, I'm on a break. I will get back at some point, but right now I can not find the motivation to do anything on jEveAssets...

I am assuming the problem lies with the UI Widgets. How about linking it to the sorting of the data source when you do #3?

Its a really nice tool though, are you the only developer working on the project?
Space Gear Productions
#118 - 2012-02-12 21:36:17 UTC
Thanks for the assist.. wonderful tool !

Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#119 - 2012-02-13 16:06:29 UTC
I'm not the only developer, but, the only one active ATM. and I guess I'm not active either Roll
Just give it time, I'll get back - sooner or later...

Thank you!

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Federation Mission Acedemy
#120 - 2012-02-19 01:13:43 UTC  |  Edited by: zerokmatrix
Excellent excellent program.
I had been using the heavy duck version and was becoming worried about the old api keys being withdrawn and I found this on a google search.
More people should know about this program.
The only drawbacks I can see with the program are that a) it cannot haul all the items to Jita for you when you realise they are spread across the known universe, or b) it cannot instantly sell stuff for you when you realise it will take many many months to sell all the stuff you've accumulated, but I think those things may not be game legal.
Anyway apart from those things, it is a very well written and useful program.