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Is there any point to expensive ships with tech 2 fits?

Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-02-04 18:44:19 UTC
So what do you want to know?
Does it work? Yes
Is it better then a cheap ship? Yes
Do you get more from faction fitting a cheaper ship instead? Sometimes
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2012-02-07 22:20:38 UTC
Fronkfurter McSheebleton wrote:
Against serpentis you'll want either a railgun vindi or AC mach....either will work well. Assuming gallente space, where most serpentis missions are found, I'd take a mach, simply because there's a significant helping of angel missions there as well, and you can change your damage type accordingly.

For the Mach or Vindi, how necessary would it be for T2 weapons?
FlinchingNinja Kishunuba wrote:
What will you spend all your isk on if you don't eventually go to faction/deadspace mods? I normally fit T2 at first on a ship to see how I like it then go to faction if I think I'll keep using it for a while.

More ships.
Nalha Saldana wrote:

So what do you want to know?
Does it work? Yes
Is it better then a cheap ship? Yes
Do you get more from faction fitting a cheaper ship instead? Sometimes

Yeah, that was pretty much the point. Finding out which PvE ships are good with T2 and which ones need faction/deadspace mods to shine over their lesser counterparts.

Any thoughts on a 5 launcher, near capstable, LSB Tengu?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#23 - 2012-02-07 23:32:23 UTC
For some ships it doesn't matter that much, if your tank holds with tech2 mods there's no need to upgrade to faction, unless of course your then better tank and free up slots to put in more damage/tracking mods.

For a tengu on the other hand, the difference between T2 and faction mods is night and day, things that are untankable with T2 become easy tankable with faction and deadspace mods.

Last, a raven navy issue has 1 more launcher then a normal raven, that alone gives it 17% more dps then a normal raven, which I wouldn't call "a bit" but just a lot better, on top of that better tank......and then again, they're relatively cheap.
#24 - 2012-02-08 00:19:08 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

Any thoughts on a 5 launcher, near capstable, LSB Tengu?

Yes, don't do it Big smile go 6 launcher with faction/deadspace and with a LSB you can be cap satble

Caldari Loving needed..

Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#25 - 2012-02-08 00:33:56 UTC
drdxie wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

Any thoughts on a 5 launcher, near capstable, LSB Tengu?

Yes, don't do it Big smile go 6 launcher with faction/deadspace and with a LSB you can be cap satble

I'd be very interested in that fitting.

I run a cap-stable 5HML LSB tengu for C4s, but could not workup a 6HML equivalent. My 6HML fits are MSB, cap-stable, and fine for any mission and anything that C3s, and lower, can throw at them. They show a bit too much red for my liking when four elite sleeper BSs take a liking to them.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Federal Navy Academy
#26 - 2012-02-08 04:50:39 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

For the Mach or Vindi, how necessary would it be for T2 weapons?

The ships are good enough that they aren't necessary, but the advantage of training for and using t2 over meta 4 is so great that you'd be crazy not to make it an extremely high priority if its your primary mission ship. I'd say however its more necessary with the vindi as you'll often want to swap to null in a vindi while a mach rarely needs to switch to barrage. Meta 4 guns aren't cheap either btw.

In the context of missions, a 15% increase in applied dps often translates into a 50-100% increase in mission running speed. In fact, this is the primary reason for pimping your pve ship. Marginal increases in different performance metrics translates into very significant overall performance. The skill comes to knowing your ship well enough and the stats/prices of the mods well enough to prioritize which slots to spend premium isk on. I've found deadspace resistance mods are one of the cheapest ways to improve your tank significantly, allowing you to devote more slots to damage. There are also a number of relatively inexpensive faction mods that have similar performance to t2, but due to lower cpu costs allow you to field a much more effective fitting.

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