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CCP Killboard....

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Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#1 - 2011-09-19 03:31:06 UTC
As a matter of interest, is there a CCP Alliance Killboard, and if so, can we have a peak??

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

Loud Curse Enterprises
#2 - 2011-09-19 04:51:45 UTC
CCP doesn't play eve what are you on about.
Itagaki Heavy Industries
#3 - 2011-09-19 05:05:09 UTC
A better idea would be a CCP developed "official" killboard, seeing as how Eve Kill is pretty much broken beyond repair and the Battleclinic UI is unreadable.
#4 - 2011-09-19 05:12:34 UTC
Mastertz wrote:
A better idea would be a CCP developed "official" killboard, seeing as how Eve Kill is pretty much broken beyond repair and the Battleclinic UI is unreadable.

A good PvP boost for EVE would be complete removal of killboards and killmails tho.

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#5 - 2011-09-19 05:18:00 UTC
TEST wardecced them for awhile. CCP blueballed them.

Sanity is fun leaving the body.

Levarris Hawk
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2011-09-19 05:21:52 UTC
CCPs killboard would be repetitions of the same three targets as they love to kill dreams, ponies, and for some reason Mr T. Riding on a donkey.
Verboten Technologies
#7 - 2011-09-19 05:25:51 UTC
Levarris Hawk wrote:
CCPs killboard would be repetitions of the same three targets as they love to kill dreams, ponies, and for some reason Mr T. Riding on a donkey.

So what you are saying is that CCP are griefers constantly killing the same poor three targets.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#8 - 2011-09-19 05:46:29 UTC
The first player to get a Polaris frigate killmail on TQ would become immortal.

Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2011-09-19 05:49:25 UTC
Misanth wrote:
Mastertz wrote:
A better idea would be a CCP developed "official" killboard, seeing as how Eve Kill is pretty much broken beyond repair and the Battleclinic UI is unreadable.

A good PvP boost for EVE would be complete removal of killboards and killmails tho.

I've never understood this school of thought and could never agree with it.

People don't NOT pvp because they don't want to show up on a killboard, they don't PVP because they're scared of losing ships in an internet space ship game.

Removing the metric used to calculate the winners and losers of fights isn't going to prompt those people to fight anymore than they do now, you'll just get more arguing over who won what fight because there's no factual record of it.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Niko Takahashi
Yoshitomi Group
#10 - 2011-09-19 05:55:28 UTC
The folks who do not want to pvp in first place will not pvp.

But the kill-board stat whoring does lead to unwillingness of some part of the player base who do pvp on occasion to engage in anything similar to uncertain outcome.

Maybe this is not the case in PL but I have seen that plenty.

Same for smaller corporation in order to get in some alliance they do this as well.

From that point of view it does make sense.
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2011-09-19 06:05:45 UTC
Niko Takahashi wrote:

Maybe this is not the case in PL but I have seen that plenty.

Being not nice to each other on the PL kb is a pretty old tradition for us, and we still run prize giveaways once in a while for the number one killer for a month (unless the #1 killer has a **** ton of noob ship kills and haulers like some kind of heathen) but generally we don't have any kind of number placed on your head like that.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

Tian Garsk
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2011-09-19 07:16:18 UTC
Mastertz wrote:
A better idea would be a CCP developed "official" killboard, seeing as how Eve Kill is pretty much broken beyond repair and the Battleclinic UI is unreadable.

I agree on battleclinic, but the eve-kill thing issue is only temporary, things are broken there because they are working on implementing some features, including the customizable api keys and it should be fixed pretty soon.
#13 - 2011-09-19 07:26:50 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:
Misanth wrote:
Mastertz wrote:
A better idea would be a CCP developed "official" killboard, seeing as how Eve Kill is pretty much broken beyond repair and the Battleclinic UI is unreadable.

A good PvP boost for EVE would be complete removal of killboards and killmails tho.

I've never understood this school of thought and could never agree with it.

People don't NOT pvp because they don't want to show up on a killboard, they don't PVP because they're scared of losing ships in an internet space ship game.

Removing the metric used to calculate the winners and losers of fights isn't going to prompt those people to fight anymore than they do now, you'll just get more arguing over who won what fight because there's no factual record of it.

No offense, and FYI I'm myself long-time customer of serveral kb services out there. But this, is a fact that you can't really dispute. I see why you disagree, and I respect your opinion, but you can't really argue against this. There's plenty of players out there who purely talk of their k/d ratio, and many things like scooping ships to SMA, using neutral logistics, etc was stuff we didn't do before killboards. Because frankly, noone cared about losing a ship as it was only isk.

However, alot of players today care about their killboard stats.

And frankly if we want to put anyone to blame; look at the psychological wars that BoB started vs ASCN, and the wars that came after that back then? Suddenly it was all about your effiency in combat and less about the actual result. That, is where it all started, and we still see effects of it today.

Many of the best PvPers, and certain alliances, do what you say/suggest. Yes. But average Joe in scrub alliance A or corp B, they have CEO's or members that are scared to lose these psychological warfare, so they stay docked and/or only blob back and/or let others fight their wars.

Think about all alliances who stop fight when they lose "too much" ships. In many cases the isk lost is irrelevant, insured in-house produced BS for example. But they stop fight because players are fed up about dying. Even tho it doesn't cost them anything. It's purely because of the psychological effect of being butchered on killboards.

Not to mention how people on forums immediately refer to peoples "skill" based on their killboard records. This happens to be a posting alt, and I get to hear that quite a bunch personally as I have quite few total kills. It's all they see. They can't see beyond the name/kb stats.

AFK-cloaking in a system near you.

Noble Sentiments
Second Empire.
#14 - 2011-09-19 07:32:48 UTC
I have the feeling that CCP's internal killboard would be mostly CCP Sreegs running around in a rifter killing his co-workers.

Lykouleon > CYNO ME CLOSER so I can hit them with my sword

Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#15 - 2011-09-19 07:50:43 UTC
Nr 1: Turbefield!

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

A Lunchbox
Elysian Technologies Enclave
#16 - 2011-09-19 11:50:35 UTC
I've seen the removal of the kills-deaths visible stat in other games and unfortunately, as much as we'd like to believe removing KB would make people braver (and thus promote pvp), it does nothing of the sort. Age of Conan used to have a visible k/d ratio (and that's it btw), and people campaigned tirelessly to have it removed to stop kids from joining minigames and sitting on a rez pad for entire matches because they knew they were going to die a few times. They removed this visible ratio from the game and wait, you guessed it, people still avoid world pvp like the plague and minigames are still afk fests. Just because numbers and stats aren't there for the whole world to see doesn't mean people won't whore them for their own personal amusement.
Flynn Fetladral
Tempered Aggression
Seker Matar
#17 - 2011-09-19 12:07:52 UTC
Misanth wrote:
Mastertz wrote:
A better idea would be a CCP developed "official" killboard, seeing as how Eve Kill is pretty much broken beyond repair and the Battleclinic UI is unreadable.

A good PvP boost for EVE would be complete removal of killboards and killmails tho.

This ;-)

Oh and we used a little officer mods. KIDDING! We used a lot of officers mods, A LOT! Because we don’t :censored: around in low-sec.

@flynnfetladral on #tweetfleet

Serene Repose
#18 - 2011-09-19 14:28:04 UTC
Grath Telkin wrote:

Removing the metric used to calculate the winners and losers of fights isn't going to prompt those people to fight anymore than they do now, you'll just get more arguing over who won what fight because there's no factual record of it.

Ahar! You mean you can't tell who won or lost unless you see it on a killboard? Too funny. You just don't want to admit you like to gloat over your ep33n. What better way to show off how big yours is than a nifty Anyone using killboard information to form tactical or strategic method needn't get off the short bus.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Zor's Club
#19 - 2011-09-19 15:49:01 UTC
Misanth wrote:
Mastertz wrote:
A better idea would be a CCP developed "official" killboard, seeing as how Eve Kill is pretty much broken beyond repair and the Battleclinic UI is unreadable.

A good PvP boost for EVE would be complete removal of killboards and killmails tho.

This poster has brains.

The whole killboard business has put people's priorities all wrong.
I have heard people on my ts that rather blow up a carrier than ransom the pilot for 1bil isk, because that way then can post a carrier kill. Or fit ecms on guardians, because they want to get on the kill.
Of course I'm guilty as well, eventhough my scorp has a 15 second locktime on pods I still urge my fellow campers to HOLD!!! until I have an ecm on the pod as well.

Killmails really destroy immersion and they should be removed.
CCP Fallout
C C P Alliance
#20 - 2011-09-19 15:52:15 UTC
cyclobs wrote:
CCP doesn't play eve what are you on about.

We play. We're just ignoring you, cyclobs ;)

CCP Fallout Associate Community Manager EVE Online @ccp_fallout

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