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SkillWatch 2.0 - Monitor your skill using the Windows Sidebar.

Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#1 - 2012-02-05 15:47:57 UTC
Almost 5 years after the release of v1 of SkillWatch I am pleased to announced version 2.0!

It is a Windows Sidebar gadget designed to monitor your character's currently training skill and ISK balance. You can monitor multiple characters by running multiple instances. It also shows your next skill in queue (if any) in the flyout. The flyout also has some additional character information and three links you can customize.

The major new features are that it now uses the new customizable API keys and it will automatically update it's list of skills when it comes across one it doesn't know. There are also various minor bug fixes.

Get it here:

Feel free to evemail me or contact me in game with any questions.

Yes, I know this is cross posted from the Eve Technology Lab but I want to make sure everyone that is using the older versions knows!
Yngvarr Khshayarsha
Drink Tea Shoot Spaceships
Muh Zkill...
#2 - 2012-02-05 18:45:11 UTC
thanks mate awesome gadget!
The Scope
#3 - 2012-02-05 19:32:53 UTC
This is awesome...

isk donation for you! Great work mate!

Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#4 - 2012-02-06 02:23:49 UTC
Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy it and get a lot of use out of it.
Jack Tronic
#5 - 2012-02-06 02:46:58 UTC
Windows Sidebar doesn't exist in Windows 7 like it does in Vista.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-02-06 03:01:54 UTC
Jack Tronic wrote:
Windows Sidebar doesn't exist in Windows 7 like it does in Vista.

Yes it does exist. It's just not "visible" however it's already turned on by default. Install the sidebar application and drag it to the side.
Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#7 - 2012-02-06 03:03:48 UTC
Jack Tronic wrote:
Windows Sidebar doesn't exist in Windows 7 like it does in Vista.

The sidebar 'container' like it existed in Vista is gone but the gadgets are still there. Just click on the windows orb and type 'gadgets' in the 'Search programs and files' box and you will see it. "Desktop Gadgets" is also accessible in the Control Panel.

I guess it's not appropriate to call it a 'sidebar' gadget, tho, if that was the point you were making.

The Scope
#8 - 2012-02-06 22:31:26 UTC
Dondo Yonderboy wrote:
Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy it and get a lot of use out of it.

Yep, using it right now. First thing I did when I got home and took the desktop out of sleep mode was to look on the desktop and check the wallet balance right there on the desktop. Cool

Beast Cat Industries
#9 - 2012-02-07 00:34:44 UTC
Looks awesome! Keep up the good work!
Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#10 - 2012-02-07 13:49:34 UTC
YuuKnow wrote:
Dondo Yonderboy wrote:
Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy it and get a lot of use out of it.

Yep, using it right now. First thing I did when I got home and took the desktop out of sleep mode was to look on the desktop and check the wallet balance right there on the desktop. Cool

Don't forget to double-click the gadget to force it to update to make sure that's the most up-to-date balance.

Jowen Datloran
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-02-07 14:25:36 UTC
Nearly missed an update on THE only EVE gadget that I use. Thumps up!

Mr. Science & Trade Institute, EVE Online Lorebook 

Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#12 - 2012-02-07 16:57:47 UTC
Jowen Datloran wrote:
Nearly missed an update on THE only EVE gadget that I use. Thumps up!

Unfortunately Law James (the guy I hired to write this gadget for us) lost access to the server that was hosting the update file so all the existing, pre 2.0 installs, will never be notified of an update. The new version will look for updates on, a domain I registered, so we will not lose access and the gadget will alert when there is a new version.

Honestly, tho, the main reason for updates over the past years - with the exception of this one - were because of skill list changes. Now that the gadget can update that information itself I don't see much in the way of updates needed.
Christine Peeveepeeski
Low Sec Concepts
#13 - 2012-02-07 17:26:20 UTC

One thing though, I have 3 accounts and 5 characters I care about to use the gadget on. 2 of the characters are not training on purpose. Is there a way to change the skin on the ones not in training? Currently its a red and grey one whatever skin you choose.

Seriously though TY, some ISK will wing its way to you when I get in game :D
TD Strike Force SRP
#14 - 2012-02-07 18:12:23 UTC
Yo Dawg,

We heard you liked sidebars so we put a sidebar in your neocom and a sidebar in your sidebar so you can sidebar your windows while you're not sidebarring your windows in the sidebarring game
Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#15 - 2012-02-07 19:12:26 UTC
Christine Peeveepeeski wrote:

One thing though, I have 3 accounts and 5 characters I care about to use the gadget on. 2 of the characters are not training on purpose. Is there a way to change the skin on the ones not in training? Currently its a red and grey one whatever skin you choose.

Seriously though TY, some ISK will wing its way to you when I get in game :D

Honestly I've wanted to change that red skin that is used when there is no skill in training.

In the meantime, if you're a little computer savvy, you can change the skin yourself by going to: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\EveOnline.gadget\images\skins

and replacing Skin7.png with something more pleasant (like whatever skin you picked for the others).

Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#16 - 2012-02-11 02:47:43 UTC
So ya. I'm going to try to work on a couple upgrades/fixes:

  • The ability to select the 'alert' skin
  • Optional Alert when less than 24h of skills
  • Change the links on the flyout to the correct new locations
  • Defaulting to the character in training when entering the API information.
  • More skins and flyout skins!

Hope everyone is enjoying it!

Jake Stormwatch
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-04-05 03:20:20 UTC
great little gadget, very handy. Too bad windows website got rid of a lot of the gadgets and only kept what the claimed were popular now.
T' Elk
Goonswarm Federation
#18 - 2012-04-05 03:22:27 UTC
Nice bro. Donation inc. within a few days, just spent nearly all of it. >.<

~Badposter since FOOOOREEEEEVAAAAAR~ I come back after 2 years to THIS? ~Now 4 years apparently