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Steel Brotherhood is recruiting corps and indv. players for our nullsec (catch)operation to make isk

Cedar Knolls Research
#1 - 2011-12-30 06:23:04 UTC  |  Edited by: disiples
Steel Brotherhood is recruiting corps and indv. players for our nullsec (catch)operation to make isk

What We Offer

Arrow Upgraded Station system
Arrow Frequent Roams
Arrow Daily Mining ops with support
Arrow Barge replacement program
Arrow Compentent FC's
Arrow Ship Replacement program
Arrow we are Willing to train people for pvp
Arrow Ratting is open to all alliance members
IdeaRespect for othersIdea

What we Require

Attention no trial accounts
Arrow min 5m skill points
ArrowTwistedPilots able to fly BC's
ArrowShocked Willingness to participate
ArrowAttentionHave a mic and be on TS
LolArrowInterview with the corp CEO and Dir's
PLolBig smileAbility to get along with others and have fun

Who to Contact

Arrow Please contact Disiples - Berelain
Arrow Join DG Recruitment in game
Cedar Knolls Research
#2 - 2011-12-30 22:10:10 UTC
Cedar Knolls Research
#3 - 2012-01-04 03:06:25 UTC
are you still looking for a corp to join
Cedar Knolls Research
#4 - 2012-01-09 01:13:16 UTC
if your looking for a mining / pvp group then look no further

we are looking for 100 noobs that want to fly thrashers into pvp for the hell of it and lol a lot
Cedar Knolls Research
#5 - 2012-02-06 20:38:22 UTC
still looking for ppl to have fun