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Suggestion for a new Amarr BS

Egil Noban
Immovable Object Movers Insnorklerated
#1 - 2012-02-05 01:36:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Egil Noban

I'm a fairly new player (and I do not have English as a primary language, so please ignore any gramatic errors and typosBlink). I rolled an Amarr character, and have, during the last few months, actually grown very fond of Drones. Now, here is what I really miss:

After having a lot of fun with the Arbi, with different fits, I moved on to higher levels of missioning, and found myself having to go for a Navy Dominix / Rattlesnake do get a decent Drone Boat. Now, I know that Amarr usually dont play around with drones, but the Arbi does exist, so its not unprecedented. Most Amarr BS does have decent armor (important to me because after playing with Amarr ships, I ofc have high Armor skills), but they do not have the Drone Space nor the bandwidth to be decent Drone boats. If you just expanded the drone and bandwidth of an existing model, it would be OP, so, I have a suggestion for a new Amarr based BS, which would no be OP, but should introduce a new form of drone playing in EVE in both PvE and PvP. My suggestions are as follows:

*BS class ship
*Good amount of armor (same or more as the Navy Dominix)
*Less shields
*Good drone space (400m3 ?)
*Good Bandwidth (125 mbit ?)
*Drone HP and damage bonus like other Drone Boats
*Armor bonus something in the line of the Abaddon

Now you might be thinking "so, whats the deal here?". Well, here's the biggest change:


The ship should have highslots, of course, but these can be used for augmentations of different types, salvagers, tractors, you name it, and if you dont want your drones to take aggro in missions, you can allways put a painter in a medium slot. This ship would not be OP, as you would not be able to combine a large armor tank with weapons on the ship in addition to drones. It would introduce another style of playing, which would be largely dependent on drone skills, and could be interesting both in PvE for missions (drones need to kill everything), and in PvP (for electronic warfare drones f.ex).

The reason for this idea is that you can have a very drone focused style of playing, without using a carrier, which is a very juicy target for ganking, while having a good amount of armor to suit the Amarr as a race. I, and many players like me, love drones, and the combination outligned here is ment to plug a "hole" in the natural ship base of the Amarr, as the Arbi allready exists, but is only a cruiser. Maybe it fits better in as a pirate faction ship or something like that, but it would still be based on an amarr (armor tank) design .

As mentioned earlier, I am a new player, and for all I know, this idea might allready have been outligned, and shot down for a bunch of reasons. I would love to have your feedback and toughts about this.

Thank you for your time! Big smile
Kahega Amielden
#2 - 2012-02-05 01:41:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Kahega Amielden
Your suggestion asks for a very "focused" style of play centered around drones, but that already exists with the Gallente. If you want to fly droneboats you should go there anyway; Gallente have the only tier 3 BC with drones, and droneboats in their assault frigates, cruisers, HACs, battlecruisers, and battleships. It pretty much seems like you're asking for the ability to fly Gallente without having to bother switching your training.

It would be like asking for a Caldari ship with projectile bonuses.

Also, Dominixes are often flown without using weapon hardpoints anyway - many domis just fill their highs with in practice I don't see how your suggest is different than giving Amarr a Dominix.
Egil Noban
Immovable Object Movers Insnorklerated
#3 - 2012-02-05 02:17:05 UTC

Thank you for your response!

My idea was, I guess partially, to make an Amarr Domi. You're right about that, but it was not meant as a way to skip crosstraining, although I can absolutely see how it would look that way! Smile My thought was really that when focusing on armor instead of shield, you would have a benefit of freeing up mid slots to use for omni's, painters and and all kinds of fun stuff. This would also make it interesting in PvP as it would be able to be combined with use of webbers and such, to act as a cross between:

*support (remote repers) and dps (drones)
*support (remote repers) and electronic warfare (with drones)
*Electronic warfare with modules AND drones

It could be used as a multi purpose ship in itself, and when using drones, it would also be able to defend itself, and would have a multitude of fits, to make a fun and variated type of experience.

Basicly, an Armor based multipurpose Domi Smile Also, since it would be Amarr based, it would need to have more cap to be able to withstand the huge drain hardeners and armor reppers have, in addition to be able to fit an interesting combination of medium modules.

What do you think about this?
Shovel Bros
#4 - 2012-02-05 02:37:42 UTC
The Domi is armor based and it can be used for many different purposes. There's no need for a second Domi in the game, it's already in there.
Danel Tosh
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-02-05 02:56:21 UTC
I wouldnt completely rule out this idea. we need to remember that next to Gallente, Ammar ships generally have good drone space and bandwidth. look at the arbitrator for instance.

now say i flew ammar and i wanted to fly somthing that does less DPS than a Domni but has a better tank and cap capacity, then i could go with this new ship.
However this role should be more clearly defined first. an Armageddon has a good sized drone bay and a new Drone based Ammar BS could overshadow it.
Kahega Amielden
#6 - 2012-02-05 02:57:51 UTC
My thought was really that when focusing on armor instead of shield, you would have a benefit of freeing up mid slots to use for omni's, painters and and all kinds of fun stuff. This would also make it interesting in PvP as it would be able to be combined with use of webbers and such, to act as a cross between:

The Dominix is already armor-based. Gallente ships all armor tank.

Also, I believe Gallente ships do tend to have more midslots than Amarr ships, which can be used for omnis and painters.

*support (remote repers) and dps (drones)
*support (remote repers) and electronic warfare (with drones)
*Electronic warfare with modules AND drones

The Domi can do all of these things, except droneboats in general don't use EW drones, as they do not receive benefits from the drone damage bonuses (e.g. ECM drones on a dominix have the same jam strengths as ECM drones on anything else). Nothing you have suggested for this new ship cannot be done by a dominix.
Axium Cog
Holey Amarrian Inquisition
Grand Inquisitors Federation
#7 - 2012-02-05 07:52:20 UTC
I agree with the consensus so far, the Domi can fill the role you suggest fairly well. However i will grant that in such a case, you are wasting the bonus to hybrids that the Domi provides, and as such a pure drone boat could be an interesting addition to the field.

I could see something like this being interesting, make note its a faction BC not a BS.

Battlecruiser Skill Bonus:
10% increase to Ewar drone effectiveness per level
5% increase in Drone MWD Speed per level
Role Bonus: 25% Increase to Drone Control Range


High Slots: 4
Medium Slots: 4
Low Slots: 5
Rig Slots: 2
Calibration: 400 points

Turret Hardpoints: 0
Launcher Hardpoints: 0

Drone Capacity: 150
Drone Bandwidth: 75Mbit/sec

Base Targeting Range: 65 km

Elysian Space Navy - 1st Fleet
#8 - 2012-02-05 09:11:23 UTC
The only problem I have with a drones only boat is that any drones below fighter bombers...

...freaking SUCK on DPS. Yes against a little Rat Frig they are great, against rouge drones they are alright; but against anything bigger than a frig they suck.

Drones do not do enough damage for this to be feasible. This is why alot of times you see Rail heavy sniper domis. The Domi is already a drone boat, but without a boost to how MANY drones can be flown then it is pointless to ONLY use drones unless you are running support for someone with all the DPS.
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#9 - 2012-02-06 08:32:23 UTC
The only problem I have with a drones only boat is that any drones below fighter bombers...

...freaking SUCK on DPS. Yes against a little Rat Frig they are great, against rouge drones they are alright; but against anything bigger than a frig they suck.

Drones do not do enough damage for this to be feasible. This is why alot of times you see Rail heavy sniper domis. The Domi is already a drone boat, but without a boost to how MANY drones can be flown then it is pointless to ONLY use drones unless you are running support for someone with all the DPS.

That's because you're probably running light/medium drones on heavy targets.

Lights for frigs, mediums for cruisers, and heavy drones for anything else. Of course lights do crap damage to heavy targets. The problem is that most ships can't fit a full flight of heavy drones.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#10 - 2012-02-06 11:23:57 UTC
Axium Cog wrote:
I agree with the consensus so far, the Domi can fill the role you suggest fairly well. However i will grant that in such a case, you are wasting the bonus to hybrids that the Domi provides, and as such a pure drone boat could be an interesting addition to the field.

I could see something like this being interesting, make note its a faction BC not a BS.

Battlecruiser Skill Bonus:
10% increase to Ewar drone effectiveness per level
5% increase in Drone MWD Speed per level
Role Bonus: 25% Increase to Drone Control Range


High Slots: 4
Medium Slots: 4
Low Slots: 5
Rig Slots: 2
Calibration: 400 points

Turret Hardpoints: 0
Launcher Hardpoints: 0

Drone Capacity: 150
Drone Bandwidth: 75Mbit/sec

Base Targeting Range: 65 km

Isn't that basically just a worse myrm?
XS Tech
#11 - 2012-02-06 15:58:07 UTC
Real men hull tank. Cool

+1 for you flying a (Navy) Domi for missions if you want a drone boat.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia