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Implant - Jump range (Black Ops)

Mordus Angels
#1 - 2012-01-30 10:13:00 UTC
Was looking at my Widow today and then looking at starmap and then back at my Widow. To be honest, 4,5 Ly range is a bit short for making the ship "worth it" in one thing it has goin for it. Just flat out buff in jump range would be awesome ofc - but on related tone.

It would be nice to have hardwires that increase your max jump range. Say, 25%, 12,5% and 6,250%, for example.

Or rigs if hardwires are too hard to implement. Say increasing your jump range at the expense of fuel consumption. Or even just boosters.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Gerrick Palivorn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-01-30 10:28:13 UTC
"Golf Claps"


MMOs come and go, but Eve remains.  -Garresh-

Mordus Angels
#3 - 2012-01-31 17:36:10 UTC
You guys dont like this idea ?

C'mon you could push a carrier close to 20 Ly mark with a +25% jump range implant (a bit over 18 Ly ;)) And think of all the titans sending people across 2 regions if the implant would be affecting also the portal range.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Jaari Val'Dara
Grim Sleepers
#4 - 2012-01-31 18:38:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaari Val'Dara
Yes, black ops need a jump range boost.
All the other ships - don't.
Shovel Bros
#5 - 2012-01-31 19:07:38 UTC
Jaari Val'Dara wrote:
Yes, black ops need a jump range boost.
All the other ships - don't.

This. Just boost the BlOps base jump range, that's all that's needed. Give it a 3-4LY base range and it would be far far better (as is, the jump range does seriously limit their use; especially in inter-region jumps, many of which are simply too far for the BlOps).
Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#6 - 2012-01-31 19:25:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Rel'k Bloodlor
I would trade a ship bonus for 10-20% per level to light years. lf the BS that holds the cov-op jump portal is its main thing, it sould do it to a level deserving of the "T2" tittle and have a bonus to its main role. There ability is nothing compared to a titan, they could never come close. (there cost /skill/ ship restrictions/range is so inefficient)

Now I know they can be used to great effect as is but I don't think a greater effect would harm the game, they are very restricted. Their most threatening thing is to throw the cov-op frigate/recon to open the real cyno. What they give to SB/PvP recon is a slightly faster response time and a improved element of surprise, not that crazy. We have also seen good recon/bomber fleets do fine with out them.

Unless were talking real over haul. I couldn't see the range staying the same. IF it's job was then defined buy some thing else. Then its range just for jumping gate camps or have you is fine.
Cap killing was thrown around, whether it was to be in the style of there little brother stealth bombers, or some type of cap busting Ewar we don't Know.
A blown up style of recon reflecting there size and draw backs could be viable (As in the same step up as present between the frigate and cruiser threateningly good just with no real DPS.)
Even a fleet boosting/DPS and support roll would be fine if it just reflected its scale.(like a recon titan thingy? There kinda like that now but weak and don't fleet boost and can't jump portal a fleet booster)

As is I feel both the T2 battle ships are just odd. Part of being a BS is there versatility, one you trade all of that for 1 10% to a resist and one very focused job. Well suffering a price tag a hole decimal point to the right and glaring weakness to exploit your just left under whelmed.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Mordus Angels
#7 - 2012-02-01 14:41:16 UTC
The exact range the Black Ops should be able to jump/portal is ofc open to debate - depending on other parameters of the ship. I would also be happy to trade the current bonuses on the ship (in my case the Widow) to a range bonus for portal/jumping. To be honest - I would go as far as say that they should have the longest jump range in EVE - being relatively light ships with most of the hull filled with the jump drive.

The idea with hardwires - well it would be nice bonus still in my opinion even if capitals in general have already reasonably adequate jump range. Might help a bit people who live in very deep null sec areas or want to hot-drop across multiple regions.

Perhaps a specialized module (or rig), burning either some existing fuel or something from PI increasing the ship max jump range. You can make it exclusive to T2 ships one wants to want to prevent its usage on regular capitals (hehe jump freighter would need a slot for that tho).

I do think that if the admittedly limited combat abilities of Black Ops remain the same then perhaps "the longest" jump or portal range of the ship might be a bit overpower. Thats why I have been thinking on the lines of "jump range boosting stuff" so that the fit should be doing some kind of compromise.

The Black Ops are relatively skill intensive ship and are comparable to simple capitals (carriers & dreads) as far as complexity of building one goes. So - having, for example, 20 Ly max jump range would grant the ship niche to fill that is comparable to other capitals in its utility value. It would still be filling considerably different ecological niche than titans do (as its capable of only bridging cov ops cloaky ships) while for some degree would grant smaller entities capabilities that are so far been reserved to larger and better funded groups in the form of surprise raids on enemy territory.

It would increase "the problem" of "afk cloakers" to a new level if relatively small but well organized entities would be able to "terrorize" larger areas of space by the threat of dropping a stealth bomber gang. If the natives of the area are unwilling or unable to trap and kill stealth bombers. If this is a downside or pure cup of win depends ofc if you are on the prey or predator side of that equation.

In the EVE - at the end of a day - its all about balls. If you have balls to shoot at someone then even 120 mil SP vet dies like all the rest in the ball of fire. Even if the shooters have only few mil SP. So in my opinion the problem of AFK cloaking is attitude problem of local population more than the problem of game mechanics.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Shovel Bros
#8 - 2012-02-01 15:00:04 UTC
Carniflex wrote:
The idea with hardwires - well it would be nice bonus still in my opinion even if capitals in general have already reasonably adequate jump range. Might help a bit people who live in very deep null sec areas or want to hot-drop across multiple regions.

But it's already been stated elsewhere that the ability to almost instantly hotdrop anywhere is a problem, implants for doing so would simply exacerbate the issue.