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To Highsec Players- An argument for 0.0 play

Meryl SinGarda
Belligerent Underpaid Tactical Team
#21 - 2012-01-30 19:47:55 UTC
I've always considered moving down to 0.0, but I was always under the assumption that if I'm not apart of some gigantic alliance, I'll get my frozen corpse smeared across all the dark matter. Non-stop. Everyday. The money to be had is very attractive, but I don't want to be apart of some huge alliance that tells me what to do.
Caldari State
#22 - 2012-01-30 19:53:29 UTC
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
I've always considered moving down to 0.0, but I was always under the assumption that if I'm not apart of some gigantic alliance, I'll get my frozen corpse smeared across all the dark matter. Non-stop. Everyday. The money to be had is very attractive, but I don't want to be apart of some huge alliance that tells me what to do.

From my experience, alliances generally just deal with corp leaders. You will rarely have a big alliance suddenly contact you personally and say "Hey, go do this". Most of the time, you will be left alone/not noticed. And you will only deal with your own corp. Alliances are usually made up of tons of little corps, so just look for one with a helpful and fun community and you'll be fine. Don't worry about the alliance, just the corp itself. Big alliances are often too populated and busy to care what every single member is doing at that moment.

The ONLY time you might get serious grief from everyone for not helping out is when war happens. And that is mainly because if your alliance/corp loses, its really REALLY bad for everyone involved. But (unfortunately :( though you might not think so) that is really rare. lol


Liam Mirren
#23 - 2012-01-30 19:58:49 UTC
Ganagati wrote:
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
I've always considered moving down to 0.0, but I was always under the assumption that if I'm not apart of some gigantic alliance, I'll get my frozen corpse smeared across all the dark matter. Non-stop. Everyday. The money to be had is very attractive, but I don't want to be apart of some huge alliance that tells me what to do.

From my experience, alliances generally just deal with corp leaders. You will rarely have a big alliance suddenly contact you personally and say "Hey, go do this". Most of the time, you will be left alone/not noticed. And you will only deal with your own corp. Alliances are usually made up of tons of little corps, so just look for one with a helpful and fun community and you'll be fine. Don't worry about the alliance, just the corp itself. Big alliances are often too populated and busy to care what every single member is doing at that moment.

The ONLY time you might get serious grief from everyone for not helping out is when war happens. And that is mainly because if your alliance/corp loses, its really REALLY bad for everyone involved. But (unfortunately :( though you might not think so) that is really rare. lol

This is only the case if you are happy to stay a nobody, an ant. Anyone who actually wants to achieve stuff and not be cattle will soon find that being in a 0.0 alliance means lots of effort while having to deal with fricking idiots.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

Yumi Sagara
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-01-30 20:00:54 UTC
Liam Mirren wrote:
Ganagati wrote:
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
I've always considered moving down to 0.0, but I was always under the assumption that if I'm not apart of some gigantic alliance, I'll get my frozen corpse smeared across all the dark matter. Non-stop. Everyday. The money to be had is very attractive, but I don't want to be apart of some huge alliance that tells me what to do.

From my experience, alliances generally just deal with corp leaders. You will rarely have a big alliance suddenly contact you personally and say "Hey, go do this". Most of the time, you will be left alone/not noticed. And you will only deal with your own corp. Alliances are usually made up of tons of little corps, so just look for one with a helpful and fun community and you'll be fine. Don't worry about the alliance, just the corp itself. Big alliances are often too populated and busy to care what every single member is doing at that moment.

The ONLY time you might get serious grief from everyone for not helping out is when war happens. And that is mainly because if your alliance/corp loses, its really REALLY bad for everyone involved. But (unfortunately :( though you might not think so) that is really rare. lol

This is only the case if you are happy to stay a nobody, an ant. Anyone who actually wants to achieve stuff and not be cattle will soon find that being in a 0.0 alliance means lots of effort while having to deal with fricking idiots.

It's that way in any MMO. Hell, even running a guild in WoW tends to be that way. Leaders in every game have to deal with a crapton of stress and nearly have their game become a job. You hear it often but folks rarely think about what it means- getting players to all cooperate when you need them to is like herding cats.
Liam Mirren
#25 - 2012-01-30 20:06:26 UTC
Yumi Sagara wrote:
It's that way in any MMO. Hell, even running a guild in WoW tends to be that way. Leaders in every game have to deal with a crapton of stress and nearly have their game become a job. You hear it often but folks rarely think about what it means- getting players to all cooperate when you need them to is like herding cats.

Very much, and because this is still a game to me (I gave up on playing the serious business years ago) I simply refuse to be part of such a large group of (mostly moronic) people anymore. I AM a team player but I'd rather stay solo than having to deal with folks who I can't be bothered with.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-01-30 20:17:30 UTC
I couldn't give a **** anymore, if gates were not camped or had ******* bubbles on them I wouldn't bother with bad sex whack-a-mole instant pop and its over in seconds ship combat. Its not every gate thats camped or have bubbles, its just that I am tired of trying and will not bother so long as high scan res wins nor will I bother trying to make bookmarks while being shot at (I like to do things 1 at a time, not both such as PVP and hitting book marks or tying to "PVP in a PVE fit"...cause it doesn't work)
Dbars Grinding
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2012-01-30 21:32:47 UTC
naw ,the idea of anyone under the age of 25 in a video game telling me what i should and shouldnt do makes me sick to my stomach.

I have more space likes than you. 

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2012-01-30 21:40:26 UTC
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
I've always considered moving down to 0.0, but I was always under the assumption that if I'm not apart of some gigantic alliance, I'll get my frozen corpse smeared across all the dark matter. Non-stop. Everyday. The money to be had is very attractive, but I don't want to be apart of some huge alliance that tells me what to do.

This is a fairly common belief I hear from highsec people reluctant to join a 0.0 alliance, but the truth is actually the opposite. Leaders have so much to do that putting each of their 5-6000 members under a microscope for stuff like attendance is impossible. Gigantic alliances have little hope of keeping track of individual players, the largest ones don't even attempt to.

It's smaller alliances/corps that more often try to micromanage you because you stand out more, and that applies just as much to highsec corps.
Yumi Sagara
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2012-01-30 21:46:58 UTC
Dbars Grinding wrote:
naw ,the idea of anyone under the age of 25 in a video game telling me what i should and shouldnt do makes me sick to my stomach.

There are corps out there devoted to people 30 and up.

In fact, my corp required their members to by 26 to join. 0_o I had to get a special exception just to get my gf in lol (she's 24)
Caellach Marellus
#30 - 2012-01-30 22:08:09 UTC
"People should stop playing their game and play my game instead, it's so much better for me that way!"

When your gut instincts tell you something is wrong, trust them. When your heart tells you something is right, ignore it, check with your brain first. Accept nothing, challenge everything.

Vincent Athena
#31 - 2012-01-30 23:11:45 UTC
Glarealot wrote:

Politics isn't a problem- not every corp is run by douches. Most are laid back, friendly, and either helpful or will leave you the hell alone if you want it...........

Which ones would those be?

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-01-31 00:53:08 UTC
I honestly believe that the reason why many people never step out of hi-sec (or go into low/null consistently) is because they start the game in hi-sec and because of the way the tutorial missions and starting systems are placed, they feel that they never NEED to leave hi-sec.

Most people probably joined this game for combat. The game isn't advertised as a hi-sec carebear adventure, almost every advertisement for EVE shows ships blowing each other up. In fact one time I asked "What do you do in EVE?" in the comments of a youtube video. Do you know what the response was? It was "What else? Blow **** up!" .

I too, was a hi-sec carebear for some time. While I rely on hi-sec for profits I do venture into low/null frequently to see what I can do.

Here are the reasons I feel people don't venture out of hi-sec.

1. Lack of funds
- PVP is expensive
- New players may not have the funds to PVP for a while

2. Brought up in Hi-Sec
- Everyone starts in hi-sec and it seems like a nice place, why not settle there?
- Everything people need is in hi-sec
- It is much easier to make money without every person coming out to kill you.

3. Hi-sec is more casual
- Much less overall activity required while playing (rather than scanning everything and looking at local constantly)
- No need to be as alert allows for multi-tasking (either in game or in real life)
- No pressure of having to log in at a certain time or being encouraged to log in at a certain time.

Note how for 2 of the three points, ISK is related to these problems. I feel that if you boost the amount of ISK one can make in nullsec you will see hordes of hi-sec players making their way out to null

Watch_ Fred Fred Frederation_ and stop [u]cryptozoologist[/u]! Fight against the brutal genocide of fictional creatures across New Eden! Is that a metaphor? Probably not, but the fru-fru- people will sure love it!

Risktech Analytics
#33 - 2012-01-31 01:33:47 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
Glarealot wrote:

Politics isn't a problem- not every corp is run by douches. Most are laid back, friendly, and either helpful or will leave you the hell alone if you want it...........

Which ones would those be?

Most of them actually. People have this notion that forum trolls and nullsec in general are douchebags but that isn't really the case outside of the EVE-O forums. People just enjoy how uptight people are here. ;)
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2012-01-31 01:45:42 UTC
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
I've always considered moving down to 0.0, but I was always under the assumption that if I'm not apart of some gigantic alliance, I'll get my frozen corpse smeared across all the dark matter. Non-stop. Everyday. The money to be had is very attractive, but I don't want to be apart of some huge alliance that tells me what to do.

You can rent or you can ninja in NPC space, or just work out a deal of some sort with the bigger entities. They aren't going to let you run around neutral for your wit and charm, but there are ways.

You can wormhole hop from one end of the galaxy to the other if you like, and there are long expanses where you won't see a ship for days.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#35 - 2012-01-31 01:50:08 UTC
Zirse wrote:
Vincent Athena wrote:
Glarealot wrote:

Politics isn't a problem- not every corp is run by douches. Most are laid back, friendly, and either helpful or will leave you the hell alone if you want it...........

Which ones would those be?

Most of them actually. People have this notion that forum trolls and nullsec in general are douchebags but that isn't really the case outside of the EVE-O forums. People just enjoy how uptight people are here. ;)

I think he was looking for specific examples...I'm sure he isn't the only one.

Fredfredbug4 wrote:

Here are the reasons I feel people don't venture out of hi-sec.

1. Lack of funds
- PVP is expensive
- ...
2. Brought up in Hi-Sec
- Everything people need is in hi-sec
- It is much easier to make money without every person coming out to kill you.

3. Hi-sec is more casual
- Much less overall activity required while playing (rather than scanning everything and looking at local constantly)
- No need to be as alert allows for multi-tasking (either in game or in real life)
- No pressure of having to log in at a certain time or being encouraged to log in at a certain time.

Pretty much this hits it on the head for me...that and while I can be a team player, I've become far too anti-social to tolerate others for very long. Don't get me wrong, I have met some really cool people in game, but at this point and at my age, I'm just not interested in investing myself into others. Better that my spot is taken by someone who can devote themselves to others than for me to take up space just waiting to get away.
Space Mermaids
#36 - 2012-01-31 02:10:28 UTC
To condense what most everyone else seems to be saying, Null is for no lifers. Yes, it's possible to slip through the cracks and not be a part of building and keeping null built but you just add work to somone elses plate. Work, in a video game that sucks your life away 6 hrs minimum a day. There plenty of games out there where you can go blow stuff up. They don't warrant the demands this one does.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2012-01-31 02:19:33 UTC

Here are the reasons I feel people don't venture out of hi-sec.

1. Lack of funds
- PVP is expensive
- New players may not have the funds to PVP for a while [/quote]

*Yup PvP is expensive, this is why the alliances have reimbursement programs, it won't make PvP free but it makes it doable with a minimum of carebearing. For reference if I can sneak off for a couple days and incursion whore or just run missions, I'm pretty much good for the month with enough isk to replace fleet losses.

*If you can afford a 35mil dictor, you will NEVER EVER be turned away from a fleet, any fleet, any roam, any camp....ever.

2. Brought up in Hi-Sec
- Everyone starts in hi-sec and it seems like a nice place, why not settle there?
- Everything people need is in hi-sec
- It is much easier to make money without every person coming out to kill you.

*Hi sec is kinda dull
*Damn near everything you need is in the staging areas.
*You normally know when neutrals are around in advance, avoiding them its really hard I mean to the point that I have ratting ships with no prop mod, and our space is anything but quiet.

3. Hi-sec is more casual
- Much less overall activity required while playing (rather than scanning everything and looking at local constantly)
- No need to be as alert allows for multi-tasking (either in game or in real life)
- No pressure of having to log in at a certain time or being encouraged to log in at a certain time.

*I work a full time job (not a McJob, a career job, and am in the process of finishing my bachelor, if you are on you are on, alarm clock calls are least for us. If you are on and a fleet FC calls a fight, well you grab your gear and go pew. I didn't come out here to rat, so I'm fine with that.

Note how for 2 of the three points, ISK is related to these problems. I feel that if you boost the amount of ISK one can make in nullsec you will see hordes of hi-sec players making their way out to null

The potential to make is isk WAY beyond hi-sec unless you are a full time incursion bear or a major industrialist. I have the patience for neither, I hate mining, and production makes me want to kick babies.

If I get a good chain going, just ratting in NPC space is a good 30-60mil an hour, just bounties. I've made 3 billion in one day running anoms from the drops, and that was with 2 other guys....if I could drop a carrier and solo them (which would have been REALLY dumb at the time) that would have been 12 bil from an afternoon in one pocket.

Three's a Crowd
#38 - 2012-01-31 02:27:08 UTC
Do I have to take orders from someone, ever? Yea, I'll stick to hi-sec and do what I want, when I want. When that changes I'll head out.

Nice OP though, really it was a good read.

If anyone ever looks at you and says,_ "Hold my beer, watch this,"_  you're probably going to want to pay attention.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2012-01-31 02:27:56 UTC
I have a slight bias towards paranoia to begin with. (I blame all the weed I smoked in high school.) EVE just makes it worse. I fully expect everyone in this game to try to scam me or blow me up. I'd rather go solo and be neutral to everyone, doing what I want, where I want, for as long as I can get away with it.

I won't join a corp/alliance and take advantage of the benefits of membership knowing I can't really pull my own weight. Nor will I fire my guns upon anyone first or try to take advantage of them in any way if I can help it. So my conscience is at ease.
Critical Mass Inc
#40 - 2012-01-31 02:48:38 UTC
Started Eve, within days I was in a 0.0 alliance.. it was a mess, and I blame the management.

I would go to 0.0 but the lack of stations puts me off, forcing me to either build a fragile and elaborate supply chain as a solo player or sign on to a corp and potentially be a slave. My time is limited and I don't want Eve to become a job (again).

I just recently finished a stintin low-sec and enjoyed it, and I might return there, but 0.0 lack the infrastructure to how I like to play.

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