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EvE SkillWatch Gadget

T'Laar Bok
#21 - 2011-12-06 20:35:04 UTC
Surrea wrote:
You seem to have missed the whole idea of these gadget updates - using the new customizable api keys. The old key that you are likely trying to use will soon be disabled. There is a link to the new api key management page in the gadget settings under the api key fields.

T'Laar Bok is Swahili for dickhead.

Amphetimines are your friend.'Laar_Bok

Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#22 - 2011-12-09 01:59:45 UTC
Well. CCP never responded - not a real suprise but at least a 'no thank you' would have been cool...

So, that said... I've registered a domain and have a version ready to be the official 2.0.

Expect an announcement in the next couple of weeks and thank you very much to Surrea for completing the additional modifications I'd requested.

Kyriso Nalodack
Vanguard Initiative
#23 - 2011-12-30 18:04:07 UTC
I think we can all agree that there needs to be a definitive release of this gadget, and Mr. James needs to be contacted with the new version number and gadget URL so that the folks that have the older version will be notified of the newer one.

We can say that the changes include but are not limited to:

- new API
- background color fix (there are various methods)
- new skills (ORE Industrial, for one)
- new portrait URL

If I understand correctly, Dondo Yonderboy and Vestor are currently developing this gadget. Others, including myself, have re-developed this gadget because this thread was difficult to find. With the disappearance of the Windows Live gadget gallery, this will not become easier.

I propose that we use the system already in place to notify current users of a newer version and begin hosting a definitive version 1.9 immediately, before this gets out of hand.

Dondo - have you got a domain up or not? I host a few websites myself, and would be willing to help out where a developer, too, if necessary.

Kudos to Mr. James on a great gadget.

Xander Hunt
#24 - 2011-12-30 21:43:18 UTC
Fantastic gadget. Easier to see than EveMon. Is it still true that even with 1.8 auto-updating isn't available? Isn't This all seems to be basic HTML and Javascript code, so why not add a meta refresh tag that happens every hour or so?

The other possibility is using the PUBLIC feature of DropBox -

With DropBox you can share folders between each of you for this particular project, that stays private to you and your team, but you can also share a subfolder within the public directory where anyone on the team can make a change to the distributable and update XML file, or however you have it setup, and the updates are only accessible as a read only resource from the interwebs. You get two gigs free of space for your own use (2.25 if you use the link I posted) and you can attach as many computers as you want to one single account. Files are distributed between all computers on the account (When they're online) and they're also stored on the cloud, completely transparent.

Basically, your team has full access to make whatever changes they need, we internet peons only have direct read only non-browsing capabilities access to the specific files.

Questions or thoughts, lemme know!

Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#25 - 2011-12-31 13:54:10 UTC
Kyriso Nalodack wrote:
I think we can all agree that there needs to be a definitive release of this gadget, and Mr. James needs to be contacted with the new version number and gadget URL so that the folks that have the older version will be notified of the newer one.

We can say that the changes include but are not limited to:

- new API
- background color fix (there are various methods)
- new skills (ORE Industrial, for one)
- new portrait URL

If I understand correctly, Dondo Yonderboy and Vestor are currently developing this gadget. Others, including myself, have re-developed this gadget because this thread was difficult to find. With the disappearance of the Windows Live gadget gallery, this will not become easier.

I propose that we use the system already in place to notify current users of a newer version and begin hosting a definitive version 1.9 immediately, before this gets out of hand.

Dondo - have you got a domain up or not? I host a few websites myself, and would be willing to help out where a developer, too, if necessary.

Kudos to Mr. James on a great gadget.


Law James has given up on this and since I am the one that contracted with him for the creation of the gadget in the first place he has given me ownership of this.

I have a new version ready to go that incorporates those changes you mentioned. I've got the domain registered to host the website for this and to act as an update server. Progress has been slow due to the holidays but I should have it up and running relatively soon.

Unfortunately Law James lost access to the server he used as an update server so people with the old version will have to update manually. I've talked with him and I will ask him to post a blog update with a link to the new website.

Surrea made the changes I requested - the same you listed above - with a twist - and I will be releasing that as version 2.0 when the website for it goes live.
Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#26 - 2011-12-31 14:01:31 UTC
Xander Hunt wrote:
Fantastic gadget. Easier to see than EveMon. Is it still true that even with 1.8 auto-updating isn't available? Isn't This all seems to be basic HTML and Javascript code, so why not add a meta refresh tag that happens every hour or so?


Unfortunately Law lost access to the update server he was using so a notification of a new version on the existing installed instances is not likely. I've contacted the web host asking them to temporarily host a new XML but I've not yet received a response.

If nothing else, the new version will update off of the domain I have purchased.
Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#27 - 2012-01-03 00:51:08 UTC
Okay, well the website for it's not ready yet but the gadget is ready to go.

Check out

I'll give it a week or so to doublecheck for bugs before I make a big announcement. Let me know what you guys think!
Veritex Industrial Inc.
#28 - 2012-01-19 13:11:54 UTC
This gadget is broken for me... it says "Cannot access API, check connection"... problem is, the connection is fine, and the new API with vcode and ID is also fine and working (eve mon etc).

So apparently this gadget broke a few days ago for some reason and I don't know how to get it working again... did the API path change?

suggestions? Ugh


Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#29 - 2012-01-19 19:45:06 UTC
Hustomte wrote:
This gadget is broken for me... it says "Cannot access API, check connection"... problem is, the connection is fine, and the new API with vcode and ID is also fine and working (eve mon etc).

So apparently this gadget broke a few days ago for some reason and I don't know how to get it working again... did the API path change?

suggestions? Ugh

I'm not sure why you would be having problems. Nothing has changed with the gadget or API. Are you using the current version? You might try uninstalling and installing it fresh from

Make sure your key/vCode contains the correct information - you can get to a pre-filled template off of the settings page in the gadet - but if you are using the same one from EveMon that will work too. EveMon needs more information than Skillwatch but everything Skillwatch needs is included in the EveMon vCode template.

It's definitely working!

Veritex Industrial Inc.
#30 - 2012-01-20 18:31:17 UTC
Thank you, a complete uninstall/reinstall fixed it. Big smile


Dondo Yonderboy
Infernal Armada Collegia
#31 - 2012-01-30 22:52:21 UTC

The website is now live at

Get it now for all your skillwatching needs!

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