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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Improving the POS

Dr Ted Kaper
#1 - 2012-01-30 22:24:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr Ted Kaper
Currently POS are bunches of equipment centered around a remote control tower. Even though it would take a rather large expansion the ability to attach these individual moduals to a unified superstructure I think would not only improve aesthetics but simplify the experience and enhance the realism. Perhaps an introduction of POS superstructers of varying size with an alotted amount of slots could improve the current POS. Of course all equipment will remain modualar to simplify the programming, allow the moduals to remain detached from the main structure( strategical purposes ), and individual destruction of certain moduals. Since these structures must come at a price (we can't have objects appear out of thin air) there also must be a reason to include these structures in the POS and manufacture them. Resistance, power consumption, and HP bonuses could be an acceptable reason to manufacture and implement these structures. Additionally the superstructures and components themselves will consume slots in the control tower and extending superstructures based on their power consumption and size. This also makes POS's more customizable. Later on including captian's quarters in private POS could also improve the quality of the game. Any comments are welcome!
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-01-30 22:52:08 UTC
Holy wall of text Batman.

And it's been discussed to death already. It's still in the "maybe, but there's a lot of work that would need to be done for it to work out" stage. So, hopefully it'll happen, but we'll see.
Dr Ted Kaper
#3 - 2012-01-30 22:57:35 UTC
Good to hear!