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Dread / carrier price development

Officer Nyota Uhura
#1 - 2012-01-25 07:23:24 UTC
I'll be damned if dread and carrier prices aren't going to rise in the very near future. The prices are on the same level as they've been for a long time, although their production costs seem to have risen 10%-20%.

As someone who's in charge of small/medium pvp alliance capital purchases, I'm pretty interested in what MD thinks about dread/carrier price development in the next three months? Do you agree that there's pressure to increase the prices?

Troll on.
Your Corp Sucks
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2012-01-30 05:30:23 UTC
Officer Nyota Uhura wrote:
The prices are on the same level as they've been for a long time

Given that before the recent dread buff, I bought a bunch at between 1.2b and 1.5b, and then after the buff, I sold them for 1.8-1.9b, I disagree.
Space Mermaids
#3 - 2012-01-30 06:27:28 UTC
It will take a while for this to kick in, if it does at all.
The T2 Siege Module requires Tactical Weapons reconfig 5 and because the bonus for 5 was less than epic I dont expect alot of people have it trained. With Siege Mod T2 you get an 840% dmg multiplier but you are still stapled to the field for 5 minutes and EVE is moving to mandatory Super capital slowly but surely. I don't know how many Dreads are sitting in hangars collecting dust to know if the market will even react to this in the next 6 months.

Officer Nyota Uhura
#4 - 2012-01-30 14:19:52 UTC
Ocih wrote:
EVE is moving to mandatory Super capital slowly but surely. I don't know how many Dreads are sitting in hangars collecting dust to know if the market will even react to this in the next 6 months.

Good point. Though quite some are also being lost all the time.