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It this time of the year "Escort Carrier" Reposting

Daughter's Farmer
#1 - 2012-01-26 17:54:33 UTC
Before we start talk about what Escort carrier in eve should be lets look at a Typical (yet generalized) Escort carrier used in WW2.

Weakness to the design if Escort-Carrier

Modify cheap ship with limited capabilities
Limited speed : then to slow down fleet and is often reallocated to escorting transport ship.
Limited capacity: can't hold many fighter and capacity to do maintenance is limited
if in fleet: escort carrier fighter used in defense matter to protect carriers fleets that have deployed all they fighter in a offensive tactics

Cheap compare to a carrier

Flavor texte:
Caldary state:
Response to SANSHA INVASION, with main fleet protecting the border there was a new niche created with the Sansha invasion that are skipping border defence with wormhole. It was proposed to use (in creative way) those large fleets of outdated scorpion design in the scrap yard. It was thought that using 2 strip out hull of scorpion could free enough space for a few fighters. Many design concession was made to keep the price tag low since no funds are available to create this support fleet.

Tech 3
CPU similar to battleship (thus no drone control unit)
Effective HP should be double of battleship(ex: scorpion) but with double signature radius (to create a weaknees to dreadnoughts)
Volume: 2,750,000.00 m3 (can't fit supercarrier)

High slot:

no turret
no missile pod

Med slot

Low Slot

3 Slot:
400 calibration

Skill bonus

Can fit one caldary fighter per level (special launcher ramp ignore drone bay size)
20% bonus to drone upgrade

15% damage bonus heavy and sentry drones
15% bonus to logistic & electronic warfare drone effectiveness

target range 35km (due to interference from twin warp engine)

Drone bay size 400 square metre

+2 warp strength due to twin warp engine
Warp: 0.85 AU/S (safety lock down to prevent ship ripping in 2 pieces)

Note: I would have attached a pic of the design but it seems I am as much Lazy as the forum design, so not gonna into the trouble of external link when I could just attach low rez pic like in many forums

P.S. constructive criticism is required
#2 - 2012-01-26 18:10:23 UTC
Daughter's Farmer wrote:
P.S. constructive criticism is required

good luck with that.
Michus Danether
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2012-01-26 20:28:24 UTC
Okay so the initial presentation was a bit muddled but I wonder if the OP has the right general idea?

There is a big jump between battleships and carriers and not much in the way of intermediate ship classes unlike the frig->destroyer->cruiser->battlecruiser->battleship thing we have at the moment. A 'battle carrier' or something might be interesting? I dunno. Something somebody should think about.
Shovel Bros
#4 - 2012-01-26 20:36:51 UTC
Sounds semi decent, not as bad and OP as some of them that I've seen. I doubt it'll make it into the game, but I do like the idea of a step between Domi/Rattler and Carrier somewhere in the middle.

One thing though, if English isn't your first language, please don't try and write flavor text, it's just painful to read.
Trilon Industries and Exploration
#5 - 2012-01-26 21:00:01 UTC
Your presentation could use a bit of work, but otherwise the idea sounds somewhat decent.
An Orca sized combat ship would certainly be interesting. Perhaps giving these Escort Carriers 4-5 high slots, with 4 unbonuse Large guns/missiles could provide some more options? I'm imagining something designed for roaming far away from it's base for a while, to better respond to threats where ever they appear.

The main problem is, of course, that one should not obsolete battleships with these changes. I like your suggestion of higher sig radius, but double a BS's ehp would probably make them too tough. With a large sig, they're weak to the new T3's, as well as stealthbombers.

Also, a good sized cargohold or maybe even a small (2500m3?) corp hangar could provide interesting new options for supporting fleets.
Maluscious Melody
The First Foundation
Legion of xXDEATHXx
#6 - 2012-01-27 11:43:37 UTC
Erm, so basically you want a warp stabbed fighter spewing Caldari Domi that can carry 5 fighters with a huge ECM drone buff but reduced slot layout?
Patient 2428190
DEGRREE'Fo'FREE Internet Business School
#7 - 2012-01-27 11:59:25 UTC
Built in stabs on a combat capable ship = massive fail
Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#8 - 2012-01-27 12:01:00 UTC
Tho I'm not for this, I do want some gaps in ship types closed.
Ships frigg to tier one BC have roles, and that style of fleet needs ships to take on roles with in it.

Tier2 and BS are looser able to usually cover 2 rolls and .5 a third one (like tackle).

After that huge gap and dreds and carriers, one has a roll and can fight some other things ok, the other has like 3 rolls it dose well at the same time.

Then gap supers and titans, witch do death star and little star Base that moves stuff. Not really a roll other than battle field supremacy.

They may be could fill in some of it. Those holes.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Vicky Somers
Rusty Anchor
#9 - 2012-01-27 12:51:32 UTC
So you essentially want to duct tape two scorpions together to create a sub capital carrier?
Christine Peeveepeeski
Low Sec Concepts
#10 - 2012-01-27 13:53:50 UTC
You know, the idea is sound.. his implementation of it would be bad.

Something that can use up to 5 fighters, has the ehp of a decently tanked BS, can't jump and can use gates would actually be quite cool.

Not sure how I'd balance it though, problem being that isk does not balance ships really because you'll get alliances that just roll with 'lets take 500 of them'.

It'd be a nice hop on the long train to getting a carrier at any rate.

I don't know.... sounds cool, just not sure it'd work in EVE.
Marcus Henik
Rules of Acquisition
#11 - 2012-01-27 14:13:10 UTC
Like the concept, but think it should be a freighter hull to stay more in line with the general idea of a ww2 escort. Perhaps a converted orca? Put it in the same speed catagory or a little faster.
Bent Barrel
#12 - 2012-01-27 14:21:30 UTC
I am all for the sentry bonuses. double the drone bay please :-) maybe it could get +1 drone controlled per level instead of the fighter bonus. not exactly a carrier but enough DPS to be noticed in a fight especialy with 10 sentries out.

maybe a combat refited Orca hull would make sense for this.

however I am missing the fighter bay numbers :-)
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-01-27 14:34:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Hrett
I dunno, i kinda like the general idea.

Have to make their bonuses so they are a true support ship though. No offensive or defensive capabilities other than the fighters and maybe a drone bay and bandwidth for a flight of light or mediums. Make them expensive, and paper thin (maybe 2x battleship ehp) and slow.

Bonus to Racial remote repair
Bonus to Racial self repair
+1 fighter per level. Can only hold 5 fighters max.

Give them a ship hanger that can carry up to 4 fitted frigs, or two fitted cruisers.
Give them a small maintenence bay that allows refitting/resupply of ships.

It would have to be escorted by support ships or a dead duck. Useful for escorting/supporting small fleets in hostile space. Perhaps give it a really weak capacitor so it has to fit cap boosters to run its tank/RR or during sustained warping. That would give it a 'supply' limitation so it cant stay out unsupported indefinately. No jump drive.

A escort or scout carrier would be fun. would be great for small scale territorial wars. Make em really expensive so they dont blot out the sun.

spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!

Proteus Maximus
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-01-27 14:44:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Proteus Maximus
I respond to this thread every time with the same correction. Flack turrets only capable of defeating a % of incoming missiles ans a wall of damage a friget can penetrate with moderate damage. Drones should be tracking dissruption, neutralizing ans sensor dampening. The ship should be able to project an emergency defense bubble not unlike a poss shield at a huge fuel expence with a duration of 5 minutes & a 20 minutes recovery. Shields may not be deployed with in 20k of one another & not cover am area greater than 10 k.

If Goons were around when God said, "Let there be light" they'd have called the light gay, and plunged the universe back into darkness by squatting their nutsacks over it.

#15 - 2012-01-27 14:59:50 UTC
A high-sec baby carrier that can assign fighters to mission runners? The number of alt accounts it would create would make CCP dance for joy (and drive plex prices up.)

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Hidden Snake
#16 - 2012-01-27 15:18:57 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
A high-sec baby carrier that can assign fighters to mission runners? The number of alt accounts it would create would make CCP dance for joy (and drive plex prices up.)

Well station gaming thrown to another level ...ShockedWhat?Shocked
Keep It Simple Software Group
#17 - 2012-01-27 15:26:19 UTC
Daughter's Farmer wrote:
+2 warp strength due to twin warp engine

You get your carrier tackled and ganked or something?...

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Vicky Somers
Rusty Anchor
#18 - 2012-01-27 18:43:57 UTC
Instead of taping two scorpions together, perhaps a more realistic explanation would be a on Orca modified for battle. Kind of like the Minmatar version of pimp my ride.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#19 - 2012-01-28 11:44:56 UTC
Patient 2428190 wrote:
Built in stabs on a combat capable ship = massive fail

Ever heard of supercaps? Sad
Hound Halfhand
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#20 - 2012-01-28 15:21:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Hound Halfhand
Christine Peeveepeeski wrote:
You know, the idea is sound.. his implementation of it would be bad.

Something that can use up to 5 fighters, has the ehp of a decently tanked BS, can't jump and can use gates would actually be quite cool.

Not sure how I'd balance it though, problem being that isk does not balance ships really because you'll get alliances that just roll with 'lets take 500 of them'.

It'd be a nice hop on the long train to getting a carrier at any rate.

I don't know.... sounds cool, just not sure it'd work in EVE.

I agree. 1 fighter per skill level and some kind of fleet roll that does not involve remote repairing. I was thinking that maybe it can fit 7 or 8 small turrets/launchers and get a bonus to tracking/optimal (similar to the guys flak suggestion above me). Would be good against small ships but not battlecruisers and battleships. Also its bonuses would revolve around projected ECCM, remote sensor boosters, remote sensor dampening, etc. Also possibly 5 drones in addition to 5 fighters also it should have a hell of a tank. It should be T2, size/mass of the Orca but heavily modified hull, uses jumpgates, not cynos and more expensive than a marauder or faction battleship. Really skill intensive, give something real for 100m sp guys to train for.

On a side note, make it something a dreadnought can easily track and hit, at the same time improving the dreadnought's roll.

Again, EVE players have been asking for the "Escort Carriers" for years and it is probably something CCP wants to look into. Probably the most desired next ship after the "T3 frigates".
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