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New Names! (for Missiles and Meta-Speed-Mods) Do you like them?

Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#221 - 2012-01-27 00:37:52 UTC
I figured i would eventually run across some advantage to the new names, but I have seen no real advantage yet and plenty of frustration. Sorting through a pile of missiles is more taxing than before, peeling a few meta microwarps from loot makes me feel like I just started playing again, yet I haven't seen a practical reason that this is better. Bring back our Y-T8s, dammit!


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Adeptus Petrous
#222 - 2012-01-27 02:49:31 UTC
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:

And at that I'm done. When you get back to the issue instead of posts with pure insults I'll be back to continue the conversation should I feel so inclined.

Don't bother. This whole purpose of this thread is not discussion of the new missile names. It's him bitching about it, gathering bitching from others who don't like it (check the OP), and insulting anyone trying to have a reasonable argument as to why maybe this is better.

Many people bitching means, there is something wrong.

In this thread, there are many players stating how stupid, unnecessary and wrong this all is, and

a few people who troll like: "hey, the new names are quite cool, arent they?!" because they get no attention in RL.

Besides, no one had a reasonable argument, yet, not in support of these changes.
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#223 - 2012-01-27 03:31:37 UTC
myFORUMalt alts wrote:
Gorki Andropov wrote:
Did you invent these names (it sounds like you did, and are looking for approval)?

No, no and no.

Yes i like the new names as now i dont have to check which is a mwd or ab in the name. Its linear and easier to understand. Was it a good step, yes. Was it necessary, no


it will take getting used to but in a month or so the new names will be memorized
The Scope
#224 - 2012-01-27 03:55:59 UTC
Herping yourDerp wrote:
myFORUMalt alts wrote:

Yes i like the new names as now i dont have to check which is a mwd or ab in the name. Its linear and easier to understand. Was it a good step, yes. Was it necessary, no


it will take getting used to but in a month or so the new names will be memorized

Because the icon isn't an obvious indication. C/D?
Vyl Vit
#225 - 2012-01-27 04:05:14 UTC
Renaming them (and a lot of other stuff) with names that make sense is a good idea.

The new names are dumb, and only make sense to a select few that must've been sharing the same bottle of vodka at the time.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

Adeptus Petrous
#226 - 2012-01-27 07:25:33 UTC
Where Do you actually start reading a name? (I start at the first word)

Imagine I am a trader. (I really happen to be one)

And I trade a lot of missiles. (really, thats what I do for a living)

It used to be that way, that you know what it is by the first word of the name.
(scourge tells you, it is a heavy missile, and its kinetic, thats 2 in 1 omfg!)

Now further imagine, I have a lot of trade orders, and now guess how that looks with everything having the same name (first word)!

Pretty much what you get when you type one of those names into market search, just mor irritating.

Now, smartass/fanboy/dev alt/forum troll, tell me, how is this better than it used to be?!?
Mors Gravis
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#227 - 2012-01-27 07:27:42 UTC
From a creative perspective, I don't like the new names. They could be much better. Not a bad thought though.
Reilly Duvolle
Hydra Squadron
#228 - 2012-01-27 07:32:28 UTC
Taipion wrote:

In this thread, there are many players stating how stupid, unnecessary and wrong this all is, and

a few people who troll like: "hey, the new names are quite cool, arent they?!" because they get no attention in RL.

Yes. Yes thats it. No attention in RL.

Well, I am not the one that hangs around in my bitching thread bitching 23/7. Nuff said. Big smile
Adeptus Petrous
#229 - 2012-01-27 07:37:53 UTC
Reilly Duvolle wrote:
Taipion wrote:

In this thread, there are many players stating how stupid, unnecessary and wrong this all is, and

a few people who troll like: "hey, the new names are quite cool, arent they?!" because they get no attention in RL.

Yes. Yes thats it. No attention in RL.

Well, I am not the one that hangs around in my bitching thread bitching 23/7. Nuff said. Big smile

You are just envious, go get your own bitching thread! P
Xavier Quo
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#230 - 2012-01-27 12:00:12 UTC
Not a fan. Dry, boring (and still slightly confusing) names. Makes new eden seem a little blander.

I never understood why they couldn't put S,M,L on the icon of the prop mods like guns, and even extend that to S1, M4 etc for meta. SIMPLE.

The previous meta names I never had a problem with, as you went from meta 1 to 4 the names just sounded cooler and more verbose. Telling which was a frigate or cruiser AB, MWD etc always tripped me up.

Willl Adama
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#231 - 2012-01-27 13:43:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Willl Adama
I like the changes.

Argueably, some of the old names were cooler, but the new ones just make more sense, already got used to them pretty much.


Adeptus Petrous
#232 - 2012-01-27 16:50:53 UTC
I wonder how they got to that decision...

Was it a "hey, we rename something and call it a feature" thingy?

Or was it more like, mhh, lets just try this out?

Or were they just too bored doing actual work?

Or was, again, an intern in charge of game design?

Whatever it was, how did they come up with such crappy names?!
Will DestroyYou
#233 - 2012-01-29 21:45:48 UTC
Instead of pointlessly changing missile names, why not make them actually useful in pvp for the new players???

.. you know, so they don't have time to stick their finger up at you, align to wherever, have a smoke and a bio break, and then warp out before your missiles hit ..

This would go much further toward helping new players by making the weapon type many of them choose actually useful.
Krystal Flores
#234 - 2012-02-02 19:23:34 UTC
I've tried to get used the new names, I have. But most of them make no sense. Upgraded is worse than limited, everyone using prototype and experimental mods just to name a few issues. Also the new missiles names are still no more helpful to find out what they do, unless you count trauma because of all the trauma and drama inflicted by the poor naming schemes.

I'm sure if you actually put effort into renaming, a lot less people would be complaining about it.
Ajita al Tchar
#235 - 2012-02-02 19:59:08 UTC
Krystal Flores wrote:
I've tried to get used the new names, I have. But most of them make no sense. Upgraded is worse than limited, everyone using prototype and experimental mods just to name a few issues. Also the new missiles names are still no more helpful to find out what they do, unless you count trauma because of all the trauma and drama inflicted by the poor naming schemes.

I'm sure if you actually put effort into renaming, a lot less people would be complaining about it.

Pretty much this. My own issue is not with the renaming itself, it's with the poor choices for names, and the not very well thought out naming schema. This could have been a really good useful feature (sure some would still complain because wah change), but instead it's rather disappointing.
Celestial Drilling
#236 - 2012-02-02 20:01:55 UTC
i dont see how them changing item names has any possible effect on my wallet.
Decaying Rocky Odious Non Evil Stupid Inane Nobody
Rogue Drone Recovery Syndicate
#237 - 2012-02-02 20:06:48 UTC
They should of made these changes back in Trinity or Dominion patch.
Adeptus Petrous
#238 - 2012-02-15 02:08:13 UTC
destiny2 wrote:
They should of made these changes back in Trinity or Dominion patch.

They should have made these changes with not-that-stupid-names back in the beta...