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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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New Alliance: Chaotic Tendencies now open-Have Fun Again

Pure Victory
#1 - 2012-01-20 01:35:37 UTC
We are a different approach to Eve unlike most others. We are looking for corps who want to live in empire, 0.0, Low Sec, or WHs. We don't care what you like and where you live at. Join the alliance and have fun making friends, helping each other out, and pvping. We are a pvp focused alliance but we know pve pays the bills and now you can have people to hang out with no matter what you enjoy doing.

We are a bit anti-establishment and like being nice to people. We do roams everywhere and just have fun. No screaming people going nuts because they don't get the ships whey want in fleet.


Must pvp when needed

Must not be a moron

Must be respectful

Any corp size

You get:

New friends

People to help you learn the aspects of Eve

People to pvp and pve with

Assistance with your goals

New experiences

FCs with no fear

Fun and good times

Drop an app, email me ingame, or reply here for more information.

Play Eve and have fun for once

Check out my Bio for the Ore Buyback Calculator

Pure Victory
#2 - 2012-01-21 01:28:38 UTC

Check out my Bio for the Ore Buyback Calculator

Pure Victory
#3 - 2012-01-26 21:25:41 UTC

Check out my Bio for the Ore Buyback Calculator

Pure Victory
#4 - 2012-02-01 22:35:58 UTC
I am online atm for those interested.

Check out my Bio for the Ore Buyback Calculator

Pure Victory
#5 - 2012-02-04 03:59:04 UTC

Check out my Bio for the Ore Buyback Calculator

Pure Victory
#6 - 2012-02-06 19:52:27 UTC
We have moved the alliance to 0.0 npc region for more chaotic fun!

Check out my Bio for the Ore Buyback Calculator

Pure Victory
#7 - 2012-02-08 01:55:03 UTC

Check out my Bio for the Ore Buyback Calculator