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EveNexus 0.1.16

Gallente Federation
#21 - 2012-01-22 05:58:24 UTC
Ren Adal wrote:

EveNexus currently does not support the Corporate API's (in any way). So it's correct that no corporate market orders / transactions are showing up. This is however scheduled for the next big release.

That will be very cool. When it can do that, it will add alot of value to the small trader corporations like mine.

Ren Adal wrote:

papamike wrote:
There is no checkbox where you could add the location where an item is bought/sold from

Not sure what you mean by this. Transactions are automatically fetched from the API, which includes the station where it took place. If the station name is not listed in your transactions table, click the graph icon at the top of the panel, and make sure that the station name checkbox has been checked.

Sorry I should have been more exact. While there is indeed a checkbox for location in the transactions tab, this does not carry over to the 'profits' tab.

Also re: the api account section, it would be prudent to have a prompt when you click the cancel account button such as "are you sure you wish to delete this api" Just a small thing but was surprised when I wasnt prompted
Ren Adal
Adal Engineering
#22 - 2012-01-22 10:15:54 UTC
papamike wrote:
Sorry I should have been more exact. While there is indeed a checkbox for location in the transactions tab, this does not carry over to the 'profits' tab.

This could be added. I'll try to add this for the next big release as well.

papamike wrote:
Also re: the api account section, it would be prudent to have a prompt when you click the cancel account button such as "are you sure you wish to delete this api" Just a small thing but was surprised when I wasnt prompted

As always, minor UI changes such as this are always win, so this will also be added in the next release.
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-01-22 15:22:02 UTC
Ren Adal wrote:
papamike wrote:
Sorry I should have been more exact. While there is indeed a checkbox for location in the transactions tab, this does not carry over to the 'profits' tab.

This could be added. I'll try to add this for the next big release as well.

papamike wrote:
Also re: the api account section, it would be prudent to have a prompt when you click the cancel account button such as "are you sure you wish to delete this api" Just a small thing but was surprised when I wasnt prompted

As always, minor UI changes such as this are always win, so this will also be added in the next release.

Nice one mate.

Ive been doing UAT testing for a friend of mine for the past couple of months and these small changes really make the user experience much smoother. Ill do some more UAT testing for you and send it off to you via an eve-mail if you would prefer.

Again, really like the program- keep it up!
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#24 - 2012-01-22 17:55:44 UTC
I'm having a hard time building, due to inaccessible dependencies (internal IPs in your build env, perhaps?)

Ignoring CI, there seems to be a third party repo that isn't exposed anywhere. Is there a public URI for that repository?
Ren Adal
Adal Engineering
#25 - 2012-01-22 22:36:23 UTC
Debaser wrote:
I'm having a hard time building, due to inaccessible dependencies (internal IPs in your build env, perhaps?)

Ignoring CI, there seems to be a third party repo that isn't exposed anywhere. Is there a public URI for that repository?

Nope the nexus repository (containing all the 3rd party libraries) crashed a while ago (without me noticing What?). I've reinstalled it and now runs on a different port. If you pull my updates from GitHub, you should now be able to build the project.

CI can be found here.
#26 - 2012-01-24 09:18:28 UTC
I just downloaded the application yesterday, quite pleased with it. Firstly I wanted to ask how often nexus will actually update it's data. It isn't really listed anywhere as far as I could find.

Secondly a humble list of features. Beggars can't be choosers so I'm not expecting much, but perhaps you might find some of these worthwhile.

Seeing as I've just installed this yesterday I'm quite anxious to actually see some data moving, so perhaps it's just that, but some indication of when nexus will next update itself would be very nice.

Profits grouped per item
As far as I can see it's currently not possible to see how how much profit an item has made. Now I'd agree that it doesn't make all that much sense, since the profitability of an item is a transient thing, but while I was playing with the application I felt it was nice to see what items I am trading and how much average profit I've been making per item. Instead of per unit/per transaction.

Perhaps some history tab or something with the items I've been trading, perhaps something like
startdate - enddate - itemName - avgProfit - totalprofit.

Ren Adal
Adal Engineering
#27 - 2012-01-24 09:54:00 UTC
roigon wrote:
I just downloaded the application yesterday, quite pleased with it. Firstly I wanted to ask how often nexus will actually update it's data. It isn't really listed anywhere as far as I could find.

Seeing as I've just installed this yesterday I'm quite anxious to actually see some data moving, so perhaps it's just that, but some indication of when nexus will next update itself would be very nice.

It depends on the API cool down, which is enforced by CCP. I intend to make this transparent to the user, but this is not at the top of the list.

roigon wrote:
Profits grouped per item
As far as I can see it's currently not possible to see how how much profit an item has made. Now I'd agree that it doesn't make all that much sense, since the profitability of an item is a transient thing, but while I was playing with the application I felt it was nice to see what items I am trading and how much average profit I've been making per item. Instead of per unit/per transaction.

Something like this? Mind you it's still very much experimental, and will be quite a while before it's ready to be released.
#28 - 2012-01-24 10:18:11 UTC
Thanks for the reply, and yes something like that would be wonderful.

Gallente Federation
#29 - 2012-01-24 11:32:28 UTC
As Roigon said, a feature that groups items for profit analysis rather then individual transactions would be mint. Following that theme, how hard would it be to have a new landing page rather then the current graph.

I was thinking a summary page that essentially would tell you

*Isk spent in buy orders
*taxes paid
* Isk in sales
* Average aggregate profit for the operation (esp when you get around to making corp api work)

Perhaps you could also allow the user to alter some aspects of this, like profit % based on location, region, system, Item whatever

This would make the information alot more palatable
Ren Adal
Adal Engineering
#30 - 2012-01-25 13:23:27 UTC
The reporting feature is the first step to that goal. Once users can create their own customized graphs in EveNexus, the next step would be to make some sort of dashboard containing Key Performance Indicators using this reporting feature. This dashboard would allow the user to keep track of their progress.
Ticarus Hellbrandt
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-01-26 20:05:48 UTC
Either this new version is riddled with bugs or i am doing something wrong,

I put my api key in (with all ticks) and click check, nothing happens however it loads a couple of market transactions and displays an incorrect graph.

Ren Adal
Adal Engineering
#32 - 2012-01-26 20:55:03 UTC
Ticarus Hellbrandt wrote:
Either this new version is riddled with bugs or i am doing something wrong,

I put my api key in (with all ticks) and click check, nothing happens however it loads a couple of market transactions and displays an incorrect graph.

It's a shame that the current version isn't working out for you. Is this a clean install or an upgrade?
Ticarus Hellbrandt
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#33 - 2012-01-26 20:59:58 UTC
Ren Adal wrote:
Ticarus Hellbrandt wrote:
Either this new version is riddled with bugs or i am doing something wrong,

I put my api key in (with all ticks) and click check, nothing happens however it loads a couple of market transactions and displays an incorrect graph.

It's a shame that the current version isn't working out for you. Is this a clean install or an upgrade?

sorry I completely forgot that a new api takes a while to start working so my fault entirely

anyway this is a great tool :)
Small Hole Much Liquid
#34 - 2012-01-27 01:56:17 UTC
Holy crap, this is the exact tool I have been after for weeks, bodged mentat to sort of do what i wanted but this is perfect

Thank you very much for a great tool
Ren Adal
Adal Engineering
#35 - 2012-01-29 10:48:30 UTC
Ticarus Hellbrandt wrote:
sorry I completely forgot that a new api takes a while to start working so my fault entirely

anyway this is a great tool :)

Ah yes, I'll be sure to put a popup there in the next release, so new users don't get confused. Glad it worked out.

OneInchTerror wrote:
Holy crap, this is the exact tool I have been after for weeks, bodged mentat to sort of do what i wanted but this is perfect

Thank you very much for a great tool

Cool, nice to hear. As always, feedback is appreciated, so be sure to let me know what you think about it.
Buruk Utama
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#36 - 2012-01-29 11:11:18 UTC
I tried the program but never got past api input. I created an api for it a few days ago. However, when I input the API hit the Check API Credentials it simply refocuses the button again and again and does nothing nor does it show any sorta error.
Ren Adal
Adal Engineering
#37 - 2012-01-29 12:08:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Ren Adal
Buruk Utama wrote:
I tried the program but never got past api input. I created an api for it a few days ago. However, when I input the API hit the Check API Credentials it simply refocuses the button again and again and does nothing nor does it show any sorta error.

This is probably the same problem as described a few posts higher in this topic. The API call for retrieving characters has a cool down of 5 minutes. Please wait 5 minutes until attempting to add new characters. Also please press the check API credentials button only once (even if it doesn't seem to be doing anything). Try it out, and let me know if it works for you.
Kira X
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2012-01-29 12:15:07 UTC
How is the data logged? is it locally on the machine or online?

Wondering if i use it across two computers, Home/Work if it will stay in sync with everything or bug out?
Ren Adal
Adal Engineering
#39 - 2012-01-29 12:48:00 UTC
Kira X wrote:
How is the data logged? is it locally on the machine or online?

Wondering if i use it across two computers, Home/Work if it will stay in sync with everything or bug out?

It's logged locally to a file based database. Running two instances of EveNexus, would result in failing API calls. You could use an API proxy (like this one) and then have each EveNexus use that as the API server.

The proxy calls the EVE Online API server, and caches the calls locally. Apps can then call the proxy for the required data. But I have not tested EveNexus with a proxy. Some users have used EveNexus with a proxy, so I'm guessing this is a workable solution to your problem.
Buruk Utama
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#40 - 2012-01-29 15:28:13 UTC
Ren Adal wrote:
Buruk Utama wrote:
I tried the program but never got past api input. I created an api for it a few days ago. However, when I input the API hit the Check API Credentials it simply refocuses the button again and again and does nothing nor does it show any sorta error.

This is probably the same problem as described a few posts higher in this topic. The API call for retrieving characters has a cool down of 5 minutes. Please wait 5 minutes until attempting to add new characters. Also please press the check API credentials button only once (even if it doesn't seem to be doing anything). Try it out, and let me know if it works for you.

It's a no go. Press button and ....nothing. API is several days old so I know it would retrieve. Oh well.
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