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[Proposal] Abandoned Mode for POS's

BigRed Seven
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-01-25 06:43:00 UTC
This has been said many many times before but it is now time to do something about this

My proposal is simple.. Put a timer on how long a POS can be anchored before it is delcared abandoned. I like 24 hrs after fuel runs out or after it comes out of reinforced. After the 24 hr timer it goes into abandoned mode. In abandoned mode it is free to do with whatever you wish. Blow it up, Reclaim it, Claim it for another corp, or just flat out take it and sell it. Pretty simple to say but it is time we do something about these abandoned POS's in eve.
Breaking Ambitions
#2 - 2012-01-25 06:53:54 UTC
Sounds like a good idea, but I'd only tie it to the POS running out of gas and leave reinforcement timers out of it.

I honestly think PoCo based sov is a good idea

New Eden Marshals Service
#3 - 2012-01-25 13:21:42 UTC
Sound idea but extend the period for two weeks before "abandoned". Everyone has those derp moments but giving a two week window should separate the derps from the true "didn't want it anyway".
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-01-25 15:08:44 UTC
Two weeks? lol...that's a pretty big "DERP" if you ask me. I would say 48 hours max. Anybody who has ever fueled a POS knows what kind of responsibility it takes. As in..."not much". You can fuel them for up to so many 20 something...don't remember for sure. If you cant check it once a week and top it off then you deserve to lose it.

Bounties for all!

Shovel Bros
#5 - 2012-01-25 15:26:28 UTC
On behalf of everyone else who has a highsec POS but doesn't have enough need to run it 24/7 and doesn't want to take it down and then make everyone drop corp for a week to put it back up whenever it's needed, I vehemently oppose this. Mark them as abandoned for corps that have closed, sure, but not corps that are still active but not using the POS constantly.

If there's an active corp that has a POS up but doesn't feel the need to run it 24/7, either wardec them (and then they can either online it and defend it or let it die) or get over it.
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2012-01-25 15:38:51 UTC
mxzf wrote:
If there's an active corp that has a POS up but doesn't feel the need to run it 24/7, either wardec them (and then they can tear it down and put it back up under a new corp ticker) or get over it.


Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Going Critical
#7 - 2012-01-25 15:51:40 UTC
1 or 2 week timer on it, then yes.

Give me the ability to unanchor those stupid POS in wspace that get abandoned/lost with lots of modules.

Make it like all forms of theft; flagging people to corp that put it up. Or make it CONCORD-related, with CONCORD wtfpwning anyone doing it in hisec, sec status hits in losec and nothing in nullsec.
Send the owners a message saying '[pilot] deanchored your POS in [system]'

When I steal those faction towers worth a couple of billion ISK, I want them to know.
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-01-25 15:53:25 UTC
mxzf wrote:
On behalf of everyone else who has a highsec POS but doesn't have enough need to run it 24/7 and doesn't want to take it down and then make everyone drop corp for a week to put it back up whenever it's needed, I vehemently oppose this. Mark them as abandoned for corps that have closed, sure, but not corps that are still active but not using the POS constantly.

If there's an active corp that has a POS up but doesn't feel the need to run it 24/7, either wardec them (and then they can either online it and defend it or let it die) or get over it.

I don't understand why any corp in any system should be allowed to "claim" a moon by placing an POS at it and leaving it offline with no fuel. Sorry...wardec mechanics can remain in effect but there is no reason to give special treatment to someone who is, in essence, lazy and cheap.

Bounties for all!

Borg Stoneson
#9 - 2012-01-25 16:09:23 UTC
POS's becoming "Abandoned" is a good idea imho, but the timer should be really long, we've left POS's anchored for over 6 months before not because we couldn't be arsed to take them down but because we knew we'd be going back to them at some point.

Make it a year. Would let people loot all those anchored towers put down by 1guy and his alt corps that don't play anymore but leave most of the towers that are simply not in use atm.
Shovel Bros
#10 - 2012-01-25 16:36:18 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
mxzf wrote:
On behalf of everyone else who has a highsec POS but doesn't have enough need to run it 24/7 and doesn't want to take it down and then make everyone drop corp for a week to put it back up whenever it's needed, I vehemently oppose this. Mark them as abandoned for corps that have closed, sure, but not corps that are still active but not using the POS constantly.

If there's an active corp that has a POS up but doesn't feel the need to run it 24/7, either wardec them (and then they can either online it and defend it or let it die) or get over it.

I don't understand why any corp in any system should be allowed to "claim" a moon by placing an POS at it and leaving it offline with no fuel. Sorry...wardec mechanics can remain in effect but there is no reason to give special treatment to someone who is, in essence, lazy and cheap.

I don't see why any person should be allowed to steal/destroy a POS that some people worked to put up and paid for just because they're bored. And if you've ever gone through the hassle of getting an entire corp to drop corp for a week to put up a POS, you wouldn't be calling it lazy, you'd realize that it's a pain in the butt.

What was suggested would just make it so that a corp that wants to have a POS but doesn't have enough people to make full use of it 24/7 would have to keep an alt there to drop a charter in every now and then to keep it from expiring. This wouldn't just be more pf a pain than anything.

If there is truly an issue of a moon being desired but there's a POS there, than that's one thing and there's always a wardec or even asking them nicely to take it down. But if it's a crusade against any POS that's anchored but has no bubble just because it makes some people feel icky inside, then that's just stupid.
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-01-25 16:57:06 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
mxzf wrote:
On behalf of everyone else who has a highsec POS but doesn't have enough need to run it 24/7 and doesn't want to take it down and then make everyone drop corp for a week to put it back up whenever it's needed, I vehemently oppose this. Mark them as abandoned for corps that have closed, sure, but not corps that are still active but not using the POS constantly.

If there's an active corp that has a POS up but doesn't feel the need to run it 24/7, either wardec them (and then they can either online it and defend it or let it die) or get over it.

I don't understand why any corp in any system should be allowed to "claim" a moon by placing an POS at it and leaving it offline with no fuel. Sorry...wardec mechanics can remain in effect but there is no reason to give special treatment to someone who is, in essence, lazy and cheap.

I don't see why any person should be allowed to steal/destroy a POS that some people worked to put up and paid for just because they're bored. And if you've ever gone through the hassle of getting an entire corp to drop corp for a week to put up a POS, you wouldn't be calling it lazy, you'd realize that it's a pain in the butt.

If you don't have it fueled and you aren't using the POS then it is abandoned...that simple. Doesn't matter when or how long it took you to put it up. If you are going to put it up...use it. If not...its abandoned. And yes I have put up and taken down many POS's. I know how much work it is...which is why I fuel them.

Bounties for all!

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#12 - 2012-01-25 18:26:26 UTC
BigRed Seven wrote:
This has been said many many times before but it is now time to do something about this

My proposal is simple.. Put a timer on how long a POS can be anchored before it is delcared abandoned. I like 24 hrs after fuel runs out or after it comes out of reinforced. After the 24 hr timer it goes into abandoned mode. In abandoned mode it is free to do with whatever you wish. Blow it up, Reclaim it, Claim it for another corp, or just flat out take it and sell it. Pretty simple to say but it is time we do something about these abandoned POS's in eve.

But the timer should be way loonger like month or two

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

BigRed Seven
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-01-25 19:44:39 UTC
I started with 24 hrs as a starting point on the timer. I understand that sometimes it takes time to get back online to fuel things. However, a notice is sent telling corps that the fuel is running low. Therefore, I will side with human error and judgement and will go with a extended timer to 72 hrs no more. This will help clean up the trash in space and give something for those pirates to do and make some money doing it. In my personal opinion ... If you have a POS then you should take care of it and not leave it abandoned for weeks, months , and years. Let someone else have the space you failed to take care of.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#14 - 2012-01-25 20:03:34 UTC
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
Two weeks? lol...that's a pretty big "DERP" if you ask me. I would say 48 hours max. Anybody who has ever fueled a POS knows what kind of responsibility it takes. As in..."not much". You can fuel them for up to so many 20 something...don't remember for sure. If you cant check it once a week and top it off then you deserve to lose it.

With the current fuel bay and fuel block mechanics, I believe its 30 days, give or take.

As for this suggestion, I approve. 48-72 hours is a massive timeframe for a POS to be offline. If failure to pay sov bills 1 second after the deadline for the bill results in a loss of sovereignty, I believe an unfueled TOWER with a 72 hour timer could easily result in a free POS to whoever were to come across it.

Claim it. Mame it. DO what ever you want with it. Just dont let it sit there allowing the spot to collect dust.

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-01-25 20:18:28 UTC
30 days? Nice. And with only needing one type of fuel now too. I would say it is a good change. I think the people asking for a month or more on the timer for this suggestion are missing the point. I guess this rolls back around to "make a mistake, feel the consequences". Forget to fuel your POS...come back to an empty space where it used to be. I guess 72 hours would be acceptable considering people do have lives and a 3 day weekend will occur on occasion and someone might forget. Still...should NEVER happen with 30 days available in the fuel bay.

Bounties for all!

Aineko Macx
#16 - 2012-01-25 20:58:56 UTC
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-01-25 23:45:27 UTC
Just taking this idea a step further.
What if there was a module you had to anchor that "hacked" the pos, forcing an offline pos to un-anchor?
The hacking module would need to be online for a given amount of time. I am thinking anywhere from 24hrs to 7 days (to be determined)
The only way to destroy hacking module would be to online pos and use pos guns, thus proving if it is abandoned.
while the hacking module is up aggression should be the same as taking from a can for the whole time the module is up.

Drake Draconis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2012-01-25 23:54:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Drake Draconis
GeoffWICE wrote:
Just taking this idea a step further.
What if there was a module you had to anchor that "hacked" the pos, forcing an offline pos to un-anchor?
The hacking module would need to be online for a given amount of time. I am thinking anywhere from 24hrs to 7 days (to be determined)
The only way to destroy hacking module would be to online pos and use pos guns, thus proving if it is abandoned.
while the hacking module is up aggression should be the same as taking from a can for the whole time the module is up.


Works for me....24 hour of screaming evemails saying your pos is being compromised would work...and i think requrieing guns to online would be a bit much.

just simply power on the pos and fuel it back up to full power....or give the owner the ability to shoot it without CONCORDOKEN or some such. *EDIT - and while we'er at it...have it delay the hack timer and require the pos to be onlined for 1 to 3 days to force the owner to pay attention or soem such....before the mod falls off or blows up.*

Better yet....other user is flagged with kill rights for the duratino of said agression action....something to that effect.

In exchange for swiping pos...all modules thereof..become the new pos owners lewts.Twisted

================ STOP THE EVEMAIL SPAM!

Vincent Athena
#19 - 2012-01-26 00:03:00 UTC
The main issue with having an abandon timer seems to be the difficulty of putting up a POS in high sec due to the standings requirement. Currently a corp that wants towers kicks everyone with low standings, maybe hires high standings filler members, then puts up as many towers as they can as placeholders against future need. The result is alot of unfueled POSes.

Maybe we need two changes.

1) Unfueled poses become abandoned after a period of time ( I personally like a week or 2).
2) A corp that does not have standings can buy anchoring rights. Say a few hundred mil per POS.

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2012-01-26 00:25:32 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:
Works for me....24 hour of screaming evemails saying your pos is being compromised would work...and i think requrieing guns to online would be a bit much.

just simply power on the pos and fuel it back up to full power....or give the owner the ability to shoot it without CONCORDOKEN or some such. *EDIT - and while we'er at it...have it delay the hack timer and require the pos to be onlined for 1 to 3 days to force the owner to pay attention or soem such....before the mod falls off or blows up.*

yep i think that would be ok.
i think the hacking module should be invulnerable while the pos is offline once the pos is online the hacking module can be freely shot by anyone in the corp that owns the pos.
if the pos goes offline again the hacking module is invulnerable again.
the hacking module should only last 7 days regardless of the number of above cycles.

it would in theory be possible to war dec the corp that owned the pos in a push to prevent them from refueling the pos.

Better yet....other user is flagged with kill rights for the duratino of said agression action....something to that effect.

i was thinking can aggression as it applies to the corp as opposed to an individual.
players in npc corps should not be able to deploy hacking modules?

In exchange for swiping pos...all modules thereof..become the new pos owners lewts.Twisted

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