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[Loan] 250B Uncoll.

Mic Ro Fon
The Clown Shoe Crew
#1 - 2017-07-24 22:55:01 UTC
Hi, names Mike. This is one of my three toons some select few people of this amazing game may know me by. I started the game back in two thousand and fifteen as a small industrialist. And I slowly grew to appreciate the PVP aspect of this game. Starting out with some friends in a hi-sec industrial corp, slowly evolved into my first PVP experience as I moved the corp in the Gademam, a low sec system off of Pananan in the Amarr Region.

Currently I haven't the best means of collecting the isk I need to further my operations in PVP, be it low-sec, null-sec, and or hi-sec. All of which are my areas of operation, and where I tend to attempt to make isk. Active as I may be, I have only a small amount of isk relative to what I need to complete my goals in this game. My prime goal is to be able to support a small amount of pilots able to do either, incursions, WH sites, null-sec carrier ratting as a means to quickly and effectively be able to plex and or skill inject my toons into the ships they need to further my want to PVP.

So the essential need for the 250b loan is simply this, two of my three toons. (Mik and Mic Ro Fon) are under skilled, far from optimal, and far from where I need them. So I ask the good people of EVE to consider investing into my ability to recreate the isk within the next up coming months.

I have no means of a third party, and thus this will be off my honor. A risky investment anyone might be able to take. But I hope to hear from any one person as a means to be able to do this.

Thanks for considering,
Patricia Orama
Ohm Financial Services
#2 - 2017-07-25 00:26:41 UTC
First, good luck with thatShockedRoll
Strelok Holmes
Shiptoasting In Local
#3 - 2017-07-25 00:26:44 UTC
PVP isn't a reliable source of income. Even if you were 100% honest (you aren't) regarding your intentions of paying the loan back, you just couldn't.

I'd suggest investing in Rattlesnakes.
Mic Ro Fon
The Clown Shoe Crew
#4 - 2017-07-25 01:21:05 UTC
Strelok Holmes wrote:
PVP isn't a reliable source of income. Even if you were 100% honest (you aren't) regarding your intentions of paying the loan back, you just couldn't.

I'd suggest investing in Rattlesnakes.

So quick to say i'm not going to pay it back hm? However, this is why I am ratting in null, which has had its perks thus far.
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#5 - 2017-07-25 01:54:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Norn
Since you'll be using to ISK on injectors, which effectively loses you about 40% of the investment once they're consumed, have you worked out how long it will take you to repay this? That is a lot of ratting in which to change your mind about whether repaying your debt is worth your time. Typically loans are taken to invest in at least somewhat liquid items that either appreciate in value or are churned to produce a profit and in the event of burnout or something they're able to be liquidated to repay the loan.

Also, have you thought about what exactly you will use that many injectors for? I imagine that's enough for quite a few specialised ISK-making characters.

You're probably not going to get any ISK because this kind of idea isn't at all appealing to the kind of low-effort/risk seeking investors that tend to fill high value loans. You're combining several red flags along with the lack of a solid plan of how you'll pay back this kind of sizeable loan and that's just too big a risk for most. You may have seen my recent bond where I gave no info at all about what I'd be doing (although nobody asked :p), but that managed to fill because I've been here for several years and have proven that I can make the ISK, and am likely to pay it back.

I'm curious though, is this your first visit to Market Discussions and how much research did you do? Do you really think that someone will trust you with this amount of ISK, and if so, why?
Elgon Smitehand
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2017-07-25 07:43:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Elgon Smitehand
Mic Ro Fon wrote:
I started the game back in two thousand and fifteen as a small industrialist.

Are you sure you don't mean you started in the end of June, 2017, as a scammer? Interesting what a 30 second search can provide. Second of all. I can't imagine what you would need 250b worth of injectors for. i mean you could be getting those 260 million ticks but still... I doubt you'd be using a titan and thats a lot of supers to be multiboxing as a player who's only been playing a month... If you can show me your main from 2015 either privately or publicly, I will gladly give you some ISK.
Strelok Holmes
Shiptoasting In Local
#7 - 2017-07-25 11:06:21 UTC
Mik is a Dust toon:
Show us your main, dude.
Elgon Smitehand
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-07-25 14:39:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Elgon Smitehand
I misinterpreted the comment above.
Mic Ro Fon
The Clown Shoe Crew
#9 - 2017-07-25 23:57:11 UTC
Elgon Smitehand wrote:
Mic Ro Fon wrote:
I started the game back in two thousand and fifteen as a small industrialist.

Are you sure you don't mean you started in the end of June, 2017, as a scammer? Interesting what a 30 second search can provide. Second of all. I can't imagine what you would need 250b worth of injectors for. i mean you could be getting those 260 million ticks but still... I doubt you'd be using a titan and thats a lot of supers to be multiboxing as a player who's only been playing a month... If you can show me your main from 2015 either privately or publicly, I will gladly give you some ISK.

I didn't think it was so hidden. The name of my other toons are, Mik Ro Fon, and Mike Ro Phone (Previously Mike Hunt Rockz). . Those two have been my mains for as long as I can remember making them. Though Mik came later than Mike. However I've multiboxed worse things, so nothing like supers to try.
Mic Ro Fon
The Clown Shoe Crew
#10 - 2017-07-26 00:03:17 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
Since you'll be using to ISK on injectors, which effectively loses you about 40% of the investment once they're consumed, have you worked out how long it will take you to repay this? That is a lot of ratting in which to change your mind about whether repaying your debt is worth your time. Typically loans are taken to invest in at least somewhat liquid items that either appreciate in value or are churned to produce a profit and in the event of burnout or something they're able to be liquidated to repay the loan.

Also, have you thought about what exactly you will use that many injectors for? I imagine that's enough for quite a few specialised ISK-making characters.

You're probably not going to get any ISK because this kind of idea isn't at all appealing to the kind of low-effort/risk seeking investors that tend to fill high value loans. You're combining several red flags along with the lack of a solid plan of how you'll pay back this kind of sizeable loan and that's just too big a risk for most. You may have seen my recent bond where I gave no info at all about what I'd be doing (although nobody asked :p), but that managed to fill because I've been here for several years and have proven that I can make the ISK, and am likely to pay it back.

I'm curious though, is this your first visit to Market Discussions and how much research did you do? Do you really think that someone will trust you with this amount of ISK, and if so, why?

Ah no i'm not new to the Market Discussions however, of course not. Like I said, it's quite the risk anyone can take. However that's what I'm asking and what I stated. It's a risk, that's eve. You never know what path leads to revenue or being scammed. I never thought there was much of a red flag about me, being this is the first post I do believe I've made. However I've read quite a bit on these forums. I'm a pretty big red flag, however, any plan would be case to case I do believe because everyone has different interests no? But that's just my opinion on that matter.

Nice to meet you by the by. You seem quite the popular person.
Donna Dolore
Delirium Trigger Industries
#11 - 2017-07-26 01:47:35 UTC
Best banana bread recipe : Big smile

1. Preheat oven to 350*f and spray a loaf pan with Pam. In a large bowl, beat vegetable oil and sugar. In a medium bowl, combine mashed bananas and beaten eggs 2. Pour banana/egg mixture into the sugar/oil and stir until well combined. Add your flour, baking soda, and salt, and stir until just combined. If you over-stir, your bread won't be as moist! 3. Once flour is combined, add the milk and vanilla (and optional nuts) and mix in. 4. Pour into prepared 9x5x3 loaf pan (today I'm using 2 smaller loaf pans to give as gifts), and bake on center oven rack for about 60 minutes. (I start watching mine around 50 minutes for doneness) 5. Remove from oven, let sit in pan for 10 minutes, then run a knife around the edges for easy removal. Enjoy!

Mic Ro Fon
The Clown Shoe Crew
#12 - 2017-07-26 02:22:17 UTC
Donna Dolore wrote:
Best banana bread recipe : Big smile

1. Preheat oven to 350*f and spray a loaf pan with Pam. In a large bowl, beat vegetable oil and sugar. In a medium bowl, combine mashed bananas and beaten eggs 2. Pour banana/egg mixture into the sugar/oil and stir until well combined. Add your flour, baking soda, and salt, and stir until just combined. If you over-stir, your bread won't be as moist! 3. Once flour is combined, add the milk and vanilla (and optional nuts) and mix in. 4. Pour into prepared 9x5x3 loaf pan (today I'm using 2 smaller loaf pans to give as gifts), and bake on center oven rack for about 60 minutes. (I start watching mine around 50 minutes for doneness) 5. Remove from oven, let sit in pan for 10 minutes, then run a knife around the edges for easy removal. Enjoy!
