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PC Gamer

Wallstreet J0urnal
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1 - 2017-07-19 13:52:56 UTC
Interesting read and the comparison to EvE with this new Mmo.

PC Gamer Article
Ebony Texas
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2017-07-19 14:20:55 UTC
Wallstreet J0urnal wrote:
Interesting read and the comparison to EvE with this new Mmo.

PC Gamer Article

he talks about the blobbing.. which eve online basically is.. which is honestly beyond control of ccp.. its culture developed that wolf pack mentality and its since then continued onward to blob-city. I do not think ccp will ever be able to change it, and why should they??.. this is eve muthafawkin online !!!!!!

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#3 - 2017-07-19 16:20:45 UTC
Ebony Texas wrote:
Wallstreet J0urnal wrote:
Interesting read and the comparison to EvE with this new Mmo.

PC Gamer Article

he talks about the blobbing.. which eve online basically is.. which is honestly beyond control of ccp.. its culture developed that wolf pack mentality and its since then continued onward to blob-city. I do not think ccp will ever be able to change it, and why should they??.. this is eve muthafawkin online !!!!!!

CCP could have removed blobbing a long long time ago, but chose not to.
There are a number of game mechanics that would have punished blobbing, but no, have to sell the game on 3000 player fights.
Which look good from a marketing perspective, but awful when you are in one.
Fun Times Mining
#4 - 2017-07-19 16:28:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Kixx
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Ebony Texas wrote:
Wallstreet J0urnal wrote:
Interesting read and the comparison to EvE with this new Mmo.

PC Gamer Article

he talks about the blobbing.. which eve online basically is.. which is honestly beyond control of ccp.. its culture developed that wolf pack mentality and its since then continued onward to blob-city. I do not think ccp will ever be able to change it, and why should they??.. this is eve muthafawkin online !!!!!!

CCP could have removed blobbing a long long time ago, but chose not to.
There are a number of game mechanics that would have punished blobbing, but no, have to sell the game on 3000 player fights.
Which look good from a marketing perspective, but awful when you are in one.

People love the idea of 3000 people fights, heck I love the idea of it. But the fact is in EvE 3000 people fights mean the game slows way down because of tidi to a rate that if you are actually in one, you really don't want to do one again.

Sure it sounds good, until you experience it, or it is explained to you what happens, because then the idea of participating goes out the window. The game slows way down, which gives everyone the opportunity to participate, which means basically the largest group wins by default because what did you really expect to happen? Predictable mechanics from a boring long fight.

When your greatest thing you promote is large fights, the last thing you would think you would want it perceived is boring, but that's how it is, boring and slow. Sure you can call it "mechanics" and say "there is no other option", but the reality of the gaming market is games that fall into boring or slow go by the wasteside and don't accumulate new audiences.

Btw I intend to try Albion for those very reasons, large scale battles, that don't tidi and the hundreds of gamers I fought in Ultima Online have been craving since then, I expect huge returns, and personally It was my belief EvE could of done this, but not with tidi.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#5 - 2017-07-19 18:57:24 UTC
Kixx wrote:

Btw I intend to try Albion for those very reasons, large scale battles, that don't tidi and the hundreds of gamers I fought in Ultima Online have been craving since then, I expect huge returns, and personally It was my belief EvE could of done this, but not with tidi.

A large scale battle in Albion consists of tens of people.

Player-owned territory battles are 20 people to a side.

It is a fun game in its own right, and I've been enjoying it quite a lot for the last month or two, but you're in for some woe if you're expecting anything even marginally at the scale of Eve.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Fun Times Mining
#6 - 2017-07-19 19:13:23 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Kixx wrote:

Btw I intend to try Albion for those very reasons, large scale battles, that don't tidi and the hundreds of gamers I fought in Ultima Online have been craving since then, I expect huge returns, and personally It was my belief EvE could of done this, but not with tidi.

A large scale battle in Albion consists of tens of people.

Player-owned territory battles are 20 people to a side.

It is a fun game in its own right, and I've been enjoying it quite a lot for the last month or two, but you're in for some woe if you're expecting anything even marginally at the scale of Eve.

That was beta, did you really expect a large showing in beta?

Your lucky anyone fought for territory in beta, that's like telling people to go claim sov on the test server.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#7 - 2017-07-19 19:21:04 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Kixx wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Kixx wrote:

Btw I intend to try Albion for those very reasons, large scale battles, that don't tidi and the hundreds of gamers I fought in Ultima Online have been craving since then, I expect huge returns, and personally It was my belief EvE could of done this, but not with tidi.

A large scale battle in Albion consists of tens of people.

Player-owned territory battles are 20 people to a side.

It is a fun game in its own right, and I've been enjoying it quite a lot for the last month or two, but you're in for some woe if you're expecting anything even marginally at the scale of Eve.

That was beta, did you really expect a large showing in beta?

Your lucky anyone fought for territory in beta, that's like telling people to go claim sov on the test server.

Player owned territory GvG battles are fixed 20v20. Roll

You're sincerely confused if you think you're going to see battles in the hundreds Vs. hundreds, and thousands are so far out of the question as to be laughable.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#8 - 2017-07-19 19:49:23 UTC
No spaceships?

I can't be bothered to even take a look at gameplay vids.

Mr Epeen Cool
Alincer Trossereides
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2017-07-19 19:50:15 UTC
I'll have to check it out, 'cause I've been not playing EVE for several months now. Finished Alpha SP training on both my characters and saw no reason to go Omega. While I think it's great that the PvE people are getting so much love, I can get that stuff in any MMO. I have many ideas on how to fix SOV and nul in general, but I'm sure nobody would give two ****s. Guess I'll continue to log in for a few minutes each day and making a couple of trades and see if things change.

Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand.

Liberty Rogues
Aprilon Dynasty
#10 - 2017-07-19 20:25:29 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Ebony Texas wrote:
Wallstreet J0urnal wrote:
Interesting read and the comparison to EvE with this new Mmo.

PC Gamer Article

he talks about the blobbing.. which eve online basically is.. which is honestly beyond control of ccp.. its culture developed that wolf pack mentality and its since then continued onward to blob-city. I do not think ccp will ever be able to change it, and why should they??.. this is eve muthafawkin online !!!!!!

CCP could have removed blobbing a long long time ago, but chose not to.
There are a number of game mechanics that would have punished blobbing, but no, have to sell the game on 3000 player fights.
Which look good from a marketing perspective, but awful when you are in one.

So, how could they have removed blobbing, the only way would be to impose unrealistic and exploitable limitations on the number of people in a system or in a specific area, there isn't a solution to blobs and there is no realistic way to prevent it
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#11 - 2017-07-19 20:39:24 UTC
Cypherous wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Ebony Texas wrote:
Wallstreet J0urnal wrote:
Interesting read and the comparison to EvE with this new Mmo.

PC Gamer Article

he talks about the blobbing.. which eve online basically is.. which is honestly beyond control of ccp.. its culture developed that wolf pack mentality and its since then continued onward to blob-city. I do not think ccp will ever be able to change it, and why should they??.. this is eve muthafawkin online !!!!!!

CCP could have removed blobbing a long long time ago, but chose not to.
There are a number of game mechanics that would have punished blobbing, but no, have to sell the game on 3000 player fights.
Which look good from a marketing perspective, but awful when you are in one.

So, how could they have removed blobbing, the only way would be to impose unrealistic and exploitable limitations on the number of people in a system or in a specific area, there isn't a solution to blobs and there is no realistic way to prevent it

Are you kidding?
How about this one?

When ships jump via a bridge, there is a percentage chance of ships ending up in the wrong place (like a different system), and the percentage goes up the more ships that jump via that bridge. And put a timer on that bridge, be it a ship or whatever.

That is just one way. So groups like goons then use a ton of bridges to move ships. No issue there. There are ways to combat that.

How about this one. The more ships that are blue to one another, the higher percentage chance that targeting fails. Or your targeting lags, once again, on how many blues are in system.

There are all kinds of ways that CCP could have limited blobbing, but they never will.
Alincer Trossereides
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2017-07-19 20:51:32 UTC
I'm not for eliminating blobs, just significantly slow them down. Shorten the distance they can teleport huge fleets instantly and the mass amount per jump. Give the small alliances/corps a better chance at hit an run tactics. Make PvP somewhat self substaining so that those who find PvE unbearably boring not have to do much of it. Looting wrecks after a win would be more viable if you were'nt expecting a gazillion capitals to land on you immediately. And how about being able to conquer a structure and it's contents rather than just destroying it? Nah, never happen.

Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand.

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#13 - 2017-07-19 20:59:51 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

Are you kidding?
How about this one?

When ships jump via a bridge, there is a percentage chance of ships ending up in the wrong place (like a different system), and the percentage goes up the more ships that jump via that bridge. And put a timer on that bridge, be it a ship or whatever.

That sounds like fun and engaging gameplay. Plus, we would be blessed with an opportunity to listen to you cry about the huge advantage this grants to the superpowers who can afford to parallelize their bridging ops across dozens of titans, while the little guy who's forced to try to shove an entire fleet through their sole bridge gets hosed. Lol

+1 supported.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#14 - 2017-07-20 00:33:52 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

Are you kidding?
How about this one?

When ships jump via a bridge, there is a percentage chance of ships ending up in the wrong place (like a different system), and the percentage goes up the more ships that jump via that bridge. And put a timer on that bridge, be it a ship or whatever.

That sounds like fun and engaging gameplay. Plus, we would be blessed with an opportunity to listen to you cry about the huge advantage this grants to the superpowers who can afford to parallelize their bridging ops across dozens of titans, while the little guy who's forced to try to shove an entire fleet through their sole bridge gets hosed. Lol

+1 supported.

Nice piece of editing there, fella.
CyberShield Inc
#15 - 2017-07-20 05:10:13 UTC
cool thanks for posting man. Attention
MedusaGalactic oO-V-Oo
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2017-07-20 11:39:21 UTC
Seems biggest part of gameplay is geared at battling each-other, which bores me. I love EVE basically for all the other stuff: mining, exploring, industry and the market. And thankfully there are so many PvP-lovers around who make all these activities so exciting, since thanks to them it becomes an exciting challenge to survive!
Ganellon Devians
Secret Legacy .23
#17 - 2017-07-20 15:30:29 UTC
Wallstreet J0urnal wrote:
Interesting read and the comparison to EvE with this new Mmo.

PC Gamer Article

Its not quite right what he says about EvE and the "blobbing" thing. The Battles in EvE are totally skill and gear based !!
Not only the amount of players settles the result of the fight but ships, equips and of course the strategy too.

If in real life a group of 20 attack a group of 3 who will win? you will say about 90% the group of 20, isnt it? and why? because this is the reality and not any "blobbing" rule! lol

There are some cases of course that a group of 3 can beat 20 enemies, why? because they have special abilities, weapons, ships -
and we have really plenty of such cases in EvE where small groups beat many opponents in PVP thank to their teamwork and their strategy.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#18 - 2017-07-20 16:00:47 UTC
Ebony Texas wrote:
Wallstreet J0urnal wrote:
Interesting read and the comparison to EvE with this new Mmo.

PC Gamer Article

he talks about the blobbing.. which eve online basically is.. which is honestly beyond control of ccp.. its culture developed that wolf pack mentality and its since then continued onward to blob-city. I do not think ccp will ever be able to change it, and why should they??.. this is eve muthafawkin online !!!!!!

I agree that "blobbing" in unlikely to be solved. Bringing another gun hand to the fight is always a smart move. And trying to solve this "problem" will only lead to restricting "what players can do" which is antithetical to the notion of a sandbox game.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#19 - 2017-07-20 16:05:08 UTC
Ganellon Devians wrote:
Wallstreet J0urnal wrote:
Interesting read and the comparison to EvE with this new Mmo.

PC Gamer Article

Its not quite right what he says about EvE and the "blobbing" thing. The Battles in EvE are totally skill and gear based !!
Not only the amount of players settles the result of the fight but ships, equips and of course the strategy too.

If in real life a group of 20 attack a group of 3 who will win? you will say about 90% the group of 20, isnt it? and why? because this is the reality and not any "blobbing" rule! lol

There are some cases of course that a group of 3 can beat 20 enemies, why? because they have special abilities, weapons, ships -
and we have really plenty of such cases in EvE where small groups beat many opponents in PVP thank to their teamwork and their strategy.

I agree, his blobbing statement is inaccurate. Bringing a large kitchen sink fleet will almost surely lose to a much smaller doctrine fleet. I have been in such fights (in my EXE days). We are in a tight doctrine composition, the opponent in glue flit kitchen sink fleets. We'd mop the floor with them because they didn't have enough of the right types of logi, people were effective at different ranges, etc. We had the right kind of logi, we knew our effective range and the FC did his best to kept us at that range. Since we were all in the same doctrine we'd all do pretty much the same thing--i.e. half of us weren't trying to get into close range and the other half long range or something silly thing like that.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Yarosara Ruil
#20 - 2017-07-20 17:48:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Yarosara Ruil
Is that game seriously charging 30€ per month for "Premium Status" with a straight face?! Wow, that makes ArenaNet look generous in comparison!
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