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Better ship for SOE L2+mission

Chainsaw Plankton
#21 - 2017-07-06 19:10:19 UTC
Nos works on rats, but is inconstant so I wouldn't rely on it. Chruker has a cap stat for rats took a quick look at some BS rats and they had 3000ish cap so your cap should be under that to be able to draw from it.

For low level missions damage type doesn't matter so much. Most targets have low resists and hp pools. Also you can train into higher dps rather quickly. At higher levels I wouldn't say to avoid amarr ships for mission running, but to pay attention to where you mission run. An easy blitz mission in amarr space might be an annoying angels mission in minmatar space. Heck it's even easy to use an amarr boat in caldari space as there are surprisingly few gurista missions and the ones that are there can either be blitzed or declined. even running a paladin I decline a bunch of blood/sansha missions as they aren't worth the time in amarr space.

currently the mach is king of missions, High agility, dps, projection, and warp speed combine to make it top tier. Drone boats I think mostly were used to afk, Also it's worth noting that drone damage amps (and a bunch of other drone mods) are a relatively new module(s). And there were a lot of people running dual rep afk domis that got upset when CCP added drone aggro. and I can't remember well enough to know if missile boats were ever actually the best, or just got used by a lot of people because they were easy. A ton of little mechanic changes and balance changes have occurred, pirate and navy ships were rebalanced a few times, the whole t1 bs lineup got redone, and there have been various weapon changes.

I'd also say that it is worth it to cross train a few different racial ships, nice to have access to other damage types, and engagement ranges. and should give access to the various pirate ships when you are ready for those.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Andrew Indy
Cleaning Crew
#22 - 2017-07-07 08:19:57 UTC
I would personally say that gun boats are better than missiles or drone boats in most PVE situations.

Instant DPS, generally higher DPS and can alpha small ships on approach , missile boasts have issues with very small sig ships no matter the range , missile travel time while drones either have travel time or force you to stay still. In most situations it comes down to ease of use, missiles are easy mode and drones support a more AFK play style.

A good example of this, in C3 sites a Rapid HML Rattlesnake with a Gecko only runs the sites bout 1-2 minutes faster than a Legion with less than 50% of the DPS (may be partly due to the faster warps between sites ).
Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#23 - 2017-07-08 02:36:46 UTC
What the last two posters have said is fine and true, but they are not really answering the OP. He wants to know what Amarr ship to use for level two missions for SOE, and presumably later higher level missions. He is not asking about C3 wormholes and does not appear to be anywhere near the isk or sp to use a Machariel.

All I am pointing out is that a laser gunboats may not be the best choice. The arbitrator, prophecy, and geddon progression should serve his purpose better.

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Chainsaw Plankton
#24 - 2017-07-08 04:11:55 UTC
Deacon Abox wrote:
What the last two posters have said is fine and true, but they are not really answering the OP. He wants to know what Amarr ship to use for level two missions for SOE, and presumably later higher level missions. He is not asking about C3 wormholes and does not appear to be anywhere near the isk or sp to use a Machariel.

All I am pointing out is that a laser gunboats may not be the best choice. The arbitrator, prophecy, and geddon progression should serve his purpose better.

the original question was posted over a month ago and reasonably answered. I hope the OP has moved on from lv2s by now.

imo prophecy and geddon aren't great platforms, they likely beat the gun boats vs angels, and possibly guristas, but most other rats I'm going to guess the gun boats win. Missiles and drones sounds cool, but there is a huge mismatch between pressing the button and the missiles hitting, and your sentry drones can hit instantly at range. Your missiles are likely to either do massive overkill, or just fly off into space as the target explodes. And the prophecy can only use 3 sentries meaning it's dps is pretty low, I'm not really a fan of the myrm and it can at least use 4.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

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