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The massive stagnation in null

The R00k
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2017-07-06 20:43:28 UTC
When/what/how can we fix this massive stagnation currently happening in null. Nothing is worth fighting over any more. Fozzy sov is cancerous. if you can sort sov you have to spend forever bashing citadels that take a week to touch. Keepstars are basically ticks that cannot be removed. Small alliances can't touch bigger ones because of super capital proliferation. small gang/solo is all but dead. Like literally the only real random content that is naturally occurring comes from Wormholes dropping the odd fleet out into null that lets people hit targets without warning.

Everyone is just grinding PVE to get titans. its now TITAN online where we have the equivalent of the pre-ww1 dreadnought arms race. No side can risk their titans fleet. yet smaller fleets get instantly shut down by the other titan fleet. CCP has to do something to get titans on field. This is not a eve is dying thread but it is a Null is in serious trouble thread.
Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#2 - 2017-07-06 21:12:12 UTC
this happens all the time and all that will follow is the big ones will have a massive war for no reason, they will just keep their space or willing switch it around.

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#3 - 2017-07-06 23:00:36 UTC
1) summer
2) everybody is krabing like crazy before the faction citadel patch, high chance of massive pew pew in several regions
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#4 - 2017-07-06 23:44:12 UTC
You do realize that war is bad for business?
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#5 - 2017-07-07 05:14:13 UTC
The R00k wrote:
When/what/how can we fix this massive stagnation currently happening in null. Nothing is worth fighting over any more. Fozzy sov is cancerous. if you can sort sov you have to spend forever bashing citadels that take a week to touch. Keepstars are basically ticks that cannot be removed. Small alliances can't touch bigger ones because of super capital proliferation. small gang/solo is all but dead. Like literally the only real random content that is naturally occurring comes from Wormholes dropping the odd fleet out into null that lets people hit targets without warning.

Everyone is just grinding PVE to get titans. its now TITAN online where we have the equivalent of the pre-ww1 dreadnought arms race. No side can risk their titans fleet. yet smaller fleets get instantly shut down by the other titan fleet. CCP has to do something to get titans on field. This is not a eve is dying thread but it is a Null is in serious trouble thread.

You think it's bad now...... wait shouldn't it have been a couple more years before a thread like this?

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#6 - 2017-07-07 08:47:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
The R00k wrote:
When/what/how can we fix this massive stagnation currently happening in null. Nothing is worth fighting over any more. Fozzy sov is cancerous. if you can sort sov you have to spend forever bashing citadels that take a week to touch. Keepstars are basically ticks that cannot be removed. Small alliances can't touch bigger ones because of super capital proliferation. small gang/solo is all but dead. Like literally the only real random content that is naturally occurring comes from Wormholes dropping the odd fleet out into null that lets people hit targets without warning.

Everyone is just grinding PVE to get titans. its now TITAN online where we have the equivalent of the pre-ww1 dreadnought arms race. No side can risk their titans fleet. yet smaller fleets get instantly shut down by the other titan fleet. CCP has to do something to get titans on field. This is not a eve is dying thread but it is a Null is in serious trouble thread.

thats why I unsubbed yesterday... after 9 years of eve :(
Thai Mhalbarei
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#7 - 2017-07-07 09:08:58 UTC
The R00k wrote:
When/what/how can we fix this massive stagnation currently happening in null. Nothing is worth fighting over any more. Fozzy sov is cancerous. if you can sort sov you have to spend forever bashing citadels that take a week to touch. Keepstars are basically ticks that cannot be removed. Small alliances can't touch bigger ones because of super capital proliferation. small gang/solo is all but dead. Like literally the only real random content that is naturally occurring comes from Wormholes dropping the odd fleet out into null that lets people hit targets without warning.

Everyone is just grinding PVE to get titans. its now TITAN online where we have the equivalent of the pre-ww1 dreadnought arms race. No side can risk their titans fleet. yet smaller fleets get instantly shut down by the other titan fleet. CCP has to do something to get titans on field. This is not a eve is dying thread but it is a Null is in serious trouble thread.

Wait, are you mad because a small group of people can't stand in front of a big group ? But why don't you create a coalition ? Why don't you go around you and recruit people to destroy that big group ?
If you want content, create it
The R00k
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2017-07-07 10:04:45 UTC  |  Edited by: The R00k
Thai Mhalbarei wrote:
The R00k wrote:
When/what/how can we fix this massive stagnation currently happening in null. Nothing is worth fighting over any more. Fozzy sov is cancerous. if you can sort sov you have to spend forever bashing citadels that take a week to touch. Keepstars are basically ticks that cannot be removed. Small alliances can't touch bigger ones because of super capital proliferation. small gang/solo is all but dead. Like literally the only real random content that is naturally occurring comes from Wormholes dropping the odd fleet out into null that lets people hit targets without warning.

Everyone is just grinding PVE to get titans. its now TITAN online where we have the equivalent of the pre-ww1 dreadnought arms race. No side can risk their titans fleet. yet smaller fleets get instantly shut down by the other titan fleet. CCP has to do something to get titans on field. This is not a eve is dying thread but it is a Null is in serious trouble thread.

Wait, are you mad because a small group of people can't stand in front of a big group ? But why don't you create a coalition ? Why don't you go around you and recruit people to destroy that big group ?
If you want content, create it

because you can't destroy the big group. you just can't NO ONE is willing to field the amount of resources needed to remove a power-block. even a mid sized power block. Sov and structures are effectively pointless. The effort to remove 1 keepstar is insane. Let alone 2-3-4-5-6-7 and the other hundred smaller citadels. The current mechanics to beat alliance are a joke. take C02's eviction from the north. They were not beaten through fun escalation game play or real time in battle tactics. They were Blobbed until they couldn't fight. The Keepstar they lost took actually using fringe game mechanics to kill. And after all that. their Alliance still is not dead. Why? because of everything I've pointed out. I don't know what needs to be done. BUT something does. WHY? because at the moment we have a healthy player base thanks to alpha clones. But those players as they get older will realize that there currently is no endgame content. You can join a giant alliance and fight your bitter enemies. BUT that fight will never end up in either side winning. All you will do is fight the same sub cap fight over and over a dancing around the politics and capital blob.

I've played EVE since 2003. and this is the worst I've seen null. something has to be done. Wnat another point? notice how every alliance is now using maybe 2 main doctrines? Theres no diversity on the battlefield either. You log in and get in the same ship type with the same fit night on night on night. And no it's not ok. Sure some people are not bored of it. Sure some FC are enjoying the politics and trying to meta the game. But thats not healthy for the game as a whole. Null needs to be made more enjoyable for rank and filled eve players. EVE's harsh death penalty is touted as a elite game mechanic but frankly it's actually pointless now everything is about grinding titans as a mutual assured destruction ship.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#9 - 2017-07-07 10:48:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Thai Mhalbarei wrote:

But why don't you create a coalition ? Why don't you go around you and recruit people to destroy that big group ?
If you want content, create it

empty words.. not quite sure if you know what stagnation means.
Few big blocks who arent willing to fight each other nor have powers to do so because members wear out pretty quickly in the grindfest such a big war stands for.
People aren't going to reinforce 342 citadels in 3 cycles multiple times until they are dead, just for a new one being dropped in same place at virtually 0 cost. Thus, noone bothers anymore, all you do is join an existing block and crab away..
Scarlet Roadrunner
#10 - 2017-07-07 10:56:11 UTC
Perhaps the benefits of being part of a mega alliance without even needing to fight in what is supposes to be a FFA area are too great.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#11 - 2017-07-07 12:06:40 UTC
Scarlet Roadrunner wrote:
Perhaps the benefits of being part of a mega alliance without even needing to fight in what is supposes to be a FFA area are too great.

Indeed. The benefits of creating of hundreds of millions ISK / hour are indeed great, especially when what is still the largest part of the customer base is impoverished.

Supply and demand.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#12 - 2017-07-07 16:58:21 UTC
Scarlet Roadrunner wrote:
Perhaps the benefits of being part of a mega alliance without even needing to fight in what is supposes to be a FFA area are too great.

Hey CCP, all they are asking is for you to "fix" human nature. How about you get on that now?
OPSEC - Shadow Fighters
Weapons Of Mass Production.
#13 - 2017-07-07 17:24:18 UTC
Eve really needs more frequent balance patches all around to keep it feeling fresh and break up stagnation.

They have a ptr that needs to be used for more than AT practice
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#14 - 2017-07-07 18:17:45 UTC
A simple (simple as a concept, not simple to implement) fix to the stagnation is to make system sec status dynamic.
The more non-PVP activity in a system, the higher the sec status is driven. Low activity drives the sec status down.

Now, it will never, ever, be implemented, because CCP is too terrified of what the null sec cartels would do.
Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#15 - 2017-07-07 18:35:29 UTC
xp8k wrote:
Eve really needs more frequent balance patches all around to keep it feeling fresh and break up stagnation.
By "balance" you mean nerfs/ buffs to imbalance things on purpose so every couple months there is a new FOTM or a region everybody wants to be at?

AI controlling bounties could do the trick, rat type being farmed the most would lose bounty value (and the one/s being farmed least- gained) until concord would pay 2 isk for a battleship and it would become a necessity to leave and invade that other region. Atm the more you rat- the better (counterintuitive, why would concord pay the same if something is so easy to kill and dies by the thousands). Similar thing for relic/data loot in regions....

It could be simple solution, script editing loot tables/ isk in small increments based on % of rat type killed in game.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#16 - 2017-07-07 18:40:18 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
A simple (simple as a concept, not simple to implement) fix to the stagnation is to make system sec status dynamic.
The more non-PVP activity in a system, the higher the sec status is driven. Low activity drives the sec status down.

Now, it will never, ever, be implemented, because CCP is too terrified of what the null sec cartels would do.

You're kind of like one of those nutters who can't have any conversation without pivoting to chemtrails and fake lunar landings, huh?

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Uselesss Pig
Killing with pink power
Penguins with lasorz
#17 - 2017-07-07 20:36:30 UTC
There is stagnation yes but I think its pointless to argue about what is wrong.I say that because ccp is aware of it and is planning to do something about it.Watch the new dev video
Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#18 - 2017-07-08 10:25:01 UTC
Uselesss Pig wrote:
There is stagnation yes but I think its pointless to argue about what is wrong.I say that because ccp is aware of it and is planning to do something about it.Watch the new dev video
"We are balancing out how we do balance changes".
Finally lel.
Evocationz Adhera
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#19 - 2017-07-08 10:30:13 UTC
The R00k wrote:
When/what/how can we fix this massive stagnation currently happening in null. Nothing is worth fighting over any more. Fozzy sov is cancerous. if you can sort sov you have to spend forever bashing citadels that take a week to touch. Keepstars are basically ticks that cannot be removed. Small alliances can't touch bigger ones because of super capital proliferation. small gang/solo is all but dead. Like literally the only real random content that is naturally occurring comes from Wormholes dropping the odd fleet out into null that lets people hit targets without warning.

Everyone is just grinding PVE to get titans. its now TITAN online where we have the equivalent of the pre-ww1 dreadnought arms race. No side can risk their titans fleet. yet smaller fleets get instantly shut down by the other titan fleet. CCP has to do something to get titans on field. This is not a eve is dying thread but it is a Null is in serious trouble thread.

You are so funny

1. I get 1v1 fights non stop
2. I also get 2v2 and 5v5 fights non stop with my fleets
3. Can't attack a big alliance? Then get off your fat bottom and recruit more
4. These alliances put work into holding what is theres, er u geddit? Work?

Bottom line

Stop whining

I refuse to belive this

> CCP's New Expansion, Respawn Expansion

Pestilen Ratte
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2017-07-09 01:03:29 UTC
Evocationz Adhera wrote:

1. I get 1v1 fights non stop

No, you don't.

Evocationz Adhera wrote:

2. I also get 2v2 and 5v5 fights non stop with my fleets

As I say to my daughter, you are speaking fiddlesticks.

Lookit, lots of folks have done FW, low and null. We know how it rolls. Stop with your nonsense.

The way the game actually works is that, if you go out solo, you meet 2v1. If you go out with 2, you meet 5v2. If you go out with 5, you meet 10v5.

This is not a complaint, it is how the game works because..... folks are not stupid, and you win by bringing more gank than the other guy.

You are trying to talk up the game as something it is not.

Evocationz Adhera wrote:
3. Can't attack a big alliance? Then get off your fat bottom and recruit more

Recruit more? Who was the last sack of tired beef you recruited? Name and shame that alpha. Bet he doesn't log on anymore.

Evocationz Adhera wrote:
4. These alliances put work into holding what is theres, er u geddit? Work?

So, if you aren't prepared to WORK at the , um "game"..... it isn't fun.

That's very rapey, when you think about it. So, you know, don't.

Evocationz Adhera wrote:

Bottom line

Stop whining

Jesus, stop speaking down to everyone from such great height.

Not everybody who stops to inspect the roadkill feel sorry for it.

Some of us wish to eat the eyeballs for juju, and make love potions from the matted fur.

A bit of respect, please.
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