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62mil SP character looking for adult, mature USTZ-based WH corp

Lillik Eoner
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2017-06-24 19:20:28 UTC
Lillik, the hopelessly addicted to Bob's space is looking for a USTZ oriented corp to call home. I have 62mil SP (mostly pvp), and can fly almost all doctrines used in w-space.

What I'm looking for:

Mature, adult, older USTZ-based corp. Low-class WH preferred, but will live in high-class too.
Laid-back (almost casual) players, with emphasis on fun—not killboards/citadel bashing/cta's etc.
Higher moral standards. There are multitudes of zero morals corps out there; I'm not looking for one.
Language and attitude. If you have to use "fuckin'" in every sentence, go back to school. The same for "dank" and "même". If corp chat revolves around sex and sexual innuendo—meaning frat house mentality—I'm not interested. Racial/sexual slurs will not be tolerated. That includes using "Jew" as a verb. If you have to question this, go back to school.

Basically, I'm looking for the Eve University mentality without Eve University.

What I'm not looking for:

Nullsec corps. Not today nor tomorrow. Don't ask.
Pure PvE WH corps. Though I could be part of a defensive wing, I'm not really interested.
Helping to start a USTZ segment of an existing EU corp. I'm already doing that and it doesn't work. That's why I'm looking elsewhere.

What you get:

Funny, friendly, somewhat useful PvP player. Has lived in w-space over three years.
Has working microphone and headset.
Uses slack, Discord, TS, Mumble, etc.
Is currently Senior Editor of EVE Onion News. Can do editing for corp documents, etc.

I know there's one corp out there that has higher standards, and doesn't follow the herd.
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#2 - 2017-06-24 20:01:41 UTC
Damn, wish you weren't set on wormholes, you'd be a nice fit.

Krypted Gaming is looking for quality members!

Check out our guides at our website, and if you like what you see, drop by our Discord and socialize!

Caduceus Vex
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2017-06-24 20:56:25 UTC
Greetings Lillik,

May I please present for your consideration.

Kind Regards

Lillik Eoner
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2017-06-25 00:48:42 UTC
Still looking for that mature, adult WH corp. Is there one out there? Sad
Lillik Eoner
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2017-06-26 01:13:18 UTC
Still looking for a mature, adult WH corp.
Darius Onok
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2017-06-26 21:54:26 UTC
Hello Lillik,

I'm going to throw this out there for consideration because we aren't quite where you are looking for yet but that is our goal. We are a brand new corp started about 3 weeks ago that is looking into moving into a C3 wormhole. We are all USTZ based and all pretty laid back and mostly mature. Lol

The thing that is holding us back right now is when myself and the other director came back to the game we brought in a bunch of brand new players to EVE as well and we are helping them learn the game and establish themselves. So we are about half veteran players, and half newbros with our eyes set on wormholes.

If you are interested in joining us in working towards that we would love to have you, but if you are mostly looking for something already established I understand too.

Mr Glaser
Violence is the Answer
Wormhole Society
#7 - 2017-06-28 14:49:22 UTC
Hello Lillik Eoner,

AttentionI was hoping you would take a close look at us. I will try to be a brief as possible on the recruitment forums, but I am totally open to communicating as much as possible to help you understand who we are and allow us to learn as much about you as possible during the (In-Game) or In Discord Interview.

CoolWe have one of the best diverse groups within our ranks and would gladly take you in. We love all content creators, good game play comes from good EVE content. We would be honored to cover anything in game as well as out of game to help you transition. With your extensive experience in space, you could join our ranks and quickly work your way to making a difference with other players as well.

At it's core, our corp has a solid experience of players including USTZ-CST (myself). We enjoy each others company and do understand 'RL' comes first. We also love having people play the game, when they can. We are active, most of the time. We recently added an EU Corp to our Alliance in order to bolster that timezone as well. We welcome all Timezones to better our content!

Check out what we have been up to lately... Go DOPS!

IdeaWe are a good Training WH corporation that is dedicated to it's members. We believe in bringing the best content to all including our opponents in space. It is in our namesake after all... Dependent On Pilots

ArrowOur Official Alliance Recruitment Post: Wormhole Society ( WHSOC )

ArrowOur Official Recruitment Post: DOPLR

ArrowJoin our PUBLIC Discord Channel: DOPLR

ArrowIn-Game Mail / PM : Mr Glaser

or In-Game Corp Recruitment Channel: The Doppler Effect Pub Crawl (If a recruiter is not online, please send me an in-game mail and I will get back to you within a day. I am usually on almost everyday!)

Hope to see ya in space,