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First post
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#181 - 2012-01-24 10:59:13 UTC
As I said, "it's perfectly fine, but please grief the nullbears instead. :(".

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

#182 - 2012-01-24 11:16:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Murauke
Lord Zim wrote:
As I said, "it's perfectly fine, but please grief the nullbears instead. :(".

This is a good conversation here it seems Lord Zim is missing the point with this:

By the way since you are intent on killing incursions with your hit squads killing the mom asap isn't that an interesting form of pvp....

Yes it is and I agree.

Have you ever thought that what you are doing is really good for the game not your tears and stamping of your feet and desire to get your own way like a 3 year old but becuase you have issue's with the percieved "in-balance" and decided to develop a type of game play to disrupt the well oiled teams (remember just becuase people work well together doesn't mean its inbalanced sometimes all thats needed is a bit of variety and flexibility to surprise). That to me is another form of PVP and a route for the game that makes it interesting.

I agree here too - I like to think that eve will one day return to where "in-balanced" is good for some players and good for others becuase they despise the "in-balanced". I remember the days of nano gangs which were an awesome in-balance but they were in-balanced becuase the fleets that adopted that doctrine worked well together. In that aspect becuase Logi pilots work well together is that an "in-balance"?

Now do something useful since you don't want people to be able to make ISK, do it against the moon holders who have it just as easy with their JF's, JB routes, Cyno gens, intel channels... Go ahead and do your best to make me believe that apparently that isn't "in-balanced".

I think what he is trying to say here is that your "mom-hit squads" disrupt incursions fairly easily but in null sec to disrupt ISK making its a lot more difficult. By all accounts if a team wanted to kill a pos it requires a lot more organisation and numbers to first of all reinforce the pos and 24 hours later to do it all over again against a defence fleet. Which in goons case would be numbers titans scs carriers logi bs intel etc etc.

What do you need to kill moms again in incursion sites?
Amarr Empire
#183 - 2012-01-24 11:24:34 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
As I said, "it's perfectly fine, but please grief the nullbears instead. :(".

Just gonna pop that right there for you so you can read it again:

By the way since you are intent on killing incursions with your hit squads killing the mom asap isn't that an interesting form of pvp....

Have you ever thought that what you are doing is really good for the game not your tears and stamping of your feet and desire to get your own way like a 3 year old but becuase you have issue's with the percieved "in-balance" and decided to develop a type of game play to disrupt the well oiled teams (remember just becuase people work well together doesn't mean its inbalanced sometimes all thats needed is a bit of variety and flexibility to surprise). That to me is another form of PVP and a route for the game that makes it interesting.

Now do something useful since you don't want people to be able to make ISK, do it against the moon holders who have it just as easy with their JF's, JB routes, Cyno gens, intel channels... Go ahead and do your best to make me believe that apparently that isn't "in-balanced".

May be the sentence
do it against the moon holders who have it just as easy with their JF's, JB routes, Cyno gens, intel channels

Since I think your disrupting isk making in incursion is good i was merely trying to point out we do not have the ease to do the same against null sec ISK making. Do not kid yourself this wasn't a plea for you to go do it somewhere else (as much as may be you would want me to say something like that).
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#184 - 2012-01-24 11:53:45 UTC
LOL @ the goonie and Darius for being owned.

In-balance is good as it create opportunities for other types of game play.

/me would like to see a similair strategy deployed in low and null sec.

Could be a master plan ccp have to lure people into high sec so they can do a mass reset on null sec :)
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#185 - 2012-01-24 12:03:31 UTC
New Eden - A group of capsuleers, led by Krissada, are attempting to disrupt the "ISK farming" currently occurring at Sansha Incursion sites. They are planning to destroy Sansha motherships as soon as they arrive through their wormholes and in doing so hope to cut back the amount of ISK earned by capsuleers who attend the incursions simply to collect bounties on the lesser Sansha forces in the area.

Krissada is apparently aggrieved that "bears" are able to "farm" for ISK in high-sec Incursions with little risk as long as they do not destroy the Sansha mothership. This, to her, is a blatant misuse of CONCORD's reward system and she is focused on stopping what she believes is an "ISK faucet". Disgruntled with how Incursions are fought she revealed her belief that "Sansha forces appear to be infinite, as is the depth of CONCORD's wallet".

Krissada's plan is to destroy the Sansha motherships as soon as possible which will hopefully cause the immediate withdrawal of Sansha forces and prevent further bounties being collected by "Incursion Bears". She hopes to force those wanting to make ISK from Incursions into low-sec and thus ensuring when Sansha forces arrive in high-sec they are dealt with quickly by capsuleers who want to see victory rather than reward.

Giving firm backing to Krissada, CSM member Darius III seemed to agree that high-sec Incursions are no longer about defeating Sansha's Nation but more about what can be earned: "The sites pay too much with almost no risk."

HardinSalvor, an Incursion community leader, reflected on how things have changed due to the lure of ISK: "Once the influence dropped low enough for the mom to spawn, people would rush to kill it. Through some diplomacy, a status quo was created where we avoid killing the mom as long as possible."

Some questionable math by community leaders sees them believing that an incredible 621 billion ISK is paid out by CONCORD every week from Incursions. If the numbers are accurate, it may be no surprise that a prominent Fleet Commander from the BTL Incursion channel is alleged to have bribed Darius III with 500 million ISK to not destroy a mothership during an Incursion

There is a lot of ISK to be made for those brave enough to fight against Sansha's Nation and with fleets now forming with the sole purpose of stopping that ISK being collected, as well as loyalists already attempting to aid Sansha forces, there may come a time soon that there are no capsuleers left to fight against Sansha's Nation as they will all be fighting each other.


Seems the "sandbox" is working as intended. What a great type of gameplay. Looking for "Opportunities" to disrupt isk making in null sec..... Still looking.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#186 - 2012-01-24 12:04:02 UTC
Murauke wrote:
I think what he is trying to say here is that your "mom-hit squads" disrupt incursions fairly easily but in null sec to disrupt ISK making its a lot more difficult. By all accounts if a team wanted to kill a pos it requires a lot more organisation and numbers to first of all reinforce the pos and 24 hours later to do it all over again against a defence fleet. Which in goons case would be numbers titans scs carriers logi bs intel etc etc.

You do realize that if you want to "grief" us, all you need to do is knock the POS into reinforced. Voila, x hours of no mining. Isk lost.

JBs are easily camped, tons of people in nullsec are just as risk averse as you guys are, so parking a cloaky alt (maybe one with a covert cyno and a blackops and a few other guys within jump range), and voila, risk-free and effortless jewing disruption. Probably even a few juicy kills if you keep it up long enough so people get careless.

It doesn't take a huge amount of organization. vOv

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Amarr Empire
#187 - 2012-01-24 12:22:12 UTC  |  Edited by: xxanjoahir

You do realize that if you want to "grief" us, all you need to do is knock the POS into reinforced. Voila, x hours of no mining. Isk lost.

Its the act of knocking a pos into reinforce, currently if we wanted to reinforce one of your tech moons i can not do that with just 20 people.

JBs are easily camped, tons of people in nullsec are just as risk averse as you guys are, so parking a cloaky alt (maybe one with a covert cyno and a blackops and a few other guys within jump range), and voila, risk-free and effortless jewing disruption. Probably even a few juicy kills if you keep it up long enough so people get careless.

:) thats why although Jbs do make it easier for you to move things around, they do provide a focus point and in reply create a type of game play which i still think is negated a bit by the fact you can anchor every dog and bone on cyno gen and jb pos.

It doesn't take a huge amount of organization. vOv

The point here is that the sandbox is working. Incursions are a fairly NEW type of game mechanic that in itself is creating a new form of gaming styles and so what if they are in-balanced, the fact that its created so many good vibes as well as bad (your hit squads) is what eve USED to be based on.

Now I believe if you wanted to make a truely dynamic Null sec in eve - being able to disrupt isk making should require the same amount of under currents.... Null sec is good i can do this and i have this available to make my isk etc etc.... Lets go disrupt them from making isk im sure they will come pew pew against us.... Not today lads we have 10 they are 60....POS saved, system safe, region quiet, just be careful on the jbs.

Remember there are only a very minute amount of alliance that occupy null sec and those are the 1000+ alliances, the majority of alliances are under 400 members in size so lets say 30 people should be able to take out a pos in a fairly quick and organised manner. Thats the null sec people want and thats what would come in line with what is going on with high sec incursions.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#188 - 2012-01-24 12:31:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Zim
xxanjoahir wrote:
Its the act of knocking a pos into reinforce, currently if we wanted to reinforce one of your tech moons i can not do that with just 20 people.

Why not?

xxanjoahir wrote:
:) thats why although Jbs do make it easier for you to move things around, they do provide a focus point and in reply create a type of game play which i still think is negated a bit by the fact you can anchor every dog and bone on cyno gen and jb pos.

They don't make things easier to move around, they make travelling less of a cockstab. There's a difference.

It doesn't take a huge amount of organization. vOv[/quote]

xxanjoahir wrote:
Now I believe if you wanted to make a truely dynamic Null sec in eve - being able to disrupt isk making should require the same amount of under currents.... Null sec is good i can do this and i have this available to make my isk etc etc.... Lets go disrupt them from making isk im sure they will come pew pew against us.... Not today lads we have 10 they are 60....POS saved, system safe, region quiet, just be careful on the jbs.

What you're talking about is taking over a resource. That's wildly different from disrupting and causing pain, which is a lot easier and takes vastly less organization and manpower. When you reinforce the POS, it's "taken out" for a few days. Just like the incursion.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Amarr Empire
#189 - 2012-01-24 12:41:09 UTC  |  Edited by: xxanjoahir

Why not?

Too much risk in having 20 man blown up by your 100 man sub-capital and captial fleet, and the time it takes for someone to earn enough isk to have their ship back.


They don't make things easier to move around, they make travelling less of a cockstab. There's a difference.

Oh come on man you have a jb and cyno gen in ec- and a direct warp to high sec how is that not easier to move around?

It doesn't take a huge amount of organization. vOv

What you're talking about is taking over a resource. That's wildly different from disrupting and causing pain, which is a lot easier and takes vastly less organization and manpower. When you reinforce the POS, it's "taken out" for a few days. Just like the incursion.

The vision here is that its giving people a focus to disrupt and make playing the game harsh as well as exciting just like high sec incursions have created currents of hatred for people like yourself and just as much current for you against high sec incursion runners. The main thing is it doesnt require lots of people to disrupt isk making in high sec incursions it does require a lot more resources if the scenario was turned around and people wanted to disrupt isk making in null sec to the same degree.

Which again i must stress is not wrong.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#190 - 2012-01-24 12:49:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Zim
xxanjoahir wrote:
Too much risk in having 20 man blown up by your 100 man sub-capital and captial fleet, and the time it takes for someone to earn enough isk to have their ship back.

If that's what you think, there's nothing I can do for you.

xxanjoahir wrote:
Oh come on man you have a jb and cyno gen in ec- and a direct warp to high sec how is that not easier to move around?

Yes, JBs and cyno gens are magic unicorn features that make nullsec a veritable carebear wonderland. (Hint: They don't. They reduce grind slightly, that's all they do.)

It's certainly nothing like loading up an orca or freighter in hisec and send it autopiloting to a destination, to dock up automatically. And I certainly haven't done that tons of times myself, initiated autopilot and watched a film instead. Hell, last time I did this I even forgot about it until I got home from work the next day. So difficult.

xxanjoahir wrote:
The vision here is that its giving people a focus to disrupt and make playing the game harsh as well as exciting just like high sec incursions have created currents of hatred for people like yourself and just as much current for you against high sec incursion runners. The main thing is it doesnt require lots of people to disrupt isk making in high sec incursions it would require a lot more resourced if the scenario was turned around.

It doesn't take "a lot more resources". The main thing it takes is to actually have the balls to go out there.

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Himnos Altar
An Errant Venture
#191 - 2012-01-24 12:54:10 UTC
I....agree with.....the Goon.

God that hurt. :P

In my personal opinion, we should take down those Motherships as quickly as possible. Might I remind you that Sansha's Nation is trying to enslave the people of Hisec (not us immortals, the mortals)?

And aside from an RP standpoint....what's the big deal about people playing the game the way CCP intended for it to be played, and not the way the people that go for max ISK/hr play it? Isn't this exactly the kind of emergent gameplay CCP brags about?

I think that CCP said it best....

So your awesome ISK-making scheme is going to be nerfed. Let's add it to the list:

Wormholes (still make good amounts of ISK, but not as much as in the beginning--granted, that's merely market balancing)
PI (on a personal note OW--but I adapted)
bunch of other things I'm probably missing.
Amarr Empire
#192 - 2012-01-24 13:02:37 UTC  |  Edited by: xxanjoahir
If that's what you think, there's nothing I can do for you.

I do not see 20 man gangs hitting goonie poses to disrupt your bottomless pit of isk. I do however, see, 100+ gangs which are usually other null sec entities.

Yes, JBs and cyno gens are magic unicorn features that make nullsec a veritable carebear wonderland. (Hint: They don't. They reduce grind slightly, that's all they do.)

Not grind but the speet to which they can get it to the main hubs to sell.

It's certainly nothing like loading up an orca or freighter in hisec and send it autopiloting to a destination, to dock up automatically. And I certainly haven't done that tons of times myself, initiated autopilot and watched a film instead. Hell, last time I did this I even forgot about it until I got home from work the other day. So difficult.

I am missing you here as you seem to suggest that doing the involves an element of risk or something?

It doesn't take "a lot more resources". The main thing it takes is to actually have the balls to go out there.

Oh people have the balls its the ability to replace lost resources.

So coming back, incursions have created a type of New game play. Not killing the mom is the broken mechanic but in my opinion that is the sandbox working right there -
Once the influence dropped low enough for the mom to spawn, people would rush to kill it. Through some diplomacy, a status quo was created where we avoid killing the mom as long as possible.
- is that any different to null entities creating blue lists so they can continue to farm isk? Besides the "broken" mechanic has created a new type of game play for you bitter "tHigh sec shouldnt be able to make as much isk as null sec" characters.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#193 - 2012-01-24 13:11:33 UTC
xxanjoahir wrote:
Not grind but the speet to which they can get it to the main hubs to sell.

FYI, a good JF pilot never uses cynogens. and they can't use JBs.

xxanjoahir wrote:
I am missing you here as you seem to suggest that doing the involves an element of risk or something?

Nope. It doesn't involve risk, nor does it involve effort.

xxanjoahir wrote:
Oh people have the balls its the ability to replace lost resources.

Uh huh.

xxanjoahir wrote:
So coming back, incursions have created a type of New game play. Not killing the mom is the broken mechanic but in my opinion that is the sandbox working right there -
Once the influence dropped low enough for the mom to spawn, people would rush to kill it. Through some diplomacy, a status quo was created where we avoid killing the mom as long as possible.
- is that any different to null entities creating blue lists so they can continue to farm isk?


The main difference, however, is that these bluelists in nullsec tend to try to defend their resources, instead of whining about how it's such an exploit to circumvent the exploitation of the VG sites, like the OP is doing.

(Well, there are of course those who just fall back to NPC or empire, bitching and whining about NAPfests, blobs, botnets, supers, cheating, exploiting and god knows what. **** them.)

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Zaerlorth Maelkor
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#194 - 2012-01-24 13:17:41 UTC
xxanjoahir wrote:

I am sure you are making a profit from your tanked ishtar at what 150m setuup with sentries?

jeeze i spend up to 3 bill of my own isk to make a way of being able to enjoy my end game a lot quicker and you spend a measly 150m on an ishtar and farm sanctums for just short of 70m a hour on a good day. may be close to 100m if you arent lazy and salvage wrecks and loot.

An Ishtar does not pump out anywhere near enough dps to make 70m an hour.
Amarr Empire
#195 - 2012-01-24 13:20:52 UTC  |  Edited by: xxanjoahir
Zaerlorth Maelkor wrote:
xxanjoahir wrote:

I am sure you are making a profit from your tanked ishtar at what 150m setuup with sentries?

jeeze i spend up to 3 bill of my own isk to make a way of being able to enjoy my end game a lot quicker and you spend a measly 150m on an ishtar and farm sanctums for just short of 70m a hour on a good day. may be close to 100m if you arent lazy and salvage wrecks and loot.

An Ishtar does not pump out anywhere near enough dps to make 70m an hour.

Sentries FTW and a well chained system was pumping out 60m in bounties as well as salvaging and looting would prob be more than 70m p/hour that was pre- dominion.

Post dominion up over 100m p/hour
post anom nerf prb back down to 70m p/hour
Amarr Empire
#196 - 2012-01-24 13:24:15 UTC  |  Edited by: xxanjoahir

The main difference, however, is that these bluelists in nullsec tend to try to defend their resources, instead of whining about how it's such an exploit to circumvent the exploitation of the VG sites, like the OP is doing.

(Well, there are of course those who just fall back to NPC or empire, bitching and whining about NAPfests, blobs, botnets, supers, cheating, exploiting and god knows what. **** them.)

I am sure if people could "defend" the mom to farm the sites a little bit longer than they would do. Other than w-deccing the "mom hit sqauds" not much is available to create that type of game play.

Thinks that actually that would be just as fun gameplay for people.
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#197 - 2012-01-24 13:25:23 UTC
xxanjoahir wrote:
I am sure if people could "defend" the mom to farm the sites a little bit longer than they would do. Other than w-deccing the "mom hit sqauds" not much is available to create that type of game play.

There you go then. vOv

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Amarr Empire
#198 - 2012-01-24 13:30:56 UTC
Lord Zim wrote:
xxanjoahir wrote:
I am sure if people could "defend" the mom to farm the sites a little bit longer than they would do. Other than w-deccing the "mom hit sqauds" not much is available to create that type of game play.

There you go then. vOv

So you still think that they do nothing but line people with isk despite the emerging game plays?
Lord Zim
Gallente Federation
#199 - 2012-01-24 13:32:58 UTC
Explain. Who (or what) are "they" in this case?

Cyno's lit, bridge is up, but one pilot won't be jumping home.

RIP Vile Rat

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#200 - 2012-01-24 13:40:41 UTC
ElQuirko wrote:
CCP have got the right idea with this. What I find flabbergasting is they're removing a highsec ISK faucet without even touching the nullsec ISK faucet - I refer, of course, to tech moons.

However, there's nothing gamebreaking about tech moons really. Tech moons do have a risk/reward factor in that alliances battle for control over these moons; incursions, on the other hand, present no risk to the incursion-runners except possibly a fail logistics pilot ruining it for everyone.

Tech moons aren't an ISK faucet. They don't produce a single ISK.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016