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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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About the omnipresent Citadels ...

First post
Helt Anajkt
#1 - 2017-06-18 01:17:03 UTC
what requires to drop / make a own citadel ?

what benefits one get for it ?

in wich places or areas one drop a citadel ?

( and other a lot litle questions about it.. that i dont write here but are interesting to know) Cool
ISD Stall
ISD Alliance
#2 - 2017-06-18 01:32:32 UTC
Hi there,

Any corporation can deploy a citadel. They can be deployed in almost any system with the exception being the trade hubs (Jita, Amarr, Rens, Hek, Dodixie). You must have the required roles with-in the corporation.

As you were a little vague regarding other questions in relation to citadels. I will leave this link for our knowledge base. There are 13 search results ready to go for you with information on everything from asset saftey, structure management, tethering, deployment and decommissioning and so on. Citadel knowledge base search.

I hope this helps.
Helt Anajkt
#3 - 2017-06-18 01:48:35 UTC
ISD Stall wrote:
Hi there,

Any corporation can deploy a citadel. They can be deployed in almost any system with the exception being the trade hubs (Jita, Amarr, Rens, Hek, Dodixie). You must have the required roles with-in the corporation.

As you were a little vague regarding other questions in relation to citadels. I will leave this link for our knowledge base. There are 13 search results ready to go for you with information on everything from asset saftey, structure management, tethering, deployment and decommissioning and so on. Citadel knowledge base search.

I hope this helps.

thanks ..
ISD Stall
ISD Alliance
#4 - 2017-06-18 02:26:49 UTC
No problem, if you have any more specific questions feel free to ask and I will see if I can help :)
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#5 - 2017-06-18 07:41:58 UTC
Citadels are general purpose structures with bonuses for military and markets. Engineering Complexes are less expensive structures with bonuses for manufacturing and research. Refineries, coming this winter, will have bonuses for resource harvesting and processing.

A small engineering complex (Raitaru) will cost about 2.5 billion ISK with 3 service modules and T1 rigs. It will cost about 500 million ISK/month in fuel. It can be deployed, anchored, fueled, managed and owned by an Alpha character. They can be deployed practically anywhere in New Eden as long as they are at least 1000 Km from any other structure and not in a major trade hub.

If your business isn't big enough to justify the cost of owning one, you can rent offices in a public structure and use their facilities for a fee.
Helt Anajkt
#6 - 2017-06-19 13:03:09 UTC
Do Little wrote:

A small engineering complex (Raitaru) will cost about 2.5 billion ISK with 3 service modules and T1 rigs. It will cost about 500 million ISK/month in fuel. It can be deployed, anchored, fueled, managed and owned by an Alpha character. They can be deployed practically anywhere in New Eden as long as they are at least 1000 Km from any other structure and not in a major trade hub.

If your business isn't big enough to justify the cost of owning one, you can rent offices in a public structure and use their facilities for a fee.

Ok .. then about of this you said.. we must have a very profitable and stable Bussines to maintain a structure of this kind.. for an Alpha 500 mll in fuell is LOL cots..

ShockedBig smile
Helt Anajkt
#7 - 2017-06-19 13:13:45 UTC
More and more times .. I seriosly think of dedicating myself to selling drugs for Be a mulitmillonarie capsuleer ...
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#8 - 2017-06-19 13:24:58 UTC
A lot of people built them hoping to generate enough revenue by selling services. Some succeeded but I see a lot shutting down. I rented for a while but, when my landlord let the structure run out of fuel for the 3rd time, I decided to build my own - my business is big enough so the rig bonuses more than cover the costs. I setup a holding company to own the structure so it isn't at risk if the operating company gets wardecced and I use an Alpha character as CEO of the holding company because CCP allows me to.
Buoytender Bob
Ronin Exploration Mission and Mining
#9 - 2017-06-19 20:53:19 UTC
Do Little wrote:
A lot of people built them hoping to generate enough revenue by selling services. Some succeeded but I see a lot shutting down. I rented for a while but, when my landlord let the structure run out of fuel for the 3rd time, I decided to build my own - my business is big enough so the rig bonuses more than cover the costs. I setup a holding company to own the structure so it isn't at risk if the operating company gets wardecced and I use an Alpha character as CEO of the holding company because CCP allows me to.

ok, that explains what I was seeing in my home system. Overnight, a one man corp drops 4 citadels all close together and I was wondering how in the heck he was able to pull that off both financially and logistically. Shell company; what could be more EVE?

To buck the popular trend, I began to Rage Start instead of Rage Quit.

...and every time I get another piece of Carbon, I know exactly what CCP is getting this Christmas.

DarkStar Rebels
#10 - 2017-06-19 21:37:31 UTC
Do Little wrote:
A lot of people built them hoping to generate enough revenue by selling services. Some succeeded but I see a lot shutting down. I rented for a while but, when my landlord let the structure run out of fuel for the 3rd time, I decided to build my own - my business is big enough so the rig bonuses more than cover the costs. I setup a holding company to own the structure so it isn't at risk if the operating company gets wardecced and I use an Alpha character as CEO of the holding company because CCP allows me to.

But what happens if someone wardeccs your holding company? Doesn't that mean you need to pay the cost of a war just to defend it?
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#11 - 2017-06-19 22:20:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Do Little
Skarltar wrote:

But what happens if someone wardeccs your holding company? Doesn't that mean you need to pay the cost of a war just to defend it?

A private Raitaru in a backwater system is about as safe as it is possible to be in Eve. If someone decides to kill it - no big deal. I simply replace it same as I would a ship. Raitaru are cheap and a PITA to kill.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#12 - 2017-06-20 05:39:03 UTC
A Raitaru is a one to two billion ISK investment that is an excellent place to perform manufacturing and research.

An Azbel is a considerably bigger investment (8 billion rigged approx) that provides better production facilities and can also be used as a personal market hub or even a for profit public hub.

You can look up what's needed to build them in game. Search the Contacts interface for

Item Type: Blueprint Copy
Text string: Azbel

You will see player produced blueprint copies for sale, and they have a bill of materials. These components are mostly built from minerals with some Planetary Interaction components as well.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Helt Anajkt
#13 - 2017-06-20 13:36:07 UTC
Do Little wrote:

If someone decides to kill it - no big deal. I simply replace it same as I would a ship. Raitaru are cheap and a PITA to kill.

oh .. you only replace the RAITARU like replace a ship ?
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#14 - 2017-06-20 14:36:47 UTC
Helt Anajkt wrote:

oh .. you only replace the RAITARU like replace a ship ?

I haven't had to, yet - but there is an expression in Eve: don't fly what you can't afford to lose. You have 24 hours between a war declaration and start of hostilities so it may also be possible to frustrate attackers by transferring ownership to a succession of Alpha corps. Haven't tried that but, if the game mechanics allow it, it's legal until CCP says otherwise.

A Raitaru is 8000 M3 packaged - smaller than a cruiser (don't ask how or why- just suspend disbelief and enjoy the game) It will fit in a Nereus and can be launched,anchored, fueled and managed by an Alpha character.

I'll admit that destruction of my Raitaru would disrupt my game for a few days but it's a risk I willingly accept. I undock with that much value in a Blockade Runner every day - it's a lot easier to kill and a lot more rewarding for the attacker. It's not about eliminating risk but about balancing risk vs reward.
Helt Anajkt
#15 - 2017-06-20 15:01:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Helt Anajkt
This is interesting i dont know about this, It means i transfering my raitaru to other player and the Attackers can´t atack before begin the war ? :

Do Little wrote:

You have 24 hours between a war declaration and start of hostilities so it may also be possible to frustrate attackers by transferring ownership to a succession of Alpha corps. Haven't tried that but, if the game mechanics allow it, it's legal until CCP says otherwise.

... and this is very interesting too but at same time is hilariosly very LOL :

Do Little wrote:

A Raitaru is 8000 M3 packaged - smaller than a cruiser (don't ask how or why- just suspend disbelief and enjoy the game) It will fit in a Nereus and can be launched,anchored, fueled and managed by an Alpha character.