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Would having a PvP arena help remove stuff from the game?

Old Pervert
Caldari State
#41 - 2017-06-16 19:48:20 UTC
Luc Chastot wrote:
Old Pervert wrote:
The number of players you could entice into pvp which were not originally interested and participating in pvp with an arena would be very small, and catering a feature like this to try and draw them in would provide no noticeable impact on the eve economy.

Why do you think so? I believe if the rewards were worth it and everyone had at least a chance to win, many people would be tempted to try.

Someone who avoids PVP will suck at it because they have limited experience. Sure they may get better if they stick with it, but they'll just say "**** this" after losing 4-5 matches to an actual PVPer.

Everyone always has a chance to win - even in a blob, you have a chance to pop their tackle and warp off, which is a kill for you and a loss for them. Whether or not you can make that happen, however, depends on circumstance and skill.

In the end, people who don't PVP avoid it because they don't like it. Maybe they dislike the risk, maybe they dislike the pace. The only people you could entice are the ones who simply don't have time for PVP.
Luc Chastot
#42 - 2017-06-16 21:54:41 UTC
Old Pervert wrote:
Someone who avoids PVP will suck at it because they have limited experience. Sure they may get better if they stick with it, but they'll just say "**** this" after losing 4-5 matches to an actual PVPer.

Everyone always has a chance to win - even in a blob, you have a chance to pop their tackle and warp off, which is a kill for you and a loss for them. Whether or not you can make that happen, however, depends on circumstance and skill.

In the end, people who don't PVP avoid it because they don't like it. Maybe they dislike the risk, maybe they dislike the pace. The only people you could entice are the ones who simply don't have time for PVP.

Your argumenta are not very convincing, mainly because you are only giving assumptions without data to back them up.

1. Works the same for any other kind of PvP, yet people still do it. With less risk and more predictability, it is very likely you'll get more players involved.

2. "Win" in this context means "destroy the enemy fleet" or "win the arena encounter".

3. Lower the risk, increase the pace. It is a simplistic answer, but I don't see much of an argument in your point.

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Old Pervert
Caldari State
#43 - 2017-06-16 22:15:09 UTC
Luc Chastot wrote:
Old Pervert wrote:
Someone who avoids PVP will suck at it because they have limited experience. Sure they may get better if they stick with it, but they'll just say "**** this" after losing 4-5 matches to an actual PVPer.

Everyone always has a chance to win - even in a blob, you have a chance to pop their tackle and warp off, which is a kill for you and a loss for them. Whether or not you can make that happen, however, depends on circumstance and skill.

In the end, people who don't PVP avoid it because they don't like it. Maybe they dislike the risk, maybe they dislike the pace. The only people you could entice are the ones who simply don't have time for PVP.

Your argumenta are not very convincing, mainly because you are only giving assumptions without data to back them up.

1. Works the same for any other kind of PvP, yet people still do it. With less risk and more predictability, it is very likely you'll get more players involved.

2. "Win" in this context means "destroy the enemy fleet" or "win the arena encounter".

3. Lower the risk, increase the pace. It is a simplistic answer, but I don't see much of an argument in your point.

I will defer to your statistical data then. Oh... wait...

1) Yes, it's likely you'll get more players involved. I said as much. In terms of how many, however, that answer is "a very small number". People who don't like to PVP, don't like to PVP. Their reasons vary, but in the end, they don't like to PVP.

2) Winning and losing are still winning and losing. What exactly is your point?

3) The risk is the same. You lose, your ship goes byebye. It's more predictable and arguably a slower pace because you won't have buddy's friends warping in on you. See response 1 however, about some people just not wanting to PVP.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#44 - 2017-06-16 22:25:05 UTC
Luc Chastot wrote:
For those discussing how such an arena would be implemented, you're wasting your time. This thread is not about that and even if it was, arena design is not set in stone and there certainly are ways to implement one in EVE without having much of an effect in Sov space.

The question, with added clarification, is:

If CCP implemented an arena that enticed those who do not PvP to do it, while not messing with null and low space PvP too much, do you think enough players would participate to have a positive impact on the economy? This means: removing items from circulation, creating new ISK sinks and rewarding players in ways that encourage ship combat and losses.

Keep the discussion on topic.

Isn't that a wardec?

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#45 - 2017-06-17 10:38:05 UTC
Luc Chastot wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Every game that has added an arena has seen the PvP outside of it vanish.

Name examples.

SWG. It happened twice in that game, first time was with space. Everyone did PvP in the deep space PvP zone, nobody did it in the wider game. Second time is when they added the PvP arena, all other PvP stopped virtually overnight.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#46 - 2017-06-17 10:41:54 UTC
Old Pervert wrote:

You want to pick a part, like I suggested? I'm offering you the opportunity to cherry-pick your absolute worst case. If you want to say "all of it will suffer", my answer will be "none of it will suffer". I've offered just as much to the debate as you have - see how unsatisfying that was?

The overwhelming argument here that everyone seems to be using is "but people will be in the arena instead of out in regular space!". And frankly, I disagree.

I think the closest existing approximation to an arena is FW - stop me there if someone disagrees. You warp into a plex, and either fight the existing occupant or wait for someone to come fight you.

How many people would you see living in FW if there was no LP, no rewards, save for the loot you get from the enemy ship? If there were no stations, citadels, POSes, or any other staging locations within 6 jumps of the plexes where they could stock 500 frigates.

You'd see an infinitesimally small fraction of the Eve playerbase there "permanently". The only people spending significant time there are the ones that have alts feeding isk to them - in which case, they're still out in space.

In an arena, the "reward" is pvp. No LP to farm, no isk to farm, just "get there, kill or die".

I gave you the answer. Every single game that has added a PvP arena sees the PvP happening outside of it drop off a cliff.A PvP arena would destroy this game.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#47 - 2017-06-17 15:39:36 UTC
Given the choice between instant PvP and having to look for PvP, most people will opt for the instant option.

TL;DR An arena would become the de facto place for ship based PvP, simply because of the accessibility; in turn killing off 90%+ of non arena ship based PvP.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Luc Chastot
#48 - 2017-06-17 16:17:14 UTC
Old Pervert wrote:
I will defer to your statistical data then. Oh... wait...

1) Yes, it's likely you'll get more players involved. I said as much. In terms of how many, however, that answer is "a very small number". People who don't like to PVP, don't like to PVP. Their reasons vary, but in the end, they don't like to PVP.

2) Winning and losing are still winning and losing. What exactly is your point?

3) The risk is the same. You lose, your ship goes byebye. It's more predictable and arguably a slower pace because you won't have buddy's friends warping in on you. See response 1 however, about some people just not wanting to PVP.

You surely are quick to assume people are attacking you personally in a debate. No, I am not providing data because I am asking a question, but your answer does not satisfy because you are stating something as fact without providing any meaningful information.

1. Why do you know for a fact that is the answer? We don't even know if people don't like to PvP, we just know there are not a lot of people doing it. Get the answer to that and you can begin to predict behavior.

2. It is very different to win in an arena that grants tangible rewards than winning in open PvP.

3. Again, you're not providing satisfactory information to back your assumptions up.

Before you reply, stop assuming I am being aggressive towards you.

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Luc Chastot
#49 - 2017-06-17 16:24:06 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Given the choice between instant PvP and having to look for PvP, most people will opt for the instant option.

TL;DR An arena would become the de facto place for ship based PvP, simply because of the accessibility; in turn killing off 90%+ of non arena ship based PvP.

Why do you assume it would be instant PvP? Does an EVE arena have to work in the way you believe they all do? Is all ship combat PvP done with the same objective or target? Are there no strategic goals to PvP in Sov space? (I know Fozzie Sov sucks, but it could be fixed one day in the distant future).

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Luc Chastot
#50 - 2017-06-17 16:25:01 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Luc Chastot wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Every game that has added an arena has seen the PvP outside of it vanish.

Name examples.

SWG. It happened twice in that game, first time was with space. Everyone did PvP in the deep space PvP zone, nobody did it in the wider game. Second time is when they added the PvP arena, all other PvP stopped virtually overnight.

How many games does that make?

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Luc Chastot
#51 - 2017-06-17 16:35:29 UTC
Daichi Yamato wrote:
Luc Chastot wrote:
For those discussing how such an arena would be implemented, you're wasting your time. This thread is not about that and even if it was, arena design is not set in stone and there certainly are ways to implement one in EVE without having much of an effect in Sov space.

The question, with added clarification, is:

If CCP implemented an arena that enticed those who do not PvP to do it, while not messing with null and low space PvP too much, do you think enough players would participate to have a positive impact on the economy? This means: removing items from circulation, creating new ISK sinks and rewarding players in ways that encourage ship combat and losses.

Keep the discussion on topic.

Isn't that a wardec?

No. Wardecs are non-consensual most of the time; there is, however, an example of a wardec working somewhat as arena combat: RvB. I will concede it would be best if an arena came out of player interaction and not in-game mechanics, but providing the latter for one could potentially attract players who right now spend most of their time in HS (which is the majority of the playerbase). The reason I believe this is because it would be a controlled environment where people could more comfortably take a stab at PvP without getting overwhelmed and with the promise of a reward if they win.

Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Too Cool To Kill
#52 - 2017-06-17 17:13:27 UTC
This should be done by players as a pirate type of cage fighting by setting up warp bubbles in chain together two fly in or team one leaves wins his prize of a crap load of isk. This would be a type of pirate pit fighting that players could gamble on and win isk.. Place your bet take your odds win or lose. The problem is I don't know how you would be able to setup the biding pros as. I bet people would love to show up and watch these fights maybe pick there prize fighters and place a bet. Pirate

It would be real black market crime so buyer beware, you got to trust it..

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