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CSM Update: Second Meeting with CCP Zulu on Friday 09-16

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Dex Ironmind
#21 - 2011-09-17 02:41:48 UTC
Interested to read the dev blog when it is published. Even more interested to provide some feedback if it is moving in the direction I think it might.

Let me ask this... which perhaps will not infringe NDA ... will it be obvious which you guys did like and which you did not like and were you fairly united in those likes and dislikes?

Dex was here. Cool
Perimeter Provisions
#22 - 2011-09-17 02:51:25 UTC
Dex Ironmind wrote:
Interested to read the dev blog when it is published. Even more interested to provide some feedback if it is moving in the direction I think it might.

Let me ask this... which perhaps will not infringe NDA ... will it be obvious which you guys did like and which you did not like and were you fairly united in those likes and dislikes?

Dex was here. Cool

this is actually somethign i would love to know as well.
Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#23 - 2011-09-17 03:00:43 UTC
Obsidian Hawk wrote:
If the CSM has concerns about some things, then i have concerns.

But as stated earlier as long as vanity only is in nex store i am happy.

Our concerns were not micro-transaction related.

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Two step
Aperture Harmonics
#24 - 2011-09-17 03:03:00 UTC
Dex Ironmind wrote:
Let me ask this... which perhaps will not infringe NDA ... will it be obvious which you guys did like and which you did not like and were you fairly united in those likes and dislikes?

Some of the stuff should be obvious, and some of the stuff probably won't be. We haven't seen the dev blog yet though, so I might be totally wrong... :)

CSM 7 Secretary CSM 6 Alternate Delegate @two_step_eve on Twitter My Blog

Toni Kaye
#25 - 2011-09-17 03:08:09 UTC
Ignoring the prattle from morons, I personally appreciate the CSM also taking the time to keep us informed -as best they can.

With CCP stepping up to the plate on the forums and the CSM now as well, it augers well for the future.

Constructive > Destructive. Always will be.

PS: I still hate you Mittens. Next time, use my first name when you wake me up in the morning! X

[i]Your secret is safe with me.  Love Toni ♥♥♥ HQ Escort Services.[/i]

Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#26 - 2011-09-17 04:09:38 UTC
Pro tip for you all CSM:


At least give it to someone with at least a meager ability in communication, or else we'll have the same cluster-**** "my $1000 jeans" all over again....

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2011-09-17 11:14:02 UTC
Pax Infinitas wrote:
That being said, if the further communication from Zulu is, "We've heard your concerns, but :18 months: and :monocle:," CSM will probably go back to being forum whipping boys. But, you signed up for that bit. Big smile

Indeed… Latent Masochism V does seem to be a pre-requisite for CSM.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

#28 - 2011-09-17 11:22:01 UTC
talking is cheap nothing done so fare
Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#29 - 2011-09-17 12:13:43 UTC
Desert Ice78 wrote:
Pro tip for you all CSM:


At least give it to someone with at least a meager ability in communication, or else we'll have the same cluster-**** "my $1000 jeans" all over again....

We should let CCP Nozh write it then, amirite?

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Kitty McKitty
In Praise Of Shadows
#30 - 2011-09-17 12:20:07 UTC
I look forwards to reading the minutes in 3 months time and maybe seeing some changes in game in 2014.

Haviing your portrait painted here helps INTAKI Disabled Children ♥

Mr LaForge
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#31 - 2011-09-17 13:22:31 UTC
Communication? In my Eve?

Stuff Goes here

AFKCloaked AltSpy
#32 - 2011-09-17 13:53:27 UTC  |  Edited by: AFKCloaked AltSpy
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
The CSM met with EVE Senior Producer Zulu for a second time to discuss the current issues confronting EVE Online. We got more details of CCP's plans to address community concerns, some of which we agree with, and some of which concerns us. However, no final decisions have been made at this point.

CCP Zulu intends to publish a devblog next week to outline CCP's plans and solicit feedback from the community.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

This is a time when we quote the **** out of Hilmar, actions words blah blah blah.

So far CCP is losing the war on communication.
the plague
Anthraxus Defense Laboratories
#33 - 2011-09-17 13:53:28 UTC  |  Edited by: the plague
CSM Update 1:

A meeting with CCP representatives took place today. We can't reveal the results of the meeting or even what was talked about, but there's cause for optimism since a follow up meeting has been scheduled. An update on that will follow as soon as we know more.

CSM Update 2:

Today's meeting was a mixture of good and bad, and was mostly positive with only about half being negative. Various people attended while various others were not able to make it. We were able to discuss some of the issues of concern, and everyone in attendance agreed we had in fact discussed those issues. At this time the CSM is unable to discuss what we discussed or why we discussed it, however, the CSM members are united in our belief that discussions did occur and there's at least some chance we will be able to freely discuss what was discussed as soon as CCP permits us to reveal that information. The meeting ended on a very positive note and a third meeting was scheduled for tomorrow.

CSM Update 3:

While the substance of today's meeting must remain confidential for obvious reasons, real progress was made toward an unspecified goal. Rest assured, some of your concerns were raised, and while no final decisions were made and no roadmap is available at this time, we're optimistic that this will happen soon. An additional meeting has been scheduled for the end of the month to give all involved parties time to consider these unspecified issues.

CSM Update 4:

Due to NDA restrictions the CSM is currently unable to reveal whether or not this meeting took place or if anyone attended. However, the CSM has scheduled its own meeting to discuss internally some portion of the issues that were previously discussed.

CSM Update 5:

At CCP's request the CSM has agreed to review an edited version of the minutes from the previous meeting, which may or may not have taken place. CCP has informed us that a dev blog will be posted some time between next week and next year explaining what this meeting was about, if in fact it did occur. Unfortunately, at this time the CSM is unable to confirm whether or not such a meeting actually took place due to NDA restrictions. More to follow.

CSM Update 6:

The CSM is pleased to finally be able to announce that some portion of the fixes that were included three patches ago were part of what was discussed in meeting number 1. We feel confident this is the most productive CSM ever and marks a turning point in CCP's relationship with the CSM and the EVE Online community. Be sure to vote for us in the upcoming election to help ensure that we can continue this important work.
AFKCloaked AltSpy
#34 - 2011-09-17 13:56:09 UTC
^^ You win the internet good sir. GG.
Large Collidable Object
#35 - 2011-09-17 15:58:59 UTC
Toni Kaye wrote:
Ignoring the prattle from morons, I personally appreciate the CSM also taking the time to keep us informed -as best they can.

With CCP stepping up to the plate on the forums and the CSM now as well, it augers well for the future.

Constructive > Destructive. Always will be.

As a matter of fact I was bumping the thread, lamenting the overly tight NDA rules and lauding the CSM for their activity all in one short eve-related meme.

Sigh - guess my scintillant wittiness escaped you there...
You know... [morons.](
#36 - 2011-09-17 16:13:39 UTC
Seleene wrote:
Desert Ice78 wrote:
Pro tip for you all CSM:


At least give it to someone with at least a meager ability in communication, or else we'll have the same cluster-**** "my $1000 jeans" all over again....

We should let CCP Nozh write it then, amirite?

I'm like 98% sure that Nozh is a dev troll alt they use when they don't want to get their tires slashed. Because that turd-pants sure as hell better not be real. I'd say the same thing about Greyscale, but I'm pretty sure he really is taking cash bribes from certain alliances to develop 0.0 to sustain their RMT empires.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

The Red Pill Taker Group
#37 - 2011-09-17 16:15:07 UTC
So just to confirm: the CSM have had some meetings about arranging meetings to discuss how the discussions of those meetings might be (at some undefined point in the future be communicated) to the player base so we, the players, can be better informed regarding how CCP plans (without commitment) to better manage its meeting schedule for planning meetings?

I am also correct in understanding that during this meeting process it has been generally agreed by the parties therein that a "dev blog" describing how CCP met with the CSM to discuss meeting again and that we might hear in the future that a possible meeting date has been arranged subject to the agreement of all parties and in accordance with United Nations mandate 100201B/9 and assuming the astrological alignment of the moons of Jupiter on the second Thursday of the third month providing Scorpio is in the ascendency?

Did I miss anything?


#38 - 2011-09-17 17:04:46 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
and some of which concerns us. However, no final decisions have been made at this point.

CCP Zulu intends to publish a devblog next week to outline CCP's plans and solicit feedback from the community.

Oh **** Shocked I know this distrurbs me somewhat, have CCP not learned anything, but I am jumping the gun a bit. Guess we will see a threadnaught once the Blog is delivered.
Cyprus Black
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#39 - 2011-09-17 17:05:43 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
CCP Zulu intends to publish a devblog next week to outline CCP's plans and solicit feedback from the community.
Well, whatever remains of the community at least.

A lot of players walked (including myself) due to frustration. CCP upper management no longer listens to words. Seems the only way to get them to notice is to hit their wallet, one subscription cancellation at a time.

Summary of EvEs last four expansions:

St Mio
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#40 - 2011-09-17 17:15:24 UTC
Thank you CSM :)
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