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51b in drone poo from 1 site?

Because ISK
#1 - 2017-06-14 15:52:10 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton
#2 - 2017-06-14 16:01:15 UTC
yay blatant killboard manipulation

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Because ISK
#3 - 2017-06-14 16:22:52 UTC
Maybe you just haven't seen the drone sites, but that's not manipulated. That's what's dropping.
Chainsaw Plankton
#4 - 2017-06-14 16:37:08 UTC
yes that is what's dropping from the sites, and as a result the skin prices have dropped to a few mil each. However the prices haven't adjusted on the KB so the km looks far shiner than it actually is. I'd guess real value of assets lost to be ~50mil rather than however many billion the KM said.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#5 - 2017-06-14 18:30:59 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Uthgaard wrote:
Maybe you just haven't seen the drone sites, but that's not manipulated. That's what's dropping.

Do you not understand that those price estimates are based on values from before those items were being dropped as loot?

They're not actually worth anything now - that's why people are blowing them up to manipulate their KBs. The price estimate algorithm says it's worth 51B. The market says it's worth peanuts.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Because ISK
#6 - 2017-06-15 08:36:49 UTC
Do you not understand the long-term consequences of trashing the value of the items overnight?
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#7 - 2017-06-15 13:22:13 UTC
Oh, good. Now that you finally understand, you're pivoting to a different flavor of whine in an effort to avoid having been wrong in the first place. Roll

There's little long-term consequence to trashing the value of some unpopular vanity items overnight. A few traders who were sitting on some of them may have gotten burned, which I'm sure is very sad for them and will not stop the world from spinning on its axis.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Because ISK
#8 - 2017-06-15 17:02:58 UTC
You can drop the condescension because I've written more original depth on the topic in the past 24 hours than you've ever had in your entire life.
Chainsaw Plankton
#9 - 2017-06-15 17:26:24 UTC
Uthgaard wrote:
Do you not understand the long-term consequences of trashing the value of the items overnight?

over priced skins that didn't sell well were already not worth a whole lot. Sure you might find a collector to massively over pay but that doesn't really scream value to me. Not to mention the game play value is zero for cosmetics.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

guigui lechat
the no fock given
#10 - 2017-06-17 13:48:59 UTC
Uthgaard wrote:
You can drop the condescension because I've written more original depth on the topic in the past 24 hours than you've ever had in your entire life.

original doesnt mean it's of any interest. You misunderstood an algorithm and now you say this was "depth" ?
The truth is : you failed. Period, stop insulting people who correct you.
#11 - 2017-06-19 22:57:47 UTC
What is "original depth?" No really.

"Measure Twice, Cut Once."

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#12 - 2017-06-19 23:55:17 UTC
price estimation still isn't fixed, picked up a widow skin that said est was 900m, on the market it was like 1-2mil

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#13 - 2017-06-20 00:35:14 UTC
To the extent that there ever was a problem, it was fixed two days ago.