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Intergalactic Summit

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Hello dears. Let's have a chat, shall we?

James Syagrius
Luminaire Sovereign Solutions
#41 - 2017-05-24 23:15:10 UTC
Well, the Dread Lady herself.

My day just improved.
TK Corp
#42 - 2017-05-24 23:39:49 UTC
That's not very nice, coming from a Gallente. We've all seen how fat your dreads are.

I think she's more like a Nidhoggur or an Archon, all svelte and sleek, not potato-shaped like a Moros.

Honestly, James, that's just rude.
Gaven Lok'ri
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#43 - 2017-05-25 00:34:52 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Deitra Vess wrote:
... looks like pie has their work cut out for them.


PIE is a shadow of their former selves, except for a few old die-hards still carrying what remains of their flame. The only work PIE should be doing is to stop that ridiculous border skirmish they've been wasting time with for the last six or seven years. Maybe go on a few old-fashioned crusades instead?

We need to Make PIE Great Again! I should sell a hat.

It sounds to me like someone is envious at our continued success.

Admiral of the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris

Divine Commodore 24th Imperial Crusade

Holder. Vassal of the Emperor Family

James Syagrius
Luminaire Sovereign Solutions
#44 - 2017-05-25 02:02:15 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
That's not very nice, coming from a Gallente. We've all seen how fat your dreads are.

I think she's more like a Nidhoggur or an Archon, all svelte and sleek, not potato-shaped like a Moros.

Honestly, James, that's just rude.
Now now, the Moros is... shapely. You know despite rumor you have an excellent sense of humor, though I fear at heart you are a trouble maker.

I would imagine she 'the Lady herself', will understand my sentiment.

One meets some interesting people in trade.

A few more 'revivals' and New Eden will be an interesting place once again.
Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#45 - 2017-05-25 05:51:34 UTC
Gaven Lok'ri wrote:
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Deitra Vess wrote:
... looks like pie has their work cut out for them.


PIE is a shadow of their former selves, except for a few old die-hards still carrying what remains of their flame. The only work PIE should be doing is to stop that ridiculous border skirmish they've been wasting time with for the last six or seven years. Maybe go on a few old-fashioned crusades instead?

We need to Make PIE Great Again! I should sell a hat.

It sounds to me like someone is envious at our continued success.

Whatever happened to those Crusades then? The most I have seen PIE field recently is three ships at once.

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Mizhara Del'thul
#46 - 2017-05-25 07:42:14 UTC
From what I can tell, one at a time seems sufficient for their current task.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#47 - 2017-05-25 07:57:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Elsebeth Rhiannon
Casserina Leshrac wrote:
Whatever happened to those Crusades then? The most I have seen PIE field recently is three ships at once.

Well, judging from killboard intel the most they need to kill you is one.

Also for me and mine, in space, it looks like they seem to wield what is necessary for their chosen task. Which, while you can criticize the choice itself, is sensible.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#48 - 2017-05-25 07:58:37 UTC
Wait, I just defended PIE Inc on the IGS?
Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#49 - 2017-05-25 09:28:06 UTC
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Wait, I just defended PIE Inc on the IGS?

The journey to becoming Reclaimed starts with a single step.

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#50 - 2017-05-25 09:39:46 UTC
It is nice to have a Sabik that is not all talk, I vaguely remember Khanid Provincial Vanguard fighting in Querious years ago, I don't really remember how you got from there to here, but presumably, you know what you are doing, and in this community there are far more talkers than doers.
Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#51 - 2017-05-25 10:35:48 UTC
Silas Vitalia
#52 - 2017-05-25 12:07:11 UTC
ValentinaDLM wrote:
It is nice to have a Sabik that is not all talk, I vaguely remember Khanid Provincial Vanguard fighting in Querious years ago, I don't really remember how you got from there to here, but presumably, you know what you are doing, and in this community there are far more talkers than doers.

Good memory, that was... about 6 years ago I believe? We held a few systems in Querious in those days for the Kingdom (another lifetime ago..), but if I recall it right, you all sold our friends out to PL and we all got rolled all the way back to lowsec. Something like that, yes? Such goes null life.

I still remember losing the A-2 station. Much blood for those left to defend as we pulled out.

The intervening years were much more interesting.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Gaven Lok'ri
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#53 - 2017-05-25 12:13:39 UTC
Casserina Leshrac wrote:
Gaven Lok'ri wrote:
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Deitra Vess wrote:
... looks like pie has their work cut out for them.


PIE is a shadow of their former selves, except for a few old die-hards still carrying what remains of their flame. The only work PIE should be doing is to stop that ridiculous border skirmish they've been wasting time with for the last six or seven years. Maybe go on a few old-fashioned crusades instead?

We need to Make PIE Great Again! I should sell a hat.

It sounds to me like someone is envious at our continued success.

Whatever happened to those Crusades then? The most I have seen PIE field recently is three ships at once.

I think you might be mistaking putting on a good parade for effectiveness.

Admiral of the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris

Divine Commodore 24th Imperial Crusade

Holder. Vassal of the Emperor Family

Silas Vitalia
#54 - 2017-05-25 12:28:19 UTC
Gaven Lok'ri wrote:

I think you might be mistaking putting on a good parade for effectiveness.

That's rich, it's usually PIE mistaking putting masturbatory congratulation parades in high sec for fielding those same ships on-field where they can get the paint scratched.

Good to be back I've missed some of this verbal repartee.

Let's stick to subject though, give me some good gossip or good cut-throat capsuleer groups to investigate membership.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Silas Vitalia
#55 - 2017-05-25 12:49:10 UTC
James Syagrius wrote:
Well, the Dread Lady herself.

My day just improved.

So very good to see you still among us.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

TK Corp
#56 - 2017-05-25 13:03:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Arrendis
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Let's stick to subject though, give me some good gossip or good cut-throat capsuleer groups to investigate membership.

Depends on the scale and style of throat-cutting you're looking for. If you're looking for small groups, I really haven't paid much attention to them (see my original post). If you want something larger, then we get back into the gradations of flavor and style.

If a go wherever you want, generally nomadic lifestyle of shooting pretty much anyone for reasons ranging from 'we're getting paid to' to 'I thought it'd be funny' is your thing, then the apex of that is Pandemic Legion.

If you decide to go that route, you'll probably want to start off by looking into their competent, active, and fairly baller feeder alliance, Waffles. Good guys, who know how to leave a bloody swath behind them while still having a good time. They're also generally pretty good at keeping the violence on a level and style that shows respect for their opponents, and earns it in kind.

If you're looking for something in a more dedicated 'I don't care what your fight is about, I want good organization, a professional atmosphere, capable pilots, and comms that don't make me want to kill myself' vein, I'd suggest Mercenary Coalition. They're solid and capable, and punch above their weight pretty well. They're also not afraid to lose assets in pursuit of a strategic objective, when necessary.

For a slightly more semi-sedentary group that is as balls-to-the-wall as anyone in New Eden, The Initiative. They're currently in Querious, but Sister Bliss is a damned murder machine. Smart, innovative, and capable. They also enjoy going semi-nomadic, and don't tend to really get 'attached' to any particular space—and again, tend to punch above their weight. INIT and MC both seem to enjoy fighting heavily outnumbered, and both win at it more often than not.

If you want to be able to move seamlessly between going out and killing people 2-3 times a day and making obscene amounts of money (provided you put the work in, obviously), well, "Farmafleet is recruiting". While Goonswarm and the Imperium don't tend to go throwing our entire war machine into every fray we can, SIGS, or Special Interest Groups, like Space Violence and Hole Squad make a habit of being bloodthirsty bastards all over the damned place. There are rumors of specialized Imperium forces dedicated to extended operations within enemy space, but I have it on good authority that any SIG of that nature does not exist, and is merely rumors and gossip intended to scare ratters and miners before bed.

There's more out there, of course, but that's my 0.02 ISK.

James Syagrius wrote:
You know despite rumor you have an excellent sense of humor, though I fear at heart you are a trouble maker.

I'm really just more of a general 'joker', but most people don't seem to get the joke.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#57 - 2017-05-25 13:06:23 UTC
Casserina Leshrac wrote:

Whatever happened to those Crusades then? The most I have seen PIE field recently is three ships at once.

Pretty sure this morning we fought more than 3 of them, didn't go well since we got greedy with a doctrine not designed for the tactics we used but ya there were more than 3 active though they came late to the fight. They probably only send 3 to you. Try going to them.
Silas Vitalia
#58 - 2017-05-25 13:10:20 UTC
Arrendis wrote:

There's more out there, of course, but that's my 0.02 ISK.

That is indeed an excellent list and description, and a few names I was also looking into. You have my thanks for being so helpful. Will be remembered.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

TK Corp
#59 - 2017-05-25 13:41:31 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
That is indeed an excellent list and description, and a few names I was also looking into. You have my thanks for being so helpful. Will be remembered.

My pleasure. One note about Init: their size and location at this point puts them as the de facto 800-lb gorilla in the Querious Fight Club (though I don't know if they're actually members, given their membership in the Imperium proper). The QFC is basically exactly what it sounds like, with groups encouraged to move in to keep their pilots sharp, make use of their systems, etc... just not allowed to evict one another. Kind of like 'living in null-sec with training wheels', in a way.

Or, I guess, almost like if Provibloc was a fractious bunch of maniacs who shot each other as often as they... huh... HMmmmm.
Gaven Lok'ri
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#60 - 2017-05-25 14:25:11 UTC
Silas Vitalia wrote:
Gaven Lok'ri wrote:

I think you might be mistaking putting on a good parade for effectiveness.

That's rich, it's usually PIE mistaking putting masturbatory congratulation parades in high sec for fielding those same ships on-field where they can get the paint scratched.

Good to be back I've missed some of this verbal repartee.

Let's stick to subject though, give me some good gossip or good cut-throat capsuleer groups to investigate membership.

Yes, you do need to catch up, given that your insults are impressively out of date.

On a more gossipy note, Admiral Newelle got elevated to Holder by House Sarum for service in the Succession Trial. This means that Aldrith is now a Lord Consort.

Admiral of the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris

Divine Commodore 24th Imperial Crusade

Holder. Vassal of the Emperor Family