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WTB Service - Java & Netbeans IDE & MySQL experienced programmer to fix up a project, 5 bil reward

Dennmoth Ferdier
Zero Gravity Productions
#1 - 2012-01-23 15:10:38 UTC
Title says much, but here's more details.

I have a java project that has been built using Netbeans IDE 6.9.1. It's a 2 part application, where the other part is an applet and the other part is a desktop application.

Applet works as a combobox form, that fetches the choices it contains from a database. After the user has made the product choices going through the comboboxes, he can submit the form, which saves the made list of choices in to another table in the database.

The desktop application fetches these made choices. The user of the desktop application can then see what has been submitted through the applet and in turn make changes, add more data and write the edited data back in to yet another table in the database.

It's quite rather simple, cept I managed to brake it, and I seem to lack the proficiency to fix the problem. The problem has to do with reference.xml.

For the person, who will take upon himself these files and manages to fix, and finalize the project as agreed in later conversation, will receive 5 billion isk.

This should be work of no more than a couple hours for a person who has experience in java, netbeans and database connections.
Dennmoth Ferdier
Zero Gravity Productions
#2 - 2012-01-23 19:23:41 UTC
Still searching.
Aine Ni
#3 - 2012-01-24 09:17:25 UTC
and you might have found - I could sure that a look at it - work with all those everyday at work - but I cannot say for sure I can fix it Smile