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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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✩Null-sec Corp✩ ✩Now Accepting Apps✩

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2017-05-05 21:29:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Konnvict
✩ Kontained Chaos ✩

Kontained Chaos is a Null-sec Corporation
Proudly Member Directed & Oriented.

We are seeking both experienced PvP Pilots and those serious about learning PvP/Null-sec Sov Warfare.

We currently offer:
✔Family Friendly Alliance
✔Max Rorqual boosts
✔Ship Replacement Program
✔Multiple offices to base your operations.
✔Experienced leadership
✔Null-sec training provided
✔PvP Gatecamps/Roams
✔A friendly & helpful community
✔Corp website providing multiple features.
✔TS3 & Mumble Voice Comms
✔Member-directed & oriented (via polls)
✔Corp Buyback Program
✔Corp Rewards Program
✔Alts accepted
& so much more!!!

We Expect:
□ Full API
□ Alliance & Coalition Registration
□ Group Participation
□ Voting and Feedback
□ Green Killboard
□ Mature Attitude

Currently Accepting Pilots for:
❂ Indy
❂ PvP
❂ PvE
❂ Exploration

For more information join our public chat channel in-game at "KT-CS Public"
Visit our Corp Website at
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2 - 2017-05-07 13:50:33 UTC
Been here a while now, great guys,tolerate most kinds of madness. AU,EU & US all welcome
Priory Of The Lemon
Brave Collective
#3 - 2017-05-10 01:47:33 UTC
So I'll tell a tale,

A long long time ago I was in a corporation filled with great people, friends and family. As time went by our lives had changed, and I was deployed on 2 back to back deployments with the military. When I had come back to eve I found myself in a corporation alone. I started my quest to find a new home but things were looking poorly. On the verge of quitting I decided to give one more shot at finding the right fit, a new family. Searching the forums I stumbled across kontained chaos (had a cool corp name). So I applied. This corporation brought me much happiness and revitalized my ambitions in eve. Full of friendly people, ones that can be assumed as family.

Everyone in the team has their purpose to play, but all will help you achieve your goals.
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#4 - 2017-05-11 01:43:12 UTC
I've had the fortunate luck of being in this corporation for the last eight months. This corporation contains a good group of people who are interested in working together and helping people learn the game. I welcome any interested parties to join our public chat to learn more about us.
Zevish Wulf
Order Collective
Order Collective Alliance
#5 - 2017-05-11 21:17:29 UTC
I was a high sec carebear, playing off and on for years. I joined the corp about 7 months ago. I had never been to null sec before and wasn't sure about how successful my transition from high sec would go. I didn't need to worry. Since joining Kontained Chaos I've been learning PVP, I've tried my hand at exploration, I've flown in alliance fleets and had more fun in the last few months than ever before in EVE. The corp provides a great support system and everyone is willing to lend a hand whether it's with resources, questions, or just general assistance.
Gregarious Games Mechanized Federation
Solyaris Chtonium
#6 - 2017-05-13 21:58:30 UTC
Highly organized with active leadership who have done an amazing job of allowing members of the corp to have access to all of the best aspects of the null sec experience, both pvp and pve. That giant list of check marks you see at the top of this thread are accurate. If you are interested in join a nullsec corp that is part of a relevant alliance and a medium/small group atmosphere, definitely consider applying here.
Curant Thanger
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2017-05-16 23:48:46 UTC
My experience here has been great, fun people, very active EU/US tz, less familiar with AU tz. Leaders are fun, and the community is really helpful when you need it also. Great destination for new and old players, expect to participate in PVP, but don't worry about losing your krabbing time.
Order Collective
Order Collective Alliance
#8 - 2017-05-16 23:52:15 UTC
This has been the best time I have had in null. They have always been helpful when i needed it. Always something to do here.
Michael Crusher
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2017-05-16 23:55:55 UTC
Well...where do I begin... I suppose my adventure begins when my original corp left me stranded in Null security after only a 2 day notice back in June. I didn't know what to do. Everyone except the ones stranded with me stayed in corp, and I was panicking about what I was going to do. Luckily, Konnvict sent me a private message saying that he would take in all refugees from Project Forge who wished to join Kontained. A few of my old corp mates joined up with Kontained, so I wasn't in a totally new environment, but it gave me a sense of security, knowing that someone was looking out for us when our other corp just left us to flounder. Since that fateful day in June, I've been with the corporation for almost 11 months at the time of writing this...and I can't complain really. We're part of a major alliance, we have our own sov, we run fleets all the time, we're part of the GotG coalition....

Being in this corporation has given me many opportunities that I wouldn't have had if I had gone back to High security space...I was involved in the fight to take down the first Keepstar, I helped kill the first Vendetta super-carrier (even if it was just a scratch). I've gotten to FC fleets, kill lots of things, die a lot, make new friends, reconnect with old ones...The list goes on. I've had so many great experiences, and I hope to have even more as I continue to stay in this corporation. If you're a new-bro to null security, or an old bitter vet that needs a home, we'll take you in and nurture you into the best pilot in the universe. We have a great team here. The leadership is online at least 3 times a week, and we have basically free reign on what we want to do in our pocket of space. Just don't shoot blues... *whistles innocently* I hope to see you guys here in KT-CS!

~ Michael Crusher
Reaper infliction
Nova Hack
#10 - 2017-05-20 01:10:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaper infliction
good corp, good ppl, good isk, good space, good pew, what more do you need :)
Eddie Miner
Watson Industry
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2017-05-22 20:20:19 UTC
Been with these guys pretty much since popping my null-sec cherry. Good group of level headed guys. Always have a good time with the "brotherly love" style of giving each other ****. More or less drama free fun.

Come fly with us!
The MightySword
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2017-05-26 19:23:22 UTC
Well what can i say - I left Eve online in 2015 for a break, came back and hopped a few corps until i found KONTAINED CHAOS. I have been flying with these guys since April 2016 and i have to say its been the best time i have had in EVE since i joined in 2009.

Great guys to fly with, Great guys if you need help, Great leadership structure, Great space, Great Alliance and awesome times to be had whether its PVE or PVP there is plenty of both.

So in the words of PermaBand - Come Fly with Us
Senious Khamsi
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2017-05-31 01:03:28 UTC
Hey need to come fly with us. Why, because its frekin awesome. Been here for a over a year, get to run as many fleets as I want, good space, good people. Its worth a chat. Just don't make fun of Kon he can get a bit sensitive. Just kidding! you should definitely make fun of him

Swing by public for chat

Nessa Von Hess
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#14 - 2017-06-01 17:34:16 UTC
was in corp for over 6 months,very welcoming,very friendly,cant really fault these guys

gl in the future to all in kontained chaos
Maximus Desimus
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2017-06-01 17:40:38 UTC
Well I started off playing this game along time ago, took some time away from the game and came back to see how it has changed joined a corp in which Konvict was a part of and he left to start off on his own and begin a new corp which I decided to go with and help. This is a fun corp, love being here, always stuff going on great bunch of people to hang with. So if you want good fun, great time playing then join Kontained Chaos. Peace out!!!!!!
KarmaFleet University
#16 - 2017-06-14 02:22:46 UTC
Used to live in a very unstable(always moving to another section of null) area. Moved in with this corp about 2 months back and have had great mining/pve and of course tons of pvp options. Have many pvp fleets going out everyday with great FC's. If your looking for a group of good, helpful, friendly pilots, and a place where you can pretty much do all facets of null sec life this is the place for you.